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Hommlet - Local Side Quests

The village of Hommlet, with its rich history and diverse cast of characters, offers a plethora of opportunities for adventurers to immerse themselves in the local culture, gain experience, and uncover hidden threats. This article presents a series of side quests centered around the residents of Hommlet, designed to enhance role-playing, deepen connections with the village, and provide valuable experience points for the party before they face the dangers of the Moathouse and beyond.

Bringing Hommlet to Life

The village of Hommlet is more than just a stepping stone to greater adventures; it is a living, breathing community with its own stories, challenges, and opportunities for those willing to delve deeper. This article presents a series of side quests designed to immerse players in the local culture, provide valuable experience points, and uncover hidden threats within and around Hommlet. These quests will enhance role-playing, deepen connections with the village's inhabitants, and prepare the party for the greater dangers that lie ahead.

Introduction: The Value of Side Quests in Hommlet

Hommlet is a small village, but its history is rich, and its people are varied and vibrant. The side quests available here are more than just simple tasks; they are opportunities for adventurers to engage with the world of Greyhawk on a personal level. By helping the villagers, the party can earn trust, gain valuable allies, and better prepare themselves for the challenges that await in the Moathouse and beyond.

The Importance of Side Quests

These quests offer more than just experience points and loot; they are a chance for the players to build relationships with the villagers, uncover local secrets, and make a tangible impact on the community. For the DM, these quests provide opportunities to flesh out the village of Hommlet, making it more than just a backdrop to the larger campaign.
  • Character Development: Side quests allow players to explore their characters' motivations, build relationships with NPCs, and make meaningful decisions that impact the story.
  • Experience Boost: Completing these quests will help the party gain experience and resources, giving them a better chance of surviving the dangers of the Moathouse.
  • Immersive World-Building: These quests help the DM create a living, breathing world where every NPC has a story, and every decision has consequences.

List of Local Side Quests

1. Clearing Out the Darkwood Grove - Hommlet The once-sacred Darkwood Grove has become infested with sinister creatures. The local druid, Jaroo Ashstaff, seeks the party’s aid in cleansing the grove. This quest introduces the party to the spiritual heart of Hommlet and deepens their connection with The Old Faith.
  • Objective: Purge the Darkwood Grove of its malevolent invaders.
  • NPC Involved: Jaroo Ashstaff
  • Location: 24. The Druid’s Grove 
  • Reward: Blessing from Jaroo and a greater understanding of the local druidic traditions.
2. Helping the Tailor - Hommlet 
Tomlyn, the village tailor, is struggling to keep up with orders due to recent disruptions. The party is asked to gather rare materials from the surrounding countryside. This quest highlights the everyday challenges of Hommlet’s residents.
  • Objective: Gather materials for Tomlyn to complete his work.
  • NPC Involved: Tomlyn the Tailor
  • Location: 11. Tomlyn Tailor’s shop 
  • Reward: Custom-made clothing or a small monetary reward.
3. Tamen’s Hijacked Ale - Hommlet 
Virgil Tamen, the braumeister of Tamen Brewery, has had a shipment of ale hijacked by bandits. The party is tasked with recovering the stolen goods, offering them a chance to confront the growing bandit threat near Hommlet.
  • Objective: Track down and recover the stolen ale.
  • NPC Involved: Virgil Tamen, Canon Terjon
  • Location: 18: Tamen Brewery 
  • Reward: A cask of Tamen’s finest ale and 5 gold pieces per barrel returned.
4. Cultists on the Road - Hommlet 
Rumors of cultists operating along the road to Hommlet have surfaced. Canon Terjon of the Church of St. Cuthbert asks the party to investigate and root out these dangerous elements. This quest exposes the players to the darker forces at work in the region.
  • Objective: Identify and eliminate the cultists operating along the road.
  • NPC Involved: Canon Terjon 
  • Reward: Healing potions and a blessing from the 20. Church of St. Cuthbert.
5. Catching Zert in the Act - Hommlet  Zert, a mercenary recently arrived in Hommlet, has been acting suspiciously. The party is asked to keep an eye on him and uncover his true intentions. This quest introduces players to the murky world of espionage and intrigue. 6. Finding the Saboteur - Hommlet 
Suspicious accidents have been plaguing the construction site of Doomwatch Keep. The party is asked to investigate and find the saboteur before further damage is done. This quest ties into the broader narrative of conflict and unrest in Hommlet. 7. Catching Furnok in the Act - Hommlet 
Furnok, a well-known gambler at the Inn of the Welcome Wench, has been cheating travelers out of their gold. The party is asked to catch him in the act and put a stop to his schemes. This quest adds a touch of lighthearted mischief to the campaign. 8. The Goblin Spies 
Reports of goblin spies in the area have reached the village. The party is tasked with tracking down these spies before they can report back to their masters. This quest brings the party face-to-face with the hidden dangers lurking around Hommlet.
  • Objective: Find and eliminate the goblin spies before they can escape.
  • NPC Involved: Captain Zeb Fletcher, Black Jay
  • Location: 19. Shepherd’s Cottage 
  • Reward: 10 gold pieces per goblin head and an increase in the party’s standing with the village militia.
9. Forbidden Romance 
A young couple from Hommlet has eloped, causing a stir in the village. The party is asked to find them and ensure their safety, while also navigating the delicate social dynamics involved. This quest explores the human element of the campaign, adding depth to the village’s social fabric. 10. Helping Spugnois find the Cache - Hommlet 
Spugnois, the local alchemist, has learned of a hidden wizard’s laboratory near Emridy Meadows. He asks the party to help him locate the cache and split the treasures. This quest introduces magical elements and the dangers of ancient secrets.
  • Objective: Find and explore the hidden wizard’s laboratory with Spugnois.
  • NPC Involved: Spugnois the Alchemist
  • Location: 7. The Inn of the Welcome Wench 
  • Reward: Arcane scrolls, potions, and a share of the treasure.
11. Running Out Rannos and Gremag - Hommlet 
The traders Rannos and Gremag have been revealed as spies for the Temple of Elemental Evil. The party is asked to confront them and drive them out of town. This quest ties directly into the main campaign, providing crucial information and experience. Journey to Hommlet from Narwell 
Before even arriving in Hommlet, the party may face dangers on the road from Narwell. This journey introduces the players to the threats lurking in the Gnarley Forest and sets the tone for the challenges ahead.
  • Objective: Safely escort a merchant caravan through the Gnarley Forest and investigate the increase in brigandry.
  • NPC Involved: Narwell merchants, The Gnarley Rangers 
  • Location: Village of Hommlet, Narwell 
  • Reward: 500 gold pieces for successful completion, plus loot from any defeated brigands.
Prelude Encounter: On the Road to Hommlet 
As the party nears Hommlet, they are ambushed by a band of brigands led by Joseph, a spy for the Temple of Elemental Evil. This encounter serves as an early test of the party’s combat abilities and their readiness to face the challenges in Hommlet.
  • Objective: Survive the ambush and gather information on the brigands’ activities.
  • NPC Involved: Joseph the Spy, various brigands
  • Reward: Valuable information on the brigands’ hideout and potential alliances in Hommlet.

