House Vaswell Organization in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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House Vaswell

House Vaswell is a minor noble house in the Viscounty of Verbobonc, known for its small yet strategically located holdings along the Velverdyva River. Baronet Drenton Vaswell, the current head of the house, inherited his title in 567 CY upon his father's death. Despite being overlooked in terms of power, House Vaswell holds a unique position within the viscounty's social and economic landscape.

Historical Background

House Vaswell has a modest yet colorful history, characterized by their strategic location along the Velverdyva River and their unique approach to noble life.
  • Founding and Early History: House Vaswell was established several generations ago by enterprising merchants who leveraged their position along the river to build wealth and influence.
  • Recent Developments: Baronet Drenton Vaswell's ascension to head of the house marked a new era of unconventional and often misunderstood leadership. His eccentric behavior and rumored affiliations add a layer of intrigue to the house's history.

Political Influence

House Vaswell's political influence, though subtle and often underestimated, is marked by clever maneuvering and strategic relationships.
  • Unconventional Tactics: Drenton Vaswell's penchant for pranks and his unconventional behavior often lead other nobles to underestimate him, giving him an edge in political maneuvering.
  • Economic Leverage: The family's small fleet of ships, used for transporting goods and people, grants them significant economic influence along Verbobonc's rivers.
"Our house may be known for its gatherings and levity, but beneath that lies a deep loyalty to our people and our allies."

Estates and Holdings

House Vaswell's estates are modest but strategically located, providing them with both economic opportunities and social standing.
  • Vaswell Manor: Situated on the northwestern banks of the Velverdyva River, the manor serves as the family's primary residence and a hub for their shipping operations. Also providing both economic opportunities and a picturesque setting. The family's manor is a modest yet charming estate situated on the banks of the river. It serves as the heart of their operations and a venue for Drenton's infamous gatherings.
  • Riverside Holdings: The family's holdings stretch south along the river, encompassing fertile land and valuable transport routes includes fertile fields and strategic transport routes, crucial for the family's shipping business.
"Innovation in our shipping operations and a fresh approach to noble life have been key to our ongoing success and influence."


Vaswell maintains a complex web of relationships with other noble houses and key figures in Verbobonc.
  • House Galans: Drenton has a friendly, albeit informal, relationship with Lord Roland Galans. Their mutual interest in trade and unconventional approaches to nobility foster a unique bond.
  • House Milinous: Relations with House Milinous are strained due to their differing political philosophies and Drenton's unpredictable behavior, which often clashes with the militaristic and stern nature of the Milinous family.
  • House Haxx: Lord Marakios Willem Haxx views Drenton with suspicion, particularly due to the latter's rumored affiliations and unpredictable nature. Their relationship is one of mutual wariness.
  • House Velysin: Drenton shares a playful rivalry with House Velysin, often engaging in light-hearted pranks and competitions. Despite this, there is a mutual respect between the families.
  • Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart: Drenton's relationship with Viscount Wilfrick is complex. While the Viscount appreciates Drenton's economic contributions, he is often frustrated by his eccentric behavior and satirical jabs.

Current Affairs

Currently, House Vaswell is involved in several key initiatives and activities that reflect their unique position and Drenton's strategic vision.
  • Shipping Expansion: Drenton is focused on expanding the family's shipping operations, seeking new trade routes and partnerships to increase their economic influence.
  • Political Maneuvering: Despite his outwardly careless demeanor, Drenton is deeply involved in the political landscape, leveraging his unconventional tactics to maintain and expand his influence.
  • Social Gatherings: Known for his extravagant and often controversial parties, Drenton uses these events to gather information and subtly influence key figures in Verbobonc.
"Our strategic position along the Velverdyva River provides us with unparalleled economic leverage and influence."
Office of the Harbormaster and Merchant Trade
House Vaswell's influence extends significantly into the merchant trade and waterfront operations in Verbobonc City.
  • Harbormaster Relations: Drenton maintains a strong relationship with the W2 Office of Harbormaster, ensuring his interests are well-represented in the bustling trade activities along the waterfront.
  • Merchant Trade: His practice of "sampling" merchant goods has built a loyal network of traders, although it sometimes conflicts with the Viscount's tax policies.
Trade Throughout the Viscounty of Verbobonc
House Vaswell's strategic control of key trade routes and shipping operations along the Velverdyva River underscores their economic dominance.
  • Securing Trade Routes: Investments in security and infrastructure ensure the safe and efficient movement of goods throughout the Viscounty.
  • Economic Contributions: Their holdings and trade operations contribute significantly to the regional economy, fostering growth and stability.


House Vaswell, under the leadership of Baronet Drenton Vaswell, stands as a unique and influential force in the Viscounty of Verbobonc. Their strategic location, unconventional tactics, and significant contributions to trade and economy make them a formidable and respected noble house. Through Drenton's playful yet sharp approach to politics and commerce, House Vaswell continues to thrive and navigate the complexities of Verbobonc's political and economic landscape with resilience and shrewdness.
DM Secret: Lord Vaswell Muurloi
Show spoiler
Muurloi, a magical marionette disturbingly dressed as a Billet of St. Cuthbert. Lord Vaswell expects the party to visit and decided that other things required his attention. In his stead, he has left Muurloi. Muuloi has been partially imbued with a personality and some memory to draw from. He will berate the party on their clothes, the low quality of weapons they carry and their general smell. If a party member comes into reach, he will smack them with a tightly rolled parchment. He will answer each question with a question. This will go on until the party gives up and prepares to leave. At which point, Murrloi will get serious and tell them he apologizes. If they come back he will ask what they want and start the process all over again. The parchment is the information they are looking for. House position on the Viscount If asked this question of something similar, Muurloi will say the following as if he is talking to someone up in the air next to him, "a war orphan told a noble, "haven't tasted food all week", the Lord replied, "Don't worry, it still tastes the same!'

"Subtle Influence, Unconventional Tactics"

House Vaswell by 3orcs
House Vaswell Key Figures
The key members of House Vaswell play distinct roles in maintaining the house's unique standing in Verbobonc.
  • Baronet Drenton Vaswell: The current head of the house, Drenton is known for his eccentric and seemingly lackadaisical demeanor. However, this facade masks a sharp mind and a keen sense of strategy.
  • Lady Ethel Vaswell: Drenton's younger sister, who manages the family estates and shipping operations with a steady hand, ensuring the family's economic stability.
Geopolitical, Great house
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
Notable Members
Related Species

Cover image: by 3orcs


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