Averna Delarosa Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Averna Delarosa

High Priestess

Averna Delarosa serves as the High Priestess of the Conservatory of Lirr in the bustling city of Verbobonc. Renowned for her profound dedication to the arts and literature, she is a celebrated figure among the Oeridian Oerid people, embodying the virtues and teachings of Lirr, the goddess of Prose, Poetry, Literature, and Art. Averna’s life has been a journey of artistic exploration and spiritual leadership, marked by her unwavering commitment to fostering creativity and preserving cultural heritage.


  • Appearance: Averna is an elegant Oeridian woman with expressive dark blue eyes and long, flowing auburn hair that cascades over her shoulders. She is often attired in flowing robes of deep blue and silver, adorned with intricate patterns that symbolize poetic verses and artistic motifs.
  • Demeanor: Known for her charismatic and inspiring presence, Averna exudes a calm confidence. Her voice, both soothing and authoritative, draws people into her recitations and teachings.


  • Allies: Averna maintains strong ties with other cultural and educational institutions across the Flanaess, including the Silver Consortium. Her collaborations often involve cross-disciplinary projects that highlight the interconnectedness of all forms of art.
  • Mentorship: She is a mentor to many aspiring poets and artists, providing guidance and nurturing their talents through the rigorous academic and spiritual curricula of the Conservatory.
  • Collaboration with Jylee: Averna has developed a unique partnership with Jylee, the proprietor of C3 Jylee’s Inn. Their collaboration often sees the inn hosting various artistic events and poetry readings organized by the Conservatory. This symbiotic relationship helps bridge the gap between the artistic community and the general public, enriching the cultural life of Verbobonc and drawing patrons who appreciate the arts to Jylee's establishment.


  • Preservation and Innovation: Driven by a passion to both preserve the classic works of Oeridian Oerid literature and to foster new artistic expressions, Averna’s leadership focuses on expanding the conservatory’s archives and enhancing its educational offerings.
  • Spiritual and Cultural Enrichment: Believing deeply in the transformative power of art, Averna advocates for the role of creativity in personal and communal well-being, making art accessible to a broader segment of society.

Notable People and Influence

  • Community Influence: Averna’s influence extends beyond the conservatory; she is a key cultural figure in Verbobonc, often involved in city festivals and public readings that celebrate Oeridian heritage.
  • Disciples: Many of her former students have gone on to become prominent bards and artists across the realm, spreading the teachings of Lirr and enriching the cultural landscape of the Flanaess.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Curator of Arts: As the high priestess, Averna oversees the vast collections of artistic works housed within the Conservatory, ensuring their preservation and studying their historical contexts.
  • Educator and Spiritual Leader: She leads by example, teaching not only the techniques of artistic creation but also the spiritual depths within the arts, aligning closely with Lirr’s dogmas of inspiration and expression.
Averna Delarosa
  • High Priest of Lirr
  • Cleric level 9
Chaotic good
Current Location
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Artistry is the truest form of prayer."
"Let creativity flow like the verses of a timeless poem."
Ruled Locations
Holy Symbol of LIrr by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Averna Delarosa by 3orcs


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