Griffon Manor Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Griffon Manor

Griffon Manor, situated north of the township of Penwick, is a prominent estate within the demesne of House Milinous. This grand manor serves as the center of operations for the agricultural and administrative affairs of the region. Known for its rich history and strategic political alliances, Griffon Manor is a symbol of power and tradition in the Viscounty of Verbobonc.

Location and Description

The Demesne
Griffon Manor is nestled within the fertile lands of House Milinous, which stretch to the east past the Fens of Torr and west towards the borders of House Langmuir near Etterboek. To the north, the lands extend close to the Verbobonc, City, while the southern border lies near Penwick, bordering the lands of House Asbury.
  • Strategic Position: The manor's location ensures control over key trade routes and agricultural regions.
  • Rich Farmlands: The fertile soil and well-irrigated fields contribute to the manor's prosperity.

The Manor House

Griffon Manor itself is a large, imposing stone structure with three stories, featuring tall windows and decorative battlements. The outer wall and gatehouse provide fortification, with several warriors always on guard.
  • Architecture: Gothic stonework, decorative battlements, and stained glass windows.
  • Defensive Features: Fortified outer wall, gatehouse, and a central keep.
The Outer Yard
The outer yard of Griffon Manor is the hub of agricultural operations. This area is bustling with activity as workers tend to the fields and livestock. Some single male and female familia live in the dormitory above the stables, overseen by the bailiff and his wife.
  • Dormitory: Housing for single workers.
  • Cart House: Home to the bailiff and his family, overseeing operations.
  • Daily Operations: Cottars from nearby villages come to work on the demesne, performing various agricultural tasks.


Griffon Manor has a long and storied history, deeply intertwined with the rise of House Milinous. The manor has seen numerous conflicts and alliances, shaping its current status as a powerful seat of influence in the Viscounty.
  • Founding: Established centuries ago as a fortified estate.
  • Conflicts: Survived numerous battles and sieges, particularly during the Greyhawk Wars.
  • Renovations: Regularly updated to reflect the wealth and status of House Milinous.

Politics of Verbobonc

House Milinous, led by Sir Simon Milinous, is one of the most influential noble houses in the Viscounty of Verbobonc. The family's strategic marriages and alliances have significantly enhanced their power and reach. The current lord, Simon Milinous, is known for his strong leadership and strategic acumen. The manor has witnessed many important events and has been a symbol of stability and power in the region.
  • Lord Simon Milinous: Ambitious and politically savvy, he seeks to expand his influence through strategic alliances.
  • Marital Alliances: Attempts to marry Lady Elinor Asbury of House Asbury to unite their lands.
Relationships with Lords of Verbobonc
House Milinous plays a crucial role in the politics of Verbobonc. Simon Milinous is a staunch supporter of the Viscount and has ambitions to expand his influence further. He is actively involved in local politics, often negotiating with other noble houses to strengthen his position.
  • House Asbury: Potential alliance through marriage with Lady Elinor.
  • House Langmuir: Bordering lands, with occasional disputes over territory.
  • Viscount of Verbobonc: Lord Simon Milinous is a loyal vassal of the Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart, often advocating for policies that benefit the viscounty as a whole.
Politics Throughout the Viscounty
Griffon Manor's strategic position and agricultural wealth make it a significant player in the broader politics of Verbobonc. The manor's influence extends beyond its immediate borders, affecting regional decisions and alliances.
  • Trade Routes: Control over key routes ensures economic leverage.
  • Agricultural Wealth: Supplies essential foodstuffs to the Viscounty, enhancing political power.

Griffin Manor

A Detailed Layout
The manor of House Milinous is a grand and imposing structure, standing as a testament to the historical and cultural richness of Penwick. This comprehensive layout and description delve into the various floors and rooms of the manor, highlighting its architectural splendor and the activities within.