Conclusion: Enhancing the Hommlet Experience

These side quests offer DMs the tools to create a rich, immersive experience for their players in the village of Hommlet. By engaging with the local community, the party will not only gain valuable experience but also forge connections that will serve them well as they delve deeper into the dangers of the Temple of Elemental Evil. Use these quests to bring the village to life, provide meaningful challenges, and prepare your players for the epic journey ahead.
Hommlet Side Quests by 3orcs


  • Two men, a young caravan driver and an older man, converse at a nearby table. Young driver, “Its cuz of them blasted gnomes that no traffic runs along the Land Road anymore.
  • Someone should clean the vermin out of them hills.” Older man, “Ah ya young fool! Few men care to take the Land Road cuz of the beasties! They’ve plagued that road for years. It ain’t the gnomes at all.”
  • Vicious Skyriders mounted on large winged birds that looks like a mingling of horse and an eagle have laid waste to several small farmsteads and merchant caravans.
  • Bandits, brigands and cutthroats have been plaguing the roads around Hommlet. Now merchants are reluctant to bring vital trade to our fair village.
  • I saw a group of five warriors in sky-blue armor and white cloaks, flying on giant vultures. The sky riders flew overhead and turned south, heading in the same direction as the caravan. Eann, a cattle drover drinking at the tavern, tells this tale to anyone who listens.
  • A server Ashby at the tavern, noticed a strange monk who wore a golden mask observing merchants closely while they stayed at the Inn. The monk left a few hours before the caravan set out and hasn’t been seen since. Mysterious stone-masked watchers by night.
  • Lord Milinous is pushing the Viscount to name him Knight Commander of the Borderers.
  • Folks along the border are abandoning their farms and moving north because of all the talk about war with the Kron Hills.
  • Hear tell that Lady Asbury has herself a pet dwarf. Got him chained to his anvil turning out swords and weapons and such. Somebody better keep an eye on that wench.
  • Some of the nobles are putting more men under arms. I think something is going to happen soon.
  • There is a big gathering of druids in the Etters up at the old haunted keep. It stands deep in the Etters “where the worst monsters are”. Good hunters, prospectors, herbalists, and woodcutters rarely go near the place.
  • A big gathering of a druid circle that call themselves the Circle of the Scarlet Moon. Its a talk of the hills and forest. The druids from all over have been invited to participate in a ritual that can restore nature’s balance in the troubled region. They call it Rite of the Wicker Giant. Elizar to invite them up to partake in the rite. He has convinced those gathered here that he’s a druid of the Circle of the Scarlet Moon and promises to teach others the rite as it’s performed. The atmosphere is one of festive anticipation. Other druids here are excited to meet their fellows and learn from the mysterious but powerful Elizar.

Cover image: Village of Hommlet by 3orcs


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