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Acolyte Calmert serves as a key figure in the Church of St. Cuthbert in Hommlet, known for his dedication and commitment to both the church and the community. His zealous nature is matched by an unwavering dedication to the teachings of St. Cuthbert, making him a respected and sometimes controversial figure among the villagers.

Physical Description

Calmert is a large, heavy-set man with a commanding presence. He wears the long white robes typical of his order, signifying his role as a priest of St. Cuthbert. His black hair is kept short, and his face is clean-shaven, giving him an air of discipline and order. He is often seen with a finely crafted mace by his side, its head polished to a bright shine, symbolizing both his devotion and readiness to defend his beliefs.

Personality and Demeanor

Zealous and Passionate: Calmert approaches his duties with fervor and dedication. His passionate nature drives him to ensure the church remains a strong and guiding force within the community.
  • Distant but Caring: While Calmert can seem somewhat aloof at times, his dedication to the village is genuine. He takes his responsibilities seriously and is committed to the spiritual growth of the congregation.
  • Unwaveringly Honest: Despite rumors to the contrary, Calmert is an honest and honorable man. His intentions are pure, and his actions are guided by a deep sense of duty to both the church and the people of Hommlet.

Role and Duties

Calmert is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Church of St. Cuthbert, handling the spiritual needs of the parishioners, and managing the church’s finances. He is known for his enthusiasm in collecting contributions, which he assures go towards both the church and the nearby fortress's construction, ensuring the safety and security of the village.
Dialog and Interactions
Calmert often greets visitors to the church warmly, offering guidance and support:
"Ah, welcome to the Church of St. Cuthbert. We are here to serve the needy of Hommlet, both physically and spiritually, in any way we can."
His interactions are typically punctuated with gestures towards the poor box, subtly encouraging contributions:
"I am Calmert, priest of St. Cuthbert. Please," he says, gesturing towards the wooden bench, "have a seat and I will be back in just a minute. Feel free to peruse some of our writings," he turns towards the double doors, striking the box again, "or anything else you feel convicted to do."

Motivation and Goals

Calmert’s primary motivation is to uphold the teachings of St. Cuthbert and ensure the church remains a bastion of faith and guidance. He is particularly focused on contributing to the construction of the nearby fortress, believing it essential for the village's protection.
  • Support for the Fortress: Calmert is dedicated to raising funds for the fortress, viewing its completion as a crucial step in safeguarding Hommlet from external threats.
  • Spiritual Guidance: He aims to provide spiritual guidance and support to the villagers, helping them align their lives with the principles of St. Cuthbert.


  • Canon Terjon: Calmert works closely with Canon Terjon, respecting his leadership and supporting his vision for the church. Though Terjon's stern demeanor can be challenging, Calmert remains loyal and committed to their shared goals.
  • The Villagers: While some villagers are wary of Calmert’s zeal for collecting donations, many respect his dedication and view him as a pillar of the community.

Services Offered

  • Spiritual Guidance: Calmert offers counseling and guidance to those seeking spiritual direction, using small sticks tossed upon the altar to interpret holy sayings.
  • Aid to the Needy: He ensures that the church provides physical assistance to those in need, distributing food, clothing, and other necessities.
  • Religious Education: Calmert teaches the tenets of St. Cuthbert to new converts and young villagers, ensuring the faith's continuity and strength within the community.

Notable Traits

  • Zealous and Passionate: Calmert approaches his duties with fervor and dedication. His passionate nature drives him to ensure the church remains a strong and guiding force within the community.
  • Distant but Caring: While Calmert can seem somewhat aloof at times, his dedication to the village is genuine. He takes his responsibilities seriously and is committed to the spiritual growth of the congregation.
  • Unwaveringly Honest: Despite rumors to the contrary, Calmert is an honest and honorable man. His intentions are pure, and his actions are guided by a deep sense of duty to both the church and the people of Hommlet.

Motivations and Goals

  • Support the Construction: Calmert is anxious to contribute a significant sum to the builders of the fortress, believing it will strengthen the village's defenses and serve as a testament to the church's influence.
  • Spiritual Growth: He aims to increase the number of converts to St. Cuthbert, believing that a strong, unified faith will protect and guide Hommlet through its challenges.
  • Community Welfare: Calmert is committed to ensuring that the physical and spiritual needs of the community are met, providing aid and support wherever necessary.


Acolyte Calmert remains a steadfast and passionate servant of St. Cuthbert, dedicated to guiding and protecting the people of Hommlet through his unwavering faith and commitment to justice.
"St. Cuthbert's cudgel defends the righteous; let us stand firm in our beliefs."
Acolyte Calmert
Level 3 Cleric
  • AC 2 (plate & shield Level 3 Cleric
  • hp 14; #AT 1; D 3-8 (mace + 1 XP215
  • S 8 110 W 16 D 15 Co 9 Ch 11
Equipment: plate, shield, mace, honest, zeal, magic item

Spells usually carried:

  • First level: bless, command, detect evil, detect magic
  • Second level: chant, know alignment, silence 15' radius
Lawful good
Current Location
Year of Birth
552 24 Years old
Current Residence
Village of Hommlet
dark brown
short black cropped
Quotes & Catchphrases
"May the wisdom of St. Cuthbert guide our steps and shield us from harm."
St. Cuthbert
Aligned Organization

Bandit Problems

On Elder Kenter Nevets
"Elder Kenter's wisdom is invaluable, but his cautious approach is insufficient. We must act decisively against the bandits threatening our village."
On Burne and Rufus
"Burne and Rufus are strong leaders, but their focus on the keep leaves our roads vulnerable. We need more proactive measures to protect our people."
On Captain Elmo Fletcher
"Captain Fletcher has the skill to lead, but he must instill greater discipline and vigilance in the militia to fend off these bandit attacks."
On Ostler Gundigoot
"Gundigoot's influence is significant. He should encourage the villagers to share information and support our defense efforts more actively."
On the Role of the Church
"The Church must lead by example. We must rally the faithful and show our commitment to justice and protection against these threats."

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Acolyte Calmert by 3orcs


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