House Milinous Organization in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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House Milinous

A Legacy of Valor and Contention

House Milinous, a name that resonates with strength, military prowess, and a complex history of alliances and rivalries within the political landscape of Verbobonc, Veluna, and Furyondy. Rooted deeply in the traditions of nobility and martial discipline, House Milinous has played a pivotal role in shaping the region's history, particularly through its involvement in the Battle of Emridy Meadows and its leadership within the Mounted Borderers.

Historical Overview

  • Foundation and Rise: House Milinous established its prominence through valorous deeds and a steadfast commitment to martial excellence. The ancestral home, Griffon Manor, became a symbol of the house's strength and noble heritage.
  • The Battle of Emridy Meadows: Under the banner of Sir Jacque Kolgrim, Sir Simon Milinous led the Black Griffon Men-at-Arms into the fray, leaving a mark of courage and sacrifice that would be remembered for generations.

Political Alliances and Rivalries

  • Relationships with Nobility: House Milinous maintained intricate relationships with the noble families of Verbobonc, including a betrothal to Lady Elinor Asbury, which, despite its eventual dissolution, showcased the house's influence and connections.
  • Alliances and Separations: The failed engagement with Lady Asbury and Sir Simon's attempt to leverage her family's debt underscored the complex dynamics of noble alliances and the personal tribulations that can influence political landscapes.
  • Lord Milinous lands adjoin Lady Asbury to the North and is interested in a possible alliance between the two holdings.
"True leadership is forged through strength and discipline, commanding respect from allies and foes alike."

Military Leadership and Ideology

  • Militaristic Beliefs: Lord Simon Milinous epitomizes the belief that nobility is won and maintained by the sword. His leadership as a Knight Captain of the Mounted Borderers and his stern demeanor reflect a philosophy where might grants right, and loyalty is paramount.
  • Stance on Other Races: A firm believer in human superiority, Lord Milinous's tolerance for other races is limited, showcasing a divisive aspect of his leadership that has shaped his and the house's reputation.

Heraldry and Symbolism

House Heraldry: The black griffon on a field of azure not only represents the house's martial spirit but also its enduring commitment to the values of strength, vigilance, and nobility.
"Loyalty to one's house and kin is the cornerstone of our strength and unity."

The Legacy of House Milinous

House Milinous's impact on the region extends beyond the battlefield to the political arena, where its members navigate the intricate web of alliances, rivalries, and the ongoing struggle for power and influence. Despite the challenges and changes in disposition faced by figures like Sir Simon Milinous, the house remains a formidable presence, committed to its martial traditions and the safeguarding of its interests and the realm.   In the tapestry of Verbobonc's history, House Milinous stands as a testament to the enduring nature of noble valor, the complexities of political life, and the unyielding pursuit of power through strength and discipline.
Lady Asbury leverage
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Eventually, Lady Elinor Asbury denounced the betrothal and Lord Milinous sunk further into his solitude. He attempted to use Lady Asbury's family debt to House Milinous as a leverage point to force the marriage, but this failed when Lady Asbury was able to recover her house treasury with the aid of several kind adventurers and good luck.

"In Strength and Loyalty, Our Honor Forged."

Geopolitical, Great house
Formation Type
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Family Leader
Head of State
Related Species
Related Ethnicities
Herald: black griffon on a field of azure

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character flag image: Milinous coat of arms by 3orcs


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