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Church of St Cuthbert Room Key

Church key area's

The Church of Saint Cuthbert in Hommlet is an architectural marvel, designed to inspire reverence and faith. The main floor of the church is divided into several key areas, each serving a distinct purpose in the spiritual and communal life of the village.


1. Hall
The Hall is the primary gathering place for the faithful, where they come to hear sermons delivered each Godsday eve. This spacious area is designed to accommodate a standing congregation, reflecting the church's tradition of active participation in worship.
  • Flooring and Pillars: The floor is made of well-polished birch, adding a warm and inviting glow to the hall. Sturdy oaken pillars support the high ceiling, which stretches upward to the roof, creating a sense of grandeur and openness.
  • Decor and Windows: The walls are adorned with pastoral scenes that evoke peace and tranquility. Tinted glass mosaic windows, crafted in various shades of color, allow natural light to pour into the hall, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the room.
  • Seating: There are no benches, pews, or stools in the hall. Parishioners stand for services, emphasizing the communal and participatory nature of the worship experience.
2. Processional
The Processional is a sacred path that worshippers follow during important ceremonies such as confirmations and marriages. This area is reserved for ceremonial purposes and is marked by its distinctive design.
  • Entry and Ceremonial Role: The Processional serves as the entryway for worshippers and clerics, who lead the way with thurible and ceremonial cudgels of bronzewood. This path is reserved for special occasions and rites, adding a sense of solemnity to the proceedings.
  • Floor and Walls: The floor is made of lighter wood, offering a contrast to the darker tones of the hall. The walls are painted deep blue and sprinkled with star-bursts in silver leaf, symbolizing the celestial realm and the divine presence.
3. Altar and Sanctuary
The Altar and Sanctuary form the heart of the church, where the divine presence of St. Cuthbert is most strongly felt. This circular chamber is a place of worship and contemplation.
  • Statue of Saint Cuthbert: A life-sized statue of Saint Cuthbert stands at the center, smiling benevolently with a great cudgel held high in one hand, while the left hand beckons to both doubters and the faithful.
  • Decorative Elements: Behind the statue, ferns and other plants create a living backdrop. Tree stumps are placed on either side for the clerics to officiate from, and an altar carved from a single piece of bronzewood is adorned with cudgels, star-bursts, and the sacred sign of the crumpled hat.
  • Walls and Holy Sayings: The walls are wainscoted with carved panels, and a band of holy sayings runs above the woodwork. The painted walls depict various marvels performed by Saint Cuthbert, including his legendary defeat of the God-Emperor of the Ancient Suel.
  • Guidance Ritual: When a member of the faithful seeks guidance, small sticks are tossed upon the altar. Their configuration allows the cleric to interpret and select the appropriate holy saying or combination thereof for guidance.
4. Office & Audience Chamber
This chamber serves as the point of entry for visitors to the church on non-holidays. It is a place for interaction with the clergy and the administration of church affairs.
  • Visitor Protocol: Upon arrival, visitors are seated on hard benches near the door and are given religious tracts and scrolls to peruse. They are also directed to the poor box, which is emptied after each visitor.
  • Calmert's Role: Calmert, the lesser cleric, sternly inquires about the visitors' business. If they wish to speak with the chief cleric, a contribution for the needy is required, with 1 gp per person being the minimum accepted from adventurers.
  • Chief Cleric Availability: Canon Terjon is available only 50% of the time, requiring petitioners to return at a later date if necessary. This routine underscores the importance of the church's time and resources.
  • Aid for the Needy: Injured, sick, or needy individuals are not subjected to this protocol, though all aid given is expected to be repaid according to the recipient's ability.
5. Vestry
The Vestry is a private chamber for the clerics, providing a space for rest, relaxation, and preparation for religious services.
  • Purpose and Use: The vestry serves as a sanctuary for the clerics, where they can dress and prepare for services, away from the public eye.
  • Access to Upper Floor: A set of steps leads from the vestry to the upper floor, indicating the multi-level design of the church and the separation of sacred and administrative spaces.

