Jascar Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Jascar is the Suel god of Hills and Mountains
The Lord of the Dells, the Mist Upon The Hills, the Dweller Upon the Heights, the Voice of the Hills
Jascar, the Suel deity of Hills and Mountains, embodies the stoic and unyielding nature of the terrain he protects. His worship spans across various landscapes, revered by those who find solace and strength in the elevated realms of the Flanaess.

Divine Visage

Ethereal Form  
  • Appearance: Jascar's manifestation as a muscular human male, with a dark beard and a gleaming silver breastplate, signifies his strength and resilience. Though he emerges from Suel origins, his features transcend racial distinctions, inspiring awe and fear, especially among the denizens of the dark.
  • Alter Egos: In his other forms, as a pegasus or a horse, Jascar embodies freedom and the swift justice he brings upon his foes.

Celestial Kinship

Divine Relations  
  • Family and Allies: As the brother of Fortubo and an ally to Phaulkon, Jascar stands firm in the pantheon of Good. His cooperation with Phaulkon underscores a shared commitment to the protection of the natural world and its inhabitants.
  • Adversaries: The god counts Beltar among his sworn enemies, standing against the forces that threaten the sanctity of his domain.

Sanctum of Stone

Bytopian Abode
  • Centerspire: Jascar's realm within Bytopia reflects the pinnacle of his divine essence, a mountain bridging the realms of Shurrock and Dothion, symbolizing unity and steadfastness.

Teachings of the Mountain Lord

Jascar’s followers are charged with the protection of hills and mountains from desecration, battling those who defile these sacred terrains. His teachings emphasize environmental stewardship and the responsible exploration of underground treasures, seeing them as divine gifts to the virtuous.

Followers of the Mountain Path

Devotion in the High Places  
  • Diverse Worship: While primarily venerated by humans, Jascar's following extends to dwarves and gnomes, reflecting a deep reverence for the natural fortresses of the earth.
  • Regional Worship: His worship is especially pronounced in regions like Irongate, Onnwal, and Sunndi, areas rich in the natural beauty and resources he safeguards.

Clergy of the Elevated Order

Crusaders of the Earth Jascar’s priesthood leads the charge against evil nonhumans, imparting knowledge on defense tactics to the communities they protect. They are experts in geological surveys, advising on mining practices that honor the earth’s integrity.
  • Favored Weapon: The warhammer serves as the symbolic armament of Jascar’s clerics, emblematic of their divine mission to strike down the enemies of the natural world.

Myths and Sagas

Legendary Battles
  • Equine Incarnations: The lore surrounding Jascar's transformation into a horse or pegasus during his epic confrontation with Beltar has cemented his image as a deity of swift justice and protection.


Jascar's essence is interwoven with the very rocks and slopes of the landscapes he protects. His followers, drawn from a tapestry of races and regions, unite under his banner to preserve the sanctity of the mountains and hills. Through their devotion, the teachings of Jascar live on, a testament to the enduring strength and beauty of the natural world.
  Suel Pantheon
Holy symbol: snow-capped mountain peak.
Realm: Twin Paradises of Bytopia
Domains: Earth, Good, Law, Protection
Specialty Priests
  • 1st level: Protection vs Evil
  • 3rd level: Meld into Stone
  • 5th level: +1 to SA vs Petrification (increase 1 per level)
  • 7th level: Shapechange into heavy warhorse (no spell use in this form)
  • 10th level: Shapechange into pegasus (cast spells up to 4th level but only material component holy symbol)
  • 13th level: Move Earth, Stone to Flesh
Divine Classification
Lesser god
Lawful good
Quotes & Catchphrases
"As steadfast as the mountain, as enduring as the hill."
"Let no stone be turned in malice, nor mountain marred by greed."
"For every hill we roam, for every mountain we call home, Jascar guides our path."
Jascar holy symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Jascar by 3orcs


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