Ground Floor

1. Dry Moat
The manor house is surrounded by a moat that is 10 feet deep and 15 feet across. It is kept dry to keep the cellars from getting damp. Grass grows in the bottom of the moat and it is used as a pen for the manor’s geese. The geese make a lot of noise when disturbed, acting as a living alarm system.
2. Gatehouse
This is the only access to the manor house. The groin-vaulted entrance is protected by two sets of six-inch thick iron-clad oak doors. The gates are normally open during the day, with two men-at-arms always on guard. The existing wooden bridge was supposed to be replaced with a drawbridge but one was never installed. The bridge can be dismantled in a half day if necessary.
3. Courtyard
The large green courtyard is used for ceremonies and accommodating large wagon caravans. Kept green to feed the geese, it features two sheds for firewood against the main hall wall, serving the manor’s 16 fireplaces. A stone-lined well, surrounded by a waist-high wall, provides clear and cold water. The rope and bucket are attached to a winch for easy access.
4. Captain of the Guard | Captain Roderick Vance
Captain Roderick Vance Leads the manor guard, ensures security. Commands the small manor guard. He shares this fine room with his wife, Hiedil. They do not yet have any children, but are trying.
5. Bailiff Quarters | Thaddeus and Wife Marian
Thaddeus and Wife Marian, employed by the lord to oversee the daily operations of the demesne, ensure productivity. Thaddeus is stern but fair, Marian is nurturing and supportive.
6. Chamberlain’s Quarters | Harold Brevin
The chamberlain, Harold Brevin, is responsible for purchasing all supplies and supervising the household servants. He can read and write and keeps accurate accounts of household expenses. He wields significant power because he effectively runs the household and controls access to the lord.
7. Kitchen and Bakehouse | Eliza Hearth
With stone walls and groin vaulting for fire protection, this room is dominated by a massive fireplace capable of cooking an entire ox and a smaller baking oven. The double doors from the courtyard are usually left open during the day to dissipate heat. A trapdoor leads to the cellars, and a spiral stone staircase connects to the nobles’ quarters above and the cellar below.
8. Great Hall
The social and legal hub of the manor, the great hall hosts feasts by night and manages manor concerns by day. Two heavy doors enter at ground level from the courtyard and kitchen. The lord’s table sits on a wooden dais, with four large fireplaces heating the room. A stone staircase leads to the catwalk above, and a locked door secures access to the cellar and siege stores below.
9. Bathhouse
The bathhouse features a large wooden tub and a big fireplace for heating water. Servants draw water from the well, heat it in cauldrons, and fill the tub. A drain empties into the dry moat, where the water seeps away.
10. Brew House
Dedicated to supplying the household’s beer and ale, the brew house keeps extra supplies cool in the cellar of the great hall.
11. Granary
The large barn holds the finished products of agricultural work, including grains, smoked and salted meat, seed for next year’s planting, and reserves for crop failure. It is kept neat, tight, and dry, with numerous cats keeping the rats and mice to a minimum.
12. Kennel
The manor lord’s prized hunting dogs roam the courtyard by day and sleep in this comfortable kennel by night.
13. Stables
The warhorses of the lord, his knight retainer, and steward, plus three valuable palfreys, are kept in stalls at night. The ostler takes them to pasture to graze during the day, with tack and saddles hung along the front wall.

