Derek Krakow Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Derek Krakow

Master of the School of Necromancy

Master Derek Krakow is the enigmatic Head of the School of Necromancy at the Silver Consortium, tasked with guiding students in one of the most controversial and misunderstood branches of magic. His role includes managing the curriculum of necromancy and other fringe magical practices. Despite the general mistrust and legal restrictions surrounding necromancy within the Viscounty, Krakow operates under a special license that permits him to teach controlled aspects of this arcane discipline.

Lore and Background

Derek Krakow's origins are enveloped in secrecy, enhancing his mysterious reputation within the academic community. He is legally permitted to teach necromancy due to a special dispensation, which makes him a unique figure in a region where such practices are generally forbidden.
  • Origins: Derek Krakow's past is shrouded in mystery, adding to his enigmatic reputation. Details about his early life are scarce, and he is known to be a private individual with a profound understanding of necromancy.
  • Legal Status: Necromancy, under normal circumstances, is outlawed in the Viscounty, but Krakow holds a unique license issued by the Silver Consortium, allowing him to teach specific, low-level necromantic spells.


Krakow’s ascent to the head of the School of Necromancy was marked by his exceptional grasp of the dark arts and his adeptness at maneuvering through the academic and legal challenges associated with his field. His tenure is highlighted by public debates and a strained relationship with other faculty members.
  • Academic Rise: Krakow ascended to his position due to his unmatched expertise in necromancy and his ability to navigate the political complexities of his field.
  • Controversial Figure: Often at the center of debates, he has had public confrontations with Juelihm and has been scorned by others like Markessa for his focus on a maligned branch of magic.


Krakow maintains complex relationships with his peers; he is often involved in disputes with other heads of schools, particularly with Juelihm and Markessa Dufraine. His unrequited affection for Gina Arris adds a personal tension to his professional interactions.
  • Colleagues: Krakow maintains a complex relationship with other faculty members, notably experiencing friction with Juelihm and Markessa.
  • Attraction to Gina Arris: He has shown an unreciprocated interest in Gina Arris, which adds a personal layer to his interactions within the Consortium.

Politics and Influence

Despite the controversies surrounding necromancy, Krakow’s influential role within the Consortium allows him to shape the academic narrative around his specialty. He is protected by various magical wards that shield his activities, emphasizing his need for secrecy and security.
  • Role in the Consortium: Despite the controversies surrounding his specialty, Krakow's position in the Consortium allows him to significantly influence the curriculum and the perception of necromancy.
  • Protection and Privacy: His activities and the nature of his magic are shielded by various magical protections, including an iron ring that allegedly conceals his magical aura from detection.

Motivation and Goals

Krakow is driven by a desire to reform the perception of necromancy, promoting its educational and practical benefits. He aspires to achieve a broader acceptance and recognition within the magical community, potentially aiming for a higher leadership role within the Consortium.
  • Educational Reforms: Krakow aims to reshape the understanding and acceptance of necromancy within the magical community and beyond, advocating for its potential benefits over its historical stigma.
  • Personal Ambitions: Beyond his educational goals, Krakow's motivations include a desire for greater acceptance and perhaps a leadership role within the Consortium.

Hierarchy and Role

As the head of a major school within the Silver Consortium, Krakow holds significant authority over the curriculum and ethical standards of necromancy. His responsibilities include overseeing the development of courses and ensuring adherence to both the Consortium’s policies and external legal restrictions.
  • Position: As the Head of the School of Necromancy, Krakow holds a significant but contentious position within the hierarchy of the Silver Consortium.
  • Responsibilities: He is responsible for the development and oversight of the necromancy curriculum and ensuring compliance with both legal and ethical standards.

Notable Characteristics

Krakow’s enigmatic presence and his ability to maintain privacy through magical means contribute to his persona as a secluded and powerful practitioner. His intellectual prowess is widely acknowledged, even by those who disagree with his practices, marking him as a key figure in the academic study of necromancy.
  • Mysterious Presence: Krakow's intermittent presence in Verbobonc and his secretive nature contribute to his mysterious persona.
  • Intellectual Acumen: His intellectual capacity is respected even by those who oppose his field of study, marking him as a formidable scholar and practitioner.
Master Derek Krakow remains a pivotal, though polarizing, figure within the Silver Consortium, embodying the complexities and challenges of teaching necromancy in a world wary of its dark connotations. His continued influence on the academic and political landscapes of Verbobonc underscores the delicate balance between knowledge and morality in the study of forbidden magics.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
542 34 Years old
Head of the School of Necromancy
light hazel
short curly brown
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Death is but a different state of consciousness."
"To master death, one must first understand life."

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Derek Krakow by 3orcs


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