Beltar Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Dark Mother

Beltar, God of Malice, Caves, Pits   Beltar, the Suel goddess of Malice, Caves, and Pits, reigns supreme over the shadowy depths beneath the earth. As the undisputed queen of subterranean passages, her influence extends through the darkest corners of Oerth, commanding both fear and reverence.

The Essence of Darkness

Manifestations of Malice
  • Diverse Appearances: Beltar's form shifts between a hag-like figure and powerful creatures such as beholders, red dragons, or marilith demons, embodying her dominion over the dark.
  • Herald of Hatred: Her visage, regardless of form, symbolizes pure loathing for the living and divine alike.

Web of Enmity

Divine Disdain
  • Fall from Grace: Once a guardian of earth and mines, Beltar was cast aside by the evolving pantheon, finding solace only among the enslaved and downtrodden nonhumans.
  • Nemesis: Jascar, god of Hills and Mountains, stands as her archenemy, a reflection of their opposing domains.
  • Contention with Other Faiths: Beltar's clergy often finds themselves at odds with the followers of deities like Fortubo and Dumathoin, whom they view as intruders into their sacred domains.

Carceri's Queen

A Throne of Shadows
Beltar's realm in Carceri epitomizes her essence, a plane where her malice can manifest without bound.

Doctrine of the Deep

Teachings of Beltar
Followers are urged to plunder the earth's depths for wealth and to wreak havoc on the surface world, embodying Beltar's malice through exploration and conquest.

The Faithful

Followers in the Shadows
  • Diverse Devotees: From savage humans to malevolent nonhumans, her worshippers form a dark tapestry, united under her banner to bring forth an era of darkness from below.

Clergy of the Caverns

Hierarchs of Hatred
The clergy of Beltar, dedicated to the goddess of Malice, Caves, and Pits, embody the essence of their deity's dark domain through their practices, attire, and rituals. Here is an in-depth look at the organization and hierarchy of Beltar's priesthood.
  • Vestments of the Void: Black or dark gray robes cloak her clergy, a symbol of their allegiance to the eternal dark.
  • Skills: Blind-fighting and direction sense are essential skills for the clergy, reflecting their adaptation to life in complete darkness and their navigation through the labyrinthine caves and dungeons they call home.
  • Lichdom Aspiration: The highest honor for her priests is to transcend death itself, becoming liches as a testament to their devotion.
Ideology and Tactics
  • Preaching Hatred: The clergy is encouraged to lead by fostering hatred towards enemies rather than fear, asserting dominance through malice.
  • Leadership and Influence: Priests often hold positions of power within their tribes or establish their own factions, using their strength and cunning to maintain control.
  • Combat Strategy: Preferring the use of natural weapons, cesti, or spiked gauntlets, the clergy engages in combat with a brutality that mirrors their goddess's malice.
Underground Allegiance
  • Life Beneath the Surface: Beltar's priesthood is intrinsically connected to the underground, viewing the surface world with disinterest or disdain. The dark, enclosed spaces below ground are seen as the true realm of existence, closer to Beltar herself.
  • Adaptation to Darkness: The clergy's physical adaptation to their environment includes a transformation of their eyes, enabling them to see in near-total darkness but rendering them vulnerable to sunlight.
Aversion to Light
The adaptation to light, or rather the aversion to it, among the clerics of Beltar is a profound testament to their deep communion with the goddess of Malice, Caves, and Pits. This adaptation marks their evolution as they delve deeper into darkness, both spiritually and literally:
  • Sunlight Avoidance: From the onset of their dedication, clerics of Beltar are taught to shun any form of natural light. This avoidance becomes a necessity as their bodies and senses adjust to perpetual darkness, making even the dimmest light unbearable.
  • Transformation at Level 5: Upon reaching the 5th level, a cleric's physical adaptation to darkness becomes evident. The whites of their eyes darken to gray, signaling a significant change. Exposure to sunlight at this stage causes discomfort and pain, a divine affliction that reinforces their commitment to the darkness.
  • Severe Light Sensitivity at Level 9: Achieving the 9th level marks a crucial point in a cleric's transformation. Their eyes turn completely black, a striking manifestation of their bond with Beltar. At this stage, sunlight does not merely discomfort; it blinds. Similarly, magical bright light inflicts pain, making such environments hostile to the cleric.
  • Psychological Aversions: The physiological changes are accompanied by psychological shifts. Clerics develop agoraphobia, an intense fear of open spaces where the sky and sunlight are omnipresent. Additionally, acrophobia, a fear of heights that exposes them to vast expanses of open air and light, becomes a common ailment. These fears are not mere preferences but are deep-seated aversions that guide the clerics to seek solace and strength in the bowels of the earth.
  • Lifestyle and Ritual Implications: These adaptations profoundly affect the clerics' lifestyle choices and ritual practices. Ceremonies are conducted in the deepest caves or dungeons, far from any risk of light infiltration. The clerics' living quarters, communal spaces, and temples are similarly situated in locations where darkness is a constant, ensuring that their daily lives are a continuous homage to Beltar.
  • Impact on Clerical Duties and Missions: Clerics of Beltar, equipped with their unique aversions and adaptations, are ideally suited for missions that require exploration of the darkest recesses of the world.
The Path to Power
  • Fleeing Confrontation: Clerics of Beltar prefer strategic retreats unless they have a clear advantage, favoring intimidation or guerrilla tactics to direct combat.
  • Closer to the Goddess: The deeper they delve into the earth, the closer they feel to Beltar, seeking her favor and the ecstasy of her dark blessings.

