Vatun Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Vatun, god of Northern Barbarians, Cold, Winter, and Arctic Beasts.
The Great God of the North, the North God   Vatun, revered by the Suel barbarians of the Thillonrian Peninsula, embodies the harsh and unyielding spirit of the north. His dominion over Cold, Winter, and Arctic Beasts reflects the challenging environment his followers endure. Despite his imprisonment, Vatun's influence persists, a testament to the resilience of his worship and the enduring hope of his eventual return.


Vatun is visualized as a towering Suel barbarian adorned in polar bear skins, a figure both majestic and formidable. His very being exudes the essence of winter:
  • Appearance: A beard of snow and ice, with breath like frozen fog.
  • Weaponry: Wields the mighty battleaxe, Winter's Bite, a weapon forged entirely from ice.


Vatun's allies and enemies define his stance within the pantheon:
  • Allies: Dalt  (his brother) and Llerg (the Suel god).
  • Enemies: Primarily Telchur and Iuz, symbolizing the antithesis of his icy realm and the direct threat to his followers.


Previously reigning from an unknown divine realm, Vatun is now trapped within a mysterious demiplane, a casualty of divine conflict and treachery.


Vatun's teachings are as harsh as the winters he governs:
  • Winter as a purifier, eliminating the weak.
  • The prophecy of the "Great Winter," destined to usher in a new era for the northern barbarians.


Vatun's followers are hardened by their environment, embodying the survival and warrior spirit of their deity:
  • Primary Followers: The Barbarian States of the Thillonrian Peninsula, Stonehold, and to a lesser extent, the Scarlet Brotherhood.
“Winter is a time for culling the weak so that the strong may survive. Snow shall cover cowards and they shall be forgotten by all. The people of the north are the true survivors and will inherit the world when the Great Winter comes to cover the land.”


The clergy of Vatun are the spiritual and martial leaders of their communities:
  • Roles: Battle aid, winter survival guidance, and community healing.
  • Quest: The search for the Five Blades of Corusk, believed to have the power to free Vatun.
  • Preaching: Valorization of bravery, opposition to Telchur's faith, and enmity towards devils and their servants.

Temples and Rituals

Temples to Vatun are rare, given his imprisonment. Rituals often revolve around flames, a necessary element for his priests to channel their divine magic.


Vatun's history is a tapestry of legends, divine conflict, and the unbreakable spirit of his followers:
  • Early Empire: Allegedly, Vatun once led the Suel barbarians to form a significant empire, a glory short-lived with the death of its first ruler.
  • Imprisonment: Around -110 CY, Vatun fell victim to a plot by Telchur's priests, marking the decline of the barbarian empire.
  • Iuz's Deception: (future event) In 582 CY, Iuz's impersonation of Vatun nearly reshaped the political landscape of Oerth, a ruse that temporarily unified the barbarian tribes.

Myths and Legends

The lore surrounding Vatun is rich with tales of betrayal, lost glory, and the hope of redemption:
  • The Departure of Vatun: Various legends speculate on the reasons behind Vatun's withdrawal or imprisonment.
  • The Five Blades of Corusk: A mythic quest that embodies the hope of Vatun's followers for his return and the restoration of their ancient empire.
  Vatun's story is not just one of divine might and ancient wars but also a reflection of his followers' resilience and unwavering faith. Despite his absence, the Great God of the North's legacy endures, a beacon of hope against the encroaching cold and darkness.  


Vatun’s clerics preach violence against Telchur’s faith, help their tribes survive in winter, heal the injured, and aid their people in battle. Level-headed clerics are sent to search for the Five Blades of Corusk, which if united will free Vatun from his prison (or so say the legends). Recent lore indicates a diabolical connection to Vatun’s prison, and so his clerics have become ardent foes of devils. Because of his imprisonment, Vatun’s clerics must be within ten feet of a torch-sized (or larger) flame to prepare or cast spells. Ceremonial garb includes white furs.
  Suel Pantheon
Holy symbol: the sun setting on a snowy landscape
Realm: An unknown demiplane
Domains: Air, Animal, Chaos, Storm, Strength
Specialty Cleric
  • Clerics all levels: Unable to TurnUndead
  • 1st level: Endure Cold
  • 3rd level: Resist Cold or Fog Cloud
  • 5th level: Hold Animal or Water Walk
  • 7th level: Wall of Ice or Polymorph Self into polar bear.
  • 10th level: Transmute Rock to Mud or Cone of Cold
  • 13th level: Conjure Animals or Weather Summoning
Divine Classification
Lesser god
Chaotic neutral
Vatun holy symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Vatun by 3orcs


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