C3 Jylee’s Inn Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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C3 Jylee’s Inn

Jylee's Inn is a well-appointed hostelry that caters to the nobility and wealthy merchants and one of the finest in Verbobonc. It caters to the famous. Located next to the C2 City Hall , it attracts mostly higher-classed customers. The three-story inn is a paragon of luxury at a reasonable price.   Jylee's Inn is a beautifully maintained building of stone and wood construction near the East gate. The stonework has been lovingly whitewashed and the wood trim is painted and in excellent repair. It raises some three stories above the wide road and is screened from the dust and noise by a line of topiary plum trees. Along the peak of the Inn's roof five banners flutter bravely in the morning breeze.   As you enter the tavern through the thick, metal door, you're welcomed by excitement and amazing, but unknown scents. It's as alluring inside as it is on the outside. Squared, wooden beams support the upper floor and the lanterns attached to them. The walls are full of paintings, all in a different style, but all of the surrounding area.   One need not examine the intricate filigree of the silver candlesticks lighting the entrance to this inn, nor touch the cushioning of the plush velvet upholstery adorning the many overstuffed seats within. No, you are quite aware of the extravagance, and the probable cost of staying in such an establishment. The eyes of the uniformed staff and well-dressed guests critically judge you by the dust of the road on your boots and clothing.   The inn itself is packed. Nobles and rich merchants seem to be the primary clientele here, which is probably the best clientele for the owner. Several long tables are occupied by, what looks like nobles, lone travelers and anybody else who enjoys great company. The other, smaller tables are also occupied by rich merchants entertaining and in discussion. Even most of the stools at the bar are occupied, though nobody seems to mind more company.   You did hear rumors about this tavern, supposedly it's famous for something, the visiting nobility, but you can't remember what for. Though judging by the laughter, cheering and overall enjoyment of everybody, it's probably the people themselves who make this tavern famous. You manage to find a seat and prepare for what will undoubtedly be a great evening.

A Luxury Retreat in Verbobonc

Jylee's Inn, strategically located near the City Hall and the bustling Civic Center of Verbobonc, stands as a pinnacle of luxury and comfort within the city. Known for its exquisite architecture and superior service, the inn caters to nobility, high-ranking officials, and affluent merchants, making it a notable venue for both relaxation and strategic meetings.
  • Prime Location: Situated next to the City Hall, the inn benefits from its proximity to the heart of city governance and commerce, attracting an elite clientele.
  • Lavish Accommodations: Known for its luxurious settings and reasonable pricing, Jylee's Inn offers an unmatched hospitality experience in Verbobonc.


The inn's architecture and interior design reflect its commitment to luxury and comfort, making it a favored destination for the city's elite.
  • Architectural Elegance: Constructed from whitewashed stone with meticulously maintained wood trim, the inn's three stories are adorned with fluttering banners and screened by topiary plum trees.
  • Opulent Interiors: Inside, guests are greeted with silver candlesticks, plush velvet upholstery, and an overall decor that speaks to the inn's grandeur.


Since its acquisition by Jylee of Dyvers, the inn has seen significant transformations, quickly becoming a hotspot for wealthy and influential figures.
  • Recent Acquisition: Jylee of Dyvers took over the inn six months ago, implementing strategic price cuts to attract a broader range of affluent guests.
  • Historic Success: The inn's history of excellence is bolstered by its current popularity, rarely seeing a vacant room due to its strategic pricing and luxurious offerings.

Politics and Relationships

Jylee's Inn is more than just a place of lodging; it serves as a subtle ground for political and social maneuvering among the city's elite.
  • Nexus of Influence: The proximity to City Hall makes it a prime location for informal political gatherings and discreet negotiations.
  • Elite Clientele: Regular patrons include members of the Chamber of 13, influential merchants, and nobility, all of whom find the inn's environment conducive to business and leisure.

Notable People

Jylee's strategic management has placed the inn at the forefront of Verbobonc's social scene.
  • Jylee of Dyvers: The visionary Suloise Suel owner who has successfully repositioned the inn as a luxury yet accessible retreat for the city's influential figures.

Goods and Services

The inn offers a range of high-end services and amenities that cater exclusively to its distinguished guests.
  • Luxury Accommodations: Rooms are equipped with lavish furnishings, including silk sheets and goosedown pillows, with each suite offering scenic views of the city.
  • Gourmet Cuisine: The dining room serves exquisite meals prepared by top chefs, with a menu that highlights local and exotic flavors.


Despite its luxurious offerings, Jylee's Inn maintains a competitive pricing strategy to attract a diverse upscale clientele.
  • Affordable Luxury: Room and meal prices are set at 75% of the typical list price, ensuring accessibility without compromising on quality.

Guest Room

This large suite, fragrant with lilac and lavender, is furnished elegantly, with a large four-post bed laden with goosedown pillows and silk sheets. A pair of comfortable, high-backed chairs dominate one corner of the room, flanking the smoldering hearth that warms the space. Upon a small desk along one wall, a brass basin of perfumed water and clean towels await anyone who wishes to wash the stink of the day away. In a large armoire, towels and extra blankets.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type 
Jylee's Inn by 3orcs
"Hospitality is the heart's truest expression."
Good Meals
Jylee by 3orcs
Jylee owner of Jylee's Inn
  • Class: Un-disclosed class, 10th level
  • Race: Suloise Suel
  • Str 12, Con 10, Dex 10, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 15
  • Wench: Elke Rothman
Parent Location
Private Dining Suite by 3orcs
You stride towards the inn, the rhythmic clack of your boots on the cobblestones marking your passage. At the entrance, a thin doorman clad in a yellow tunic emblazoned with the Jylee crest halts you with a nasal tone that's hard to miss. "What business brings you to our esteemed inn?" he inquires, eyebrow cocked in expectation of your answer. Upon hearing that you wish to dine or take a room, he will look at you with an appraising eye. The doorman scrutinizes you, then hollers over his shoulder, "Oi! Escort these folks to Lady Elinor's audience chamber."   One of the burly men by the door steps forward, eyeing you with a mix of curiosity and caution. "Right then, let's make this quick," he grumbles. His voice drops as he leans in, "And I'd advise against any funny business. We've got Cobwalkers on every corner, and they don't take kindly to ruckus, accompanied by a cutterbine's firm hand, no less."   With a swift gesture, he bids you follow. "This way, please—silently and swiftly, if you don't mind. The Lords and Lady's comfort, and that of our guests, is paramount."   As you're guided through the lavish interior, the opulence is unmistakable. Marble floors from the Lortmils glisten underfoot, reflecting the delicate dance of candlelight. Intricate oak furniture crafted by Oakham's finest stands proudly against the walls. The low ceiling boasts a tapestry of woodwork so detailed it seems to whisper the stories of its etchings. And amidst it all, nobility and affluence dine and converse, your presence but a fleeting curiosity as they return to their repartee and revelry.
Doorman Greetings
"Who are you?
"Where do you think your going your majesty?
"Im very busy here, why dont you head back to the docks.
"I suggest you leave before I get snooty.
"Listen vagabonds, you need to walk away before I call the Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc."
As you know, the Cobwalkers keeps the peace and usually accompanied by an uncompromising cutherbine billet. "Take this (or these) person( person s) to the audience room set aside for Lady Elinor of Asbury."

Cover image: by 3orcs


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