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Canon Terjon stands as the chief cleric of the Church of St. Cuthbert in the Village of Hommlet, a position he assumed following the unexpected departure of Canoness Y'dey. Known for his stern demeanor and formidable presence, Terjon is both a figure of reverence and speculation among the villagers. Despite his somewhat aloof nature, Terjon is deeply committed to his duties and the spiritual well-being of his congregation.

Physical Description

Terjon is a striking figure, characterized by his handsome features, dark black hair, and a strong, chiseled chin. His commanding presence is accentuated by his piercing gaze and the aura of authority that surrounds him. Despite the sternness often reflected in his expression, there is an underlying warmth that emerges in moments of genuine connection. Clad in the garb of a militant priest, his attire reflects both authority and devotion, blending functional armor with the religious symbols of his faith.

Public Persona

Role and Duties
As the chief cleric, Canon Terjon is responsible for overseeing the spiritual life of the church and its congregation. He conducts sermons, administers rites, and ensures that the teachings of St. Cuthbert are upheld with integrity and dedication.
Stance and Behavior
Terjon's public demeanor is one of stern authority, often perceived as unfriendly by those who do not know him well. This perception stems from his strict adherence to church doctrines and his unwavering commitment to maintaining order within the church. However, those who have the opportunity to engage with him on a deeper level find a man of wisdom and empathy.
Welcome to the Church
When approached by visitors, Terjon is known to greet them with a formal yet courteous demeanor. His standard greeting, delivered with a firm but inviting tone, is as follows:
"Welcome to the Church of St. Cuthbert. I am Terjon. How can I help you?"

Secrets and Speculations

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Canon Terjon is in possession of two powerful magical items: a ring of invisibility and a ring of mammal control. These items, while not openly discussed, provide him with additional means to protect the church and its interests.
The villagers often speculate about Terjon's distant nature and the reasons behind Canoness Y'dey's sudden departure. Some suspect that his sternness hides deeper ambitions or secrets, while others believe he is merely adjusting to the weight of his new responsibilities.


Relationship with Acolyte Calmert
Terjon and Acolyte Calmert share a professional relationship founded on mutual respect and a shared commitment to the church's mission. While Terjon's sternness contrasts with Calmert's zeal, their combined efforts ensure that the Church of St. Cuthbert remains a pillar of strength within Hommlet.
Guidance and Mentorship
Terjon acts as a mentor to Calmert, providing guidance and support as the acolyte navigates his duties. He appreciates Calmert's dedication and honesty, recognizing his potential to become a future leader within the church.
Calmert's Traits
  • Zealous and Passionate: Calmert's fervent dedication to his duties is unmatched. He works tirelessly to ensure the church remains a guiding force in the community.
  • Distant but Caring: While Calmert may appear aloof at times, his commitment to the spiritual growth of the congregation is unwavering.
  • Unwaveringly Honest: Despite rumors about his handling of funds, Calmert remains an honest and honorable man, driven by a deep sense of duty.

Canon Terjon's Perspectives

Vision for the Church
Terjon is dedicated to strengthening the church's influence and ensuring that the teachings of St. Cuthbert are upheld. He believes in leading by example, demonstrating the virtues of wisdom, justice, and faith to the villagers.
Community Engagement
While his public persona may seem distant, Terjon is committed to engaging with the community and addressing their spiritual needs. He understands the importance of fostering strong relationships between the church and the people it serves.
Challenges and Ambitions
Terjon faces the challenge of filling the void left by Canoness Y'dey while managing the responsibilities of his new role. Despite these challenges, he remains ambitious and eager to guide the church toward a prosperous future.


Canon Terjon stands as a formidable leader of the Church of St. Cuthbert in Hommlet. His stern demeanor and strong sense of duty define his public persona, while his genuine commitment to the spiritual growth of his congregation reveals the depth of his character. As Terjon continues to lead, he remains a beacon of wisdom and faith in a village filled with speculation and intrigue.