Lower Floor of the Church of Saint Cuthbert

The lower floor of the Church of St. Cuthbert is a functional space that supports the daily operations of the church and serves various purposes related to the clergy's lifestyle and activities. This high basement area, with its stonework flooring and practical layout, provides essential facilities for both the clergy and the community they serve.
6. Church Kitchen
The Church Kitchen is the heart of the daily sustenance provided to the clerics and staff of St. Cuthbert. It is run by Melda and her husband, Jorge, who live within the church grounds. Melda is responsible for preparing meals and attending to the clerics' domestic needs, while Jorge handles maintenance and handyman tasks throughout the property.
  • Meal Preparation: All regular meals are prepared and consumed here, with Melda ensuring that the food is wholesome and nourishing.
  • Laundry and Care: Melda also manages the laundry and general care of the clerics, keeping their vestments clean and orderly.
  • Maintenance Duties: Jorge’s duties include repairing the building’s facilities and ensuring that the church grounds remain in good condition.
7. Study Room
Located beneath the main altar, the Study Room serves as a study and library for the resident and visiting clerics. This large, circular room is lined with shelves containing tomes on theology, history, and law, among other subjects. Comfortable reading chairs are positioned centrally, providing a quiet and contemplative environment.
  • Resource Collection: The library houses a wealth of knowledge, from religious doctrines to secular legal texts.
  • Quiet Environment: The room's design encourages study and reflection, offering a peaceful space away from the bustling activities of the church.
8. Exercise Room
The Exercise Room is dedicated to physical training and martial practice, particularly the art of shillelagh wielding. Daily practice sessions are conducted here to maintain the clerics’ physical readiness.
  • Weapon Racks: The walls are lined with racks holding a variety of practice weapons, including clubs, greatclubs, light maces, and quarterstaffs.
  • Training Dummies: Wooden practice dummies are placed in the center of the room, providing targets for the clerics to hone their combat skills.
9. Sacred Trophies Gallery
This gallery showcases copies of significant relics associated with the faith of Saint Cuthbert. It serves as a reminder of the church's history and the divine interventions attributed to their patron saint.
  • Relic Replicas: The gallery features replicas of dented helmets, maces, clubs, and knobbed cudgels, each with its own legend of bravery and faith.
  • Historical Significance: The displays are curated to educate visitors about the church’s storied past and the revered figures of the faith.
10. Cells
The Cells are small, spartan chambers used for housing the needy, accommodating acolytes, or confining criminals and offenders against the faith. Each cell is designed to be secure and austere, reflecting its purpose.
  • Basic Amenities: Each cell contains a peg, a pallet for sleeping, and a pail for basic sanitation needs.
  • Security Measures: The tiny windows are barred, and the heavy, iron-bound doors are equipped with bolts to secure the occupants within.
  • Usage: While primarily used for detention, these cells also offer temporary refuge for those in need of shelter.

Upper Floor of the Church of Saint Cuthbert

The upper floor of the Church of St. Cuthbert is designed to support the church's clerical activities and provide accommodation for visiting priests and local clergy. This level combines functionality with comfort, ensuring a conducive environment for study, prayer, and rest.
11. Church Library
The Church Library is a repository of religious and legal knowledge, housing an extensive collection of texts. The shelves are filled with tomes, librams, scrolls, and volumes, covering a range of subjects from religious doctrines to legal matters of the region.
Hidden Treasures
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Within a particularly thick volume titled Legal Affairs In Veluna 213 to 312 CY, there lies a scroll containing seven clerical spells—one from each level of potency.
An Amulet of Health, offering protection and enhancing the vitality of its wearer, is also concealed within the book's hollowed pages.
12. Upper Hall
The Upper Hall serves as a comfortable gathering place for visiting clerics and church officials. During sermons, they can relax in large, upholstered chairs and couches that provide a view of the services below.
This area exudes a sense of calm and respectability, with soft candlelight and the faint scent of incense lingering in the air. The seating is arranged to foster quiet conversation and contemplation.
13. Assistant Cleric’s Chambers
These chambers are the quarters for Calmert and any other underpriests serving at the church. The room is spacious and well-furnished, reflecting its importance as the operational heart of the clergy's daily activities.
Bell Tower Access
Cords and ropes with colored wooden beads hang from the ceiling, each bead attached to a bell, chime, or gong. These instruments are crucial for marking the time of day and enhancing Godsday services with specific melodies. One of the beads is a cleverly disguised lump of platinum, representing Calmert’s secret stash of 10 gold pieces worth of wealth.
The room contains two simple cots, a brazier for warmth, and various miscellaneous furnishings that aid in the clerics' daily routines and rituals.
14. Chief Priest’s Chamber
This chamber is comfortably furnished and well-appointed, providing a private retreat for the chief priest. The room is both a living space and a sanctuary for contemplation and prayer.
Hidden Treasures
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The mantle of the fireplace conceals a hidden compartment containing several valuable items:
  • A bronze neck chain adorned with three rubies worth 500 gold pieces each.
  • An amber cudgel, highly valuable at 2,500 gold pieces, hangs on a platinum chain worth 150 gold pieces.
  • A +1 Mace, a potent weapon for the priest.
  • A scroll of Protection from Good and Evil, offering defense against supernatural threats.
Only Canoness Y’dey knows of this hidden cache; Terjon, the current chief priest, remains unaware of its existence.
Financial Management
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Terjon keeps the church funds—comprising 16 platinum pieces, 102 gold pieces, 317 silver pieces, and 546 copper pieces—in a locked iron coffer beneath his bed. Contributions are stored here, with portions allocated as salaries for Terjon and Calmert.
15. Balcony
The balcony, elevated about 15 feet above the main hall, is where the chief cleric delivers weekly sermons and special addresses. Its vantage point allows for a commanding view of the congregation.
This platform is designed to amplify the speaker's voice and presence, ensuring that their words resonate throughout the church, inspiring the gathered faithful below.
Church St Cuthbert Hall by 3orcs
Temple / Church
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ChurchStCuthbert Main Floor by Scott Purdy Copyright RVN Creative Studios 2024
ChurchCuthbert_basement_2ndfloor by Scott Purdy Copyright RVN Creative Studios 2024
Altar and Sanctuary room Church of St. Cuthbert by 3orcs

Cover image: Village of Hommlet by 3orcs


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