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7. Catching Furnok in the Act - Hommlet

Ostler Gundigoot, the innkeeper of the Welcome Wench, suspects that Furnok of Ferd, a frequent guest and self-proclaimed "Treasure Finder Extraordinaire," has been hustling patrons in card games. Ostler hires the PCs to investigate and expose Furnok's cheating ways.

Background and Setup

  • Ostler's Suspicion: Ostler has observed Furnok winning too frequently in the card games he hosts at the Inn. Though Furnok is charming and popular among travelers, Ostler suspects foul play and wants proof before confronting him. He offers the PCs a free night's stay and a meal in exchange for their help.
  • Furnok's Modus Operandi: Furnok, a skilled gambler and con artist, uses marked cards and loaded dice to cheat unsuspecting players. He has been making a modest living by hustling travelers and merchants passing through Hommlet.


  • Investigate: The PCs are tasked with gathering evidence of Furnok's cheating. They can observe his games, attempt to join in, or use magic or skills to uncover his methods.
  • Expose: If the PCs catch Furnok in the act, they can confront him and bring the evidence to Ostler. They may also decide to bribe Furnok, keeping his secret in exchange for rewards.


  • Furnok of Ferd: If caught, Furnok will attempt to charm his way out of trouble, offering the PCs a share of his winnings or magical items to keep quiet. If the PCs choose to expose him, Furnok may flee the village, or Ostler will have him run out of town.

Follow-up Quests

  • "A Thief in the Night": If Furnok is exposed and run out of town, he may later seek revenge on the PCs. This could lead to a nighttime encounter where Furnok attempts to steal from the PCs or sabotage their plans.
  • "The Hunt for Furnok": After fleeing, Furnok may become a wanted man in Verbobonc, leading to a bounty being placed on his head. The PCs may be offered a reward for tracking him down and bringing him to justice.

Investigating Further

Digging Deeper into Furnok's Schemes
  • Objective: If the PCs decide to delve deeper into Furnok's background and schemes, they can uncover more layers to his activities in Hommlet, potentially leading to greater rewards and dangers.
Clues and Leads
  • Marked Cards and Loaded Dice: If the PCs catch a glimpse of Furnok's cheating tools, they can investigate their origins. The tools may bear the mark of a thieves' guild or a notorious craftsman from Ferd, suggesting Furnok has connections beyond Hommlet.
  • Secret Stash: By observing Furnok closely or sneaking into his room (Room 7 or 8 at the Welcome Wench), the PCs might find a hidden compartment in the floorboards where Furnok keeps his ill-gotten gains—37 gems worth 50 gp each and a Ring of Invisibility. This could lead to a moral dilemma: should they keep the loot or turn it over to Ostler?
  • Correspondence: Hidden among Furnok's belongings, the PCs might find letters from accomplices in other towns, or notes outlining future cons. These letters could hint at a larger network of con artists, leading to further adventures or uncovering a potential ally or enemy.
Outcome of Further Investigation
  • Furnok's Downfall: If the PCs expose Furnok's broader schemes and connections, they can significantly damage his reputation. Furnok might be forced to flee Hommlet, leaving behind any remaining loot or information on his contacts. This could lead to further quests in nearby towns or the pursuit of Furnok across the countryside.
  • PCs' Reputation: Successfully uncovering and dismantling Furnok's network will greatly enhance the PCs' reputation in Hommlet and Verbobonc. They may receive offers of work from more influential figures or be entrusted with sensitive missions that require their investigative skills.
  • New Enemies: By delving deeper, the PCs might also make new enemies. If Furnok has connections to a larger criminal organization or cult, the PCs could become targets for revenge, leading to ambushes or assassination attempts in future encounters.

Follow-up Quest

  • "The Shadow of Ferd": With Furnok exposed and on the run, his former associates from Ferd may come looking for him—or for revenge against those who exposed him. This could lead to a tense encounter in a nearby town or an ambush on the road, where the PCs must deal with hired thugs or assassins sent by Furnok's old contacts.


Exposing Furnok can lead to increased trust and respect from the villagers of Hommlet, while also providing the PCs with an opportunity to test their investigative and negotiation skills. However, the decisions they make—whether to expose or bribe Furnok—could have long-lasting consequences in their interactions with both Furnok and the village.
Gambling Dice in a tavern by 3orcs
Gambler Furnok 
  • Level: 4 Thief
  • AC: 4 (Leather)
  • HP: 18
  • Weapons: Shortsword, +1 Dagger (hidden in boot)
  • Skills: Gambling, Sleight of Hand, Deception
  • Experience: 50 XP for catching Furnok in the act.
  • Treasure: Furnok may offer a Ring of Invisibility, a Greater Potion of Healing, or a Scroll of Protection from Magic as a bribe to the PCs.
  • Reputation: If the PCs expose Furnok, they will earn the gratitude of Ostler and the villagers, improving their standing in Hommlet.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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