Drenton Vaswell Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Drenton Vaswell


House Vaswell, led by Baronet Drenton Vaswell, is a minor noble family situated on the northwestern banks of the Velverdyva River in the Viscounty of Verbobonc. Though often overlooked in terms of power and influence, House Vaswell possesses a unique blend of subtle influence and unconventional tactics, embodied by its cunning and eccentric leader.
"What others see as pranks, I see as strategic actions designed to keep my adversaries off balance and underestimated."

Historical Background

House Vaswell has a modest but intriguing history, marked by strategic economic ventures and a penchant for the unconventional.
  • Founding and Early History: The Vaswell family established their holdings several generations ago, capitalizing on the strategic location along the Velverdyva River to build their wealth through shipping and trade.
  • Recent Leadership: Drenton Vaswell inherited the title of Baronet in 567 CY following his father's death. His leadership style, characterized by eccentricity and a sharp intellect, has defined the house's modern era.

Description of Baronet Drenton Vaswell

Baronet Drenton Vaswell is a complex and multifaceted character, blending eccentricity with sharp intelligence and strategic acumen.
  • Physical Appearance: Drenton has rich dark features, with cocoa brown skin and short black hair. He avoids facial hair as it interferes with his use of disguises.
  • Personality Traits: Outwardly mean-spirited and rude, Drenton avoids outright cruelty. He enjoys putting other nobles and rich merchants in their place through pranks and unconventional tactics. Despite his behavior, he has a good heart and often helps those in need, but always on his terms and for his benefit.
  • Main Goals: Drenton aims to expand his business, gain more followers, and disrupt the lives of his peers for amusement. Above all, he seeks to enjoy life and fiercely defends his right to a good time.
"While my eccentric behavior may be misunderstood, it offers a unique edge in political maneuvering that others often overlook."


House Vaswell, under the leadership of Baronet Drenton Vaswell, stands as a unique and influential force in the Viscounty of Verbobonc. Their strategic location, unconventional tactics, and significant contributions to trade and economy make them a formidable and respected noble house. Through Drenton's playful yet sharp approach to politics and commerce, House Vaswell continues to thrive and navigate the complexities of Verbobonc's political and economic landscape with resilience and shrewdness.
House Vaswell Family
The members of House Vaswell, particularly Baronet Drenton, are central to the house’s operations and influence.
  • Baronet Drenton Vaswell: Drenton is known for his seemingly carefree and eccentric demeanor, which masks a keen strategic mind. He enjoys pulling pranks and often uses his behavior to disarm and underestimate his rivals.
  • Lady Ethel Vaswell: Drenton’s younger sister, who manages the family's estates and shipping operations with efficiency and diligence, ensuring the house’s economic stability.
Chaotic good
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
543 33 Years old
rich dark features
short black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
cocoa brown skin
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Trade Flows, Secrets Grow"
Aligned Organization
House Vaswell by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Baronet Drenton Vaswell by 3orcs


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