Dialog with Terjon and PCs

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  He was a handsome, dark black hair and a strong, chiseled chin. He looked up as the group entered, rising to his feet, ”Welcome to the Church of St. Cuthbert, I am Terjon. How can I help you?”
  Terjon notices PC cleric god: Cannon Terjon nodded, "Ah, **NPCGOD**, yes… reverence of beauty and love. There is much good that can come from love and much strife when it is misguided. It sometimes takes a firm hand and a willingness to… correct, when our loved ones stray from the path. You see, St. Cuthbert represents that which you admire in Myhriss, love and beauty, except he has the force of conviction to see that his followers live a righteous life." Terjon patted the mace that was hanging from his belt, "St. Cuthbert sees the beauty in strength and skill, that the show and use of force is necessary in the preservation and protection of peace." Terjon looked at each of the adventurers, "You might find that St. Cuthbert has something to offer each of you if you take the time and look."   Terjon smiled broadly, "Well, I will say that you coming here is a blessing. I have only been here in Hommlet a short time and the bandit activity has slowly, but steadily increased. It started as just minor harassment's of travelers to fully fledged robbery. The brewer, Virgil Tamen, had a whole shipment taken not long ago. It’s only a matter of time before they turn their attention on Hommlet."   Terjon rubbed the back of his neck, frustration on his face, "I am just about at my wits end with this. I have managed to get some information about where the bandits are hiding out but I can’t get Rufus to send any of his men to investigate. I can understand his reluctance, it would leave the village vulnerable if the information was incorrect, but I think it is worth the risk." The smile returned to Terjon face, "But, St. Cuthbert has provided. If you are willing to hunt down these bandits we would be most grateful. The church is offering 100 gold for the elimination of this bandit threat and you are free to keep whatever you might find at the bandit hideout. If you do find Virgil’s shipment though, I would hope you would at least return that to the brewery."   Terjon motioned towards the exit to his room, "You are more than welcome to use the library to discuss. It is just through the doors, back across the hall." Terjon followed you to the entry to his room, pointing out the library and closing his door once everyone had exited, "Just knock when you are ready."   Terjon opened the door, an expectant look on his face. If **PC** asked about a list of the stolen loot, Terjon smiled, ”Ah, St. Cuthbert’s blessing if that doesn’t sound like you are still willing to help.” He drummed his finger on his chin, ”It is unclear what all the bandits have confiscated, much of it has been from passing merchants and we don’t have a real record of the losses.” He turned around and walked back to his desk, sifting through some of the papers, ”Well, it sounds as though you have already spoken with Virgil about his theft. I do know that Black Jay, the herdsman whose cottage is just down the hill from the church, was attacked not long ago. He hasn’t said much about it, he keeps to himself, but I would suspect that he lost something in the attack.”   Terjon shrugged his shoulders, ”Fortunately, Virgil and Jay are the only two villagers to have a run-in with the bandits. That’s partly why Rufus is hesitant to invest any of his men into seeking out their hiding place.” Terjon held up one finger, ”But, I managed to find out, from a reliable source, that the bandits are operating out of an old, ruined moathouse east of Hommlet.” Terjon pulled a hand drawn map from his desk, handing to the group. On the map were the locations of Hommlet, Nulb, Kronn Hills and Gnarly Forest. Scribbled on the southern part of the map was a trail leading to a set of ruins, ”This is where the moathouse is, east of here and just west of the forest.”   Terjon bowed slightly, "You will do a great service to Hommlet if you can take care of this bandit menace. I look forward to hearing of your successes very soon. Go with the blessings of St. Cuthbert, may he watch over and protect you on your righteous endeavor." With that, Terjon returned to his office, closing the door behind him.   The group moved back through the library, down the stairs and back to the reception room. Calmert was seated at his desk, tallying marks on a piece of parchment. He looked up as the group returned, "I do hope Cannon Terjon was able to provide you with some information to aid you on your bandit hunt. If you should need anything, I will see what I can do."
"The hand of St. Cuthbert protects those who protect others."
Canon Terjon
Level 6 Cleric
  • hp 41
  • AC 4D 3-8 (mace + 1)
  • XP 796
  • S 11 I10 W 16 D 12 Co 16 Ch 8

Spells usually carried:

  • First level: bless, command, cure light wounds, detect magic, sanctuary
  • Second level: hold person (x2), know alignment, silence 15' radius, slow poison
  • Third level: cure disease, dispel magic
Equipment: chain, shield, mace, stern, unfriendly, recent
Lawful good
Current Location
Year of Birth
548 28 Years old
Current Residence
Village of Hommlet
piercing dark hazel
dark black hair
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The cudgel of St. Cuthbert strikes only where justice demands."
St. Cuthbert
Aligned Organization

Hommlet Leadershp

On Elder Kenter Nevets
"Elder Kenter's wisdom is invaluable, yet his approach to the bandit threat is too cautious. We need decisive action to protect our people and uphold the law of St. Cuthbert."
On Burne and Rufus
"Burne and Rufus have proven their mettle in battle, but their focus on fortifying the keep must not overshadow the immediate need for patrolling our roads and lands."
On Captain Fletcher
"Captain Fletcher possesses the skill and knowledge to lead our militia effectively. However, he must inspire greater discipline and vigilance among his men to prevent further bandit incursions."
On Ostler Gundigoot
"Ostler Gundigoot's influence in the community is significant. He must encourage cooperation among the townsfolk to share information and support our defenses against bandits."
On the Role of the Church
"The Church of St. Cuthbert must lead by example. We should rally the faithful to stand against these threats and show our commitment to justice and protection."

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Canon Terjon by 3orcs


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