Second Floor

1. Guard Room
A staircase from the courtyard leads to the second floor of the gatehouse. The guardroom has a fireplace and a table with stools for the guards when off duty.
2. Informary
This snug, warm room at the end of the corridor is occupied by the three ladies-in-waiting (all noble relatives). They assist with the care of the wounded and sick of the holding. Work closely with Priest Paxton and use of beds here to tend the patients. Currently,Artus Kellan is being treated here.
3. Chapel of Rao 
Simply furnished with benches, an altar, and religious tapestries, the chapel features a large stained glass window.
4. Priest's Room | Brother Cedric Thorne
Brother Cedric Thorne  Priest of Rao provides spiritual comfort and advice to the household. He also supervises weddings and funerals and administers the sacraments. His room is spacious but plain. The second bed is for noble guests; two more single cots can be added if necessary. When guests visit, the priest moves in with the sage on the ground floor. This room has been earmarked for the lord’s children when they are old enough. When that happens, the priest will move in with the sage permanently.
5. Steward’s Room | Lionel Tremaine
Lord Simon Milinous closest confidant is his steward. The steward, who is also a knight, visits and inspects the lord’s other manors several times a year. This helps ensure the honesty of the bailiffs. The steward is in his forties, not as quick as he was when he commanded the manor guard in his youth, but more experienced. He can not only read and write, but also is skilled with numbers and auditing and can easily spot a scam or embezzlement. He shares his well-appointed quarters with his wife, their two boys, and their infant daughter.
6. Solar
The lord’s bed chamber is richly decorated with an elaborately carved four-poster bed, embroidered heavy curtains, and comfortable high-backed chairs in front of the fireplace. A ladder leads up to the loft.
7. Catwalk
The five-foot-wide catwalk encircles the great hall, providing access to nine arrow slits and the lord’s solar. The catwalk is a popular sleeping area for lower-ranking visitors due to the heat rising from the fireplaces below. A steep ladder leads up to the parapet.
8. South Parapet
Facing the river and shaded by the granary and great hall, this parapet is less desirable but still pleasant. It is the unofficial gathering spot for senior servants.
9. Hay Loft
The voluminous hayloft stores large quantities of fodder for the lord’s prized horses, with plans to triple the storage capacity by adding planks and timbers.
10. East Parapet
Overlooking the countryside, the east parapet is a popular place to relax on warm summer evenings. Chairs are brought from the hall, and a brazier is set up for fires in the evening.
11. Guest Room
A large desk, canopy bed, silk rugs and tapesteries.
12. Guest Room
Another guest room for visitors.
13. Clothier’s Room and Workshop
The lord’s bonded clothier lives here with his family. The room is dominated by a large loom, and the chamber is warmed by a fireplace and well lit by three windows.

Third Floor

1. Guard’s Quarters
A trapdoor and ladder provide access to this chamber from the guardroom below. The garrison consists of a sergeant, two men-at-arms, and two archers. The sergeant also acts as the lord’s huntsman and has a single bed, while the men share two bunks.
2. Sleeping Loft
The main sleeping quarters for servants and lower-ranking guests. The large room has a sloped roof, with straw ticks laid out for the servants. Extra bedrolls are stacked, ready for use. The only source of heat is the warm air rising from the kitchen and noble quarters below.
The large room has a sloped roof. The floor is finished with broad planks that hundreds of feet have polished to a shine. Several straw ticks are already laid out for the servants who sleep here, including two areas sectioned off with blankets for the cook, Pedr Gittins, and his wife (the alewife), Britia and the ostler, Sion Probert, and his wife, Petti. Extra bedrolls are stacked, ready for use. The only source of heat is the warm air that rises up the stairwell from the kitchen and noble quarters below. It can be quite warm in the summer but the windows can be opened to let the heat out. In the winter, the rising heat is rarely enough and the loft can be bitterly cold at night.
3. Squire’s Loft
A ladder leads to this loft from the lord’s solar. The lord’s squire, Keld Hougaard, sleeps here, at the beck and call of his master. The current occupant doesn’t mind it in the winter; the warmth from the fireplace rises and makes this one of the most comfortable places to sleep. However, in the summer it can become stiflingly hot. The lord usually allows him to sleep on the catwalk in the great hall when the weather is too warm.
4. Strong Room
The strong room is aptly named, with twelve-inch-thick planks lining the floor and walls. An iron-clad door with a stout lock protects the lord’s treasure and valuables.
5. Loft
This spacious loft is rarely used, as it is only accessible by ladder. It is available for overflow guests.

