Cedric Thorne Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Cedric Thorne

Brother Cedric Thorne is a middle-aged man with a calm and serene demeanor. He has a tall, slender build, and his deep blue eyes radiate wisdom and tranquility. His hair is silver and kept short, and he has a neatly trimmed beard. He wears simple robes of white and blue, adorned with the symbol of Rao, the god of peace and reason.
Cedric is gentle, patient, and a master of diplomacy. He exudes an aura of calm that has a soothing effect on those around him. He believes in resolving conflicts through reason and understanding, often acting as a mediator in disputes. Cedric is deeply compassionate and always ready to lend an ear or offer advice.
Cedric was born into a family of scholars in the city of Verbobonc. From a young age, he was drawn to the teachings of Rao and pursued a path of peace and wisdom. He spent many years in the grand temple of Rao in Verbobonc, where he was trained in the ways of the god. His dedication and wisdom caught the attention of House Milinous, and he was invited to serve as the resident priest at Griffon Manor.
Cedric is motivated by a deep-seated desire to bring peace and understanding to the world. He sees his role at Griffon Manor as an opportunity to spread Rao's teachings and promote harmony within the viscounty. He is also committed to guiding and advising Lord Simon Milinous, helping him navigate the complex political landscape with wisdom and reason.
Brother Cedric Thorne
9th level Cleric of The Order of Rao
Duties at Griffon Manor
  • Spiritual Guidance: Provides spiritual counsel and conducts religious ceremonies for House Milinous and their servants.
  • Mediator: Acts as a mediator in conflicts within the manor and the surrounding lands, promoting peaceful resolutions.
  • Advisor: Advises Lord Simon Milinous on matters of state, ensuring decisions are made with wisdom and compassion.
  • Community Outreach: Works with the local community, offering aid and spiritual support to the people of Penwick and beyond.
Lawful neutral
Current Location
Year of Birth
540 36 Years old
white neat trimmed beard
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Brother Cedric Thorne by 3orcs


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