Dalt Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Opener of Ways

Dalt god of Portals, Doors, Enclosures, Locks, and Keys
Dalt's presence in the pantheon of Suel deities is marked by his unique domain over Portals, Doors, Enclosures, Locks, and Keys. Revered by those who guard, open, or breach doors and portals, Dalt's worship has seen a resurgence, thanks in part to the discovery of one of his artifacts by the famed wizard Mordenkainen.

Description and Depictions

  • Visual Representations: Dalt is depicted in two primary forms: as a wizened old man with keen eyes and wild white hair, and as a youthful, red-haired thief, embodying the dual aspects of guardianship and passage.
  • Portraits in Maure Castle: Intriguingly, portraits of Dalt in Maure Castle present him as a boy with olive-toned skin and brilliant blue eyes, adorned in robes filled with arcane symbols and an occult symbol associated with Fharlanghn.

Relationships and Realm

  • Family Ties: Dalt is the brother of Vatun, with whom he shares a mission to release from imprisonment by Telchur, creating a rift with the god of Winter and Cold.
  • Alliances: Dalt maintains a favorable relationship with Mordenkainen, occasionally lending the wizard his Silver Key of Portals.
  • Wanderer of the Outlands: Lacking a fixed realm, Dalt roams the Outlands, reflecting his nature as a deity of transition and movement.

Dogma and Worshipers

  • Teachings: Dalt encourages creativity in overcoming barriers and challenges, embodying the essence of innovation in both security and exploration.
  • Followers: Though his worship is slowly growing, Dalt remains a lesser-known deity, with a following that skews towards the Suloise people in the southeastern Flanaess.

Clergy and Practices

  • Dualistic Clergy: His clerics specialize in both the creation and bypassing of locks and barriers, embodying the two sides of Dalt's domain.
  • Mission: They serve as educators and guides for craftsmen and those who work towards the common good, fostering a balance between protection and freedom.
  • Wanderlust: Reflective of Dalt's own restless spirit, his clerics frequently travel, seeking challenges that test their skills and teachings.

Rituals and Myths

  • Blessings: Dalt's name is invoked in consecrating spaces and objects meant to be kept secure from unwarranted intrusion.
  • Maure Castle Mystery: The portraits in Castle Maure, particularly the shifting image of Fraz-Urb'luu that reveals a boy guided by a red-haired woman into a magical portal, add an element of mystery and possibly deceit to Dalt's lore, illustrating the complexity of his narrative and the ambiguity surrounding his true nature.


Dalt's existence and worship encapsulate the balance between safeguarding and exploration, between holding fast and moving forward. His followers navigate this duality through their practices, making Dalt a deity of both guardianship and discovery in the Suel pantheon.
  Suel Pantheon
Holy symbol: a locked door with a skeleton key beneath it
Realm: Outlands
Domains: Chaos, Good, Protection, Travel, Trickery
Speciality Cleric spells
  • Clerics: Unable to TurnUndead
  • Clerics of the 1st lock: hold portal, open locks as thief
  • Clerics of the 3rd lock: knock or wizard lock, rope trick
  • Cleric of the 7th lock: dimension door
  • Clerics of the 13th lock: guards and ward
Divine Classification
Lesser god
Chaotic good
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Every lock has a key, and every barrier a doorway."
"Guard the worthy and unlock the potential within."
"The truest strength lies in mastering both the lock and the key."
"Through Dalt's guidance, every door opens to wisdom."
Dalt holy symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Dalt by 3orcs


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