Fourth Floor

1. Gatehouse Parapet
Used as a watchtower and sentry post, an archer is on duty here only if trouble is expected. From this vantage point, much of the lord’s manor can be seen.
2. Great Hall Parapet
The parapet running around the roof of the great hall is the same height as the gatehouse but rarely manned. A very long and spindly ladder from the catwalk provides the only access. It is typically only manned if the manor house is besieged.


1. Kitchen Cellar
The cool, dark cellar stores food for immediate consumption or delicate items that can’t be stored in the granary. Items such as smoked meat, vegetables, and dried fruit hang from the ceiling. Barrels of salt beef and fish are stacked against the wall. Spices are kept in chests in the spice room, while wine is stored in the kitchen cellar or granary. Good wine and excellent wine are kept locked in the wine cellar.
2. Siege Stores
Below the great hall is a large groin vaulted cellar filled with food set aside for famine or siege. Foods such as salted meat, sacks of grain, and other preserves are preferred. The great hall has its own well for emergencies. The armoury contains various weapons and armour for equipping the militia. The equipment is well greased but some items have rust.
Notable People and House Staff
Lord Simon Milinous 
  • Physical Description: Tall, imposing figure with a stern demeanor.
  • Personality: Ambitious, cunning, and politically astute.
  • Motivation: Expand House Milinous' influence and power through strategic alliances and marriages.
Brother Cedric Thorne 
9th level Cleric of The Order of Rao
Duties at Griffon Manor
  • Spiritual Guidance: Provides spiritual counsel and conducts religious ceremonies for House Milinous and their servants.
  • Mediator: Acts as a mediator in conflicts within the manor and the surrounding lands, promoting peaceful resolutions.
  • Advisor: Advises Lord Simon Milinous on matters of state, ensuring decisions are made with wisdom and compassion.
  • Community Outreach: Works with the local community, offering aid and spiritual support to the people of Penwick and beyond.
Brother Cedric Thorne by 3orcs
Bailiff and Wife
  • Names: Bailiff Thaddeus and Wife Marian.
  • Duties: Oversee the daily operations of the demesne, ensure productivity.
  • Personality: Thaddeus is stern but fair, Marian is nurturing and supportive.
  • Name: Harold Brevin.
  • Duties: Manage the household staff, oversee finances and supplies.
  • Personality: Efficient, detail-oriented, and loyal to House Milinous.
Harold Brevin Chamberlain by 3orcs
Captain of the Guard
  • Name: Captain Roderick Vance
  • Duties: Leads the manor guard, ensures security.
  • Personality: Brave, disciplined, and fiercely loyal.
  • Background: A seasoned warrior with years of experience in defending noble estates.
  • Motivation: Protects Griffon Manor and serves Lord Milinous with unwavering dedication.
Captain of the Guard Captain Roderick Vance by 3orcs
Master Baker and Cook
  • Name: Eliza Hearth.
  • Duties: Manage the kitchen and bakehouse, prepare meals for the household.
  • Personality: Warm, motherly, and known for her excellent culinary skills.
  • Name: Lionel Tremaine
  • Duties: Manages daily operations, oversees agricultural activities.
  • Personality: Practical, diligent, and highly organized.
  • Background: Lionel's expertise in agriculture and management has been instrumental in the manor's success.
  • Motivation: Ensures the manor's prosperity and efficient functioning.
Manor house / Meeting hall
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
The Demesne of Griffon Manor
  • Eastern Border: Extends past the Fens of Torr.
  • Western Border: Near the lands of House Langmuir and the township of Etterboek.
  • Northern Border: 5 miles short of the Verbobonc, City.
  • Southern Border: Borders the lands of Asbury Manor.
Griffon Manor 1st floor   Griffon Manor 2nd level   Griffon Manor 3rd level   Griffon Manor 4th level   Griffon Manor Basement

Cover image: Griffon Manor by 3orcs


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