Altars of the Abyss

Sanctuaries of Sacrifice
  • Subterranean Services: Worship and sacrifices to Beltar are conducted in the deepest caves, celebrating the darkness she commands.

Ceremonies of the Chthonic

Rituals of the Underworld
  • Sacrificial Rites: The essence of worship involves the sacrifice of sentient beings, a tribute to Beltar's endless hunger for suffering and malice.


Beltar embodies the darkest aspects of divinity, a goddess whose realm and influence stretch into the deepest caverns of the earth. Her followers, drawn from the ranks of those who dwell in darkness, echo her hatred and malice, forever plotting the ascent of their queen from the depths to reclaim her place among the gods.
  Suel Pantheon
Symbol: set of opened fangs poised to bite
Realm: Tarterian Depths of Carceri
Domains: Chaos, Earth, Evil, War
Specialty Priest
  • TurnUndead: Command at +3 levels (underground only).
  • 1st level: Detect Snares and Pits
  • 3rd level: Rake with bare hands for 1d6/1d6 damage + STR bonus.
  • 5th level: Meld into Stone
  • 7th level: Emotion, Hate
  • 10th level: Summon Shadow
  • 13th level: Speak with Monsters
  • 20th level: Lichdom
Divine Classification
Lesser goddess
Chaotic evil (CN)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In the deepest dark, we find our truest power."
"From the shadows, we command; to the shadows, all return."
"Let malice guide our hand, and the depths be our dominion."
Beltar symbol by 3orcs
Hierarchy of the clerics of Beltar
The hierarchy of the clerics of Beltar, reflective of their ascent through the darkness towards the ultimate favor of their goddess, can be outlined as follows:
  • Initiates of the Shadow: Newcomers who have pledged their allegiance to Beltar, beginning their journey in darkness. They are trained in the essential skills of blind-fighting and direction sense.
  • Keepers of the Dark Secrets: Clerics who have demonstrated a basic understanding of Beltar's teachings and have successfully completed their first rituals in the deep caves.
  • Guardians of the Gloom: Established members who actively participate in raids and explorations, proving their dedication through acts of malice and discovery of new caverns.
  • Masters of Malice: Senior clerics recognized for their cruelty and successful leadership in skirmishes against foes of the darkness. They start to show physical aversions to light as a mark of their devotion.
  • Envoys of the Endless Night: Highly respected members who have ventured closer to the heart of the earth than most, often leading large congregations or overseeing significant temples.
  • Harbingers of the Deep: Elite clergy tasked with the most sacred rituals and sacrifices, their eyes turned entirely black, signifying their near-total immersion into Beltar's service.
  • Lords of the Underworld: The highest mortal rank within the clergy, these clerics command vast regions of the underground world in Beltar's name, often beginning their transition towards lichdom.
  • The Lich Clerics: Those who have transcended mortality to become liches, continuing their existence in eternal service to Beltar. This transformation marks the pinnacle of dedication and is the greatest honor within the clergy.
  • Beltar's Chosen: A rare title, bestowed upon those lich clerics who have achieved feats that directly further Beltar's dominion over the dark realms. These beings act as direct extensions of Beltar's will, wielding immense power.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Beltar by 3orcs


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