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(a.k.a. Treasure Finder Extraordinaire)

Furnok of Ferd, a self-proclaimed treasure hunter and gambler, is a guest at the Inn of the Welcome Wench in Hommlet. Known for his charm and wit, he offers his skills to adventurers, seeking a share in the treasure while harboring hidden secrets about his true nature and intentions.

Background and History

Early Life in Ferd
Furnok hails from the city of Ferd, where he learned the art of gambling and treasure hunting. From a young age, he was drawn to the thrill of chance and the allure of hidden riches, which led him down a path of deceit and cunning.
Arrival in Hommlet
Seeking a quieter place to lay low, Furnok arrived in Hommlet and took up residence at the Inn of the Welcome Wench. Here, he makes a modest living by cheating passing merchants at cards or dice, all the while looking for opportunities to join adventuring parties in search of greater fortunes.
"I'm looking for that perfect little group with which to explore all manner of dungeons, ruins, and ancient troves."

Motivation and Relationships

Furnok's primary motivation is wealth and the thrill of the game. He seeks to join adventuring parties not only for the treasure but also for the excitement of uncovering ancient secrets and magical items.
  • Inn of the Welcome Wench: Furnok is a well-known figure at the inn, often found gambling with merchants and travelers.
  • Local Adventurers: He is always on the lookout for adventuring parties to join, offering his skills as a "locksmith" and treasure finder.

Current Events

Presence in Hommlet
Furnok has been in Hommlet for several months, honing his gambling skills and keeping a low profile. He has a keen interest in the recent rise in bandit activity and the decline in merchant traffic, seeing these as potential opportunities for profit.
Concerns and Plans
Furnok is wary of being discovered as a cheat but is always planning his next move. He is eager to join any party heading to the moathouse or other ancient ruins, hoping to secure valuable magical items and treasure.
"Furnok of Fer, what can I do for you? One should always perform a proper introduction. I am Furnok of Ferd, a treasure finder extraordinaire, at your service!"   "I am looking for that perfect little group with which to explore all manner of dungeons, ruins and ancient troves. Would you have room for one such as me, perhaps?"   "Aye, I would like to accompany you on your adventures, both near and far, for an equal share of the loot, of course. I know more excitement awaits up all."   "I can offer only my extensive experience as a master "Locksmith", if you follow me."
Hidden Truths
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  • True Nature: Furnok is a con artist, cheat, and small-time jewel thief lying low in Hommlet. He is skilled in using loaded dice, marked cards, and thieves' tools.
  • Secret Plans: If offered a chance to adventure, Furnok is willing to go along for an equal share (plus all he can surreptitiously lift, particularly magic items, which he covets). To show his good faith, he will put up his potion, hoping to parlay it into far more. If the worst should come, he also has a +1 dagger hidden in his boot.
  • Gambling: Furnok loves to gamble, in part since he knows how to nick cards and has a pair of loaded knucklebones. He is careful to play so as not to be caught cheating, making a modest living thus, mostly skinning passing merchants.
Personal Items
  • Hidden Wealth: Furnok's funds consist of a small hoard of 37 gems worth 50 gp each (three blood-stones, eight carnelians, four chalcedony, four citrines, six onyx, and nine zircons), and 12 sp and 12 gp for gambling.
  • Magical Items: Ring of invisibility, greater potion of healing, scroll of protection from magic, short sword, dagger +1 hidden in his boot.
Note: Ferd is an anagram of Fred and there is no town or village on the Greyhawk map. Another fact: Gygax mentioned in an interview: "Yes, to the best of my recollection all of those are names I made up." Source: Dragonsfoot Forums
Furnok of Ferd is a cunning and resourceful character, always on the lookout for his next big score. His charm and wit make him a valuable ally, but his true nature as a con artist adds an element of risk to any partnership. Adventurers who choose to trust him may find themselves richer for it, or they may find that the greatest danger comes from within their own ranks.
"One should always perform a proper introduction. I am Furnok of Ferd, a treasure finder extraordinaire, at your service!"
Furnok of Ferd
  • Level 4 Thief
  • AC 4 (leather hp 18
  • D 1-6 (shortsword)
  • (dagger + 1
  • XP 207
  • S 8 I14 W 10 D 18 Co 15 Ch 13
  • Languages: Common,Thieves' Cant
Personal Possessions
  • Armor and Weapons: Leather armor, short sword, crossbow.
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    Ring of invisibility, greater potion of healing, scroll of protection from magic.
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  • Hidden Wealth: 37 gems worth 50 gp each, and 12 sp and 12 gp for gambling.
Furnok is a middle-aged man with a roguish charm. He dresses in practical leather armor, and his eyes constantly dart around, assessing potential opportunities. He carries a short sword and a crossbow, but his true weapons are his wits and sleight of hand.
Chaotic neutral
Year of Birth
551 25 Years old
dark hazel
unruly light brown
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The thrill of uncovering ancient secrets and hidden treasure is what I live for."

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Furnok of Ferd by 3orcs


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