Furrownose Dieg Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Furrownose Dieg

Furrownose is a minor noble who values appearances and social status. He is meticulous and cautious, often seen supervising his servants to ensure everything is perfect.
Character Traits
  • Description: Meticulous, cautious, and appearance-focused.
  • Personality: Hospitable but wary of danger.
  • Motivation: To maintain and elevate his social standing.

History: From Rural Roots to Noble Status

Furrownose Dieg, the owner, has worked hard to elevate his status and appearance to match the more urban nobles of Verbobonc. Despite his rural location, he strives to maintain the elegance and refinement expected of his rank.
Historical Highlights
  • Elevation: Dieg's efforts to elevate his status.
  • Reputation: Known for his immaculate manor and hospitality.

A Noble's Haven in Ryemend

E8 Dieg Manor is the manor home of Furrownose Dieg, a gnomish minor noble known for his meticulous upkeep of the property. Dieg Manor, located in the heart of the cobblestone paths of the Ryemend Quarter, stands out with its urban look amidst the surrounding farmhouses.

Politics of Verbobonc

A Spy in Noble's Clothing
Furrownose Dieg is also a long-time spy for King Belvor of Furyond, gathering local knowledge and rumors from the taverns and his social interactions.
Political Engagement
  • Lords of Verbobonc: Tries to blend in and gather information.
  • Free Alliance of the Kron Hills: Maintains connections with fellow gnomes.
  • Furyondy: Loyal to King Belvor, provides intelligence.
Political Engagement
A Spy in Noble's Clothing
Furrownose Dieg is also a long-time spy for King Belvor of Furyond, gathering local knowledge and rumors from the taverns and his social interactions. His relationship with key figures like Prince Jimm and Jeet Jimbleclap highlights his strategic importance.
  • Alliance with Prince Jimm Pithriggen: Works closely with Prince Jimm Pithriggen to emphasize the importance of gnome-human relations while advocating for gnomish autonomy. 
  • Tensions with Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart: Strained relations due to territorial and governance disputes, with Dieg representing steadfast opposition to annexation by Verbobonc.
  • Free Alliance of the Kron Hills: Represents a unified front of gnome clans in the Kron Hills, advocating for their collective interests and rights.


Balancing Nobility and Espionage
Furrownose's dual life as a noble and a spy requires careful balancing of relationships. He maintains a facade of a dedicated noble while discreetly gathering information for Furyond.
Key Relationships
  • Local Nobles: Attempts to blend in and gain trust.
  • Servants: Relies on them to maintain his manor's appearance.
  • Gnome Community: Keeps close ties with the Gnome Quarter for information.

Secrets and Intrigues

A Life of Espionage
Furrownose's role as a spy adds layers of intrigue to his life. While he gathers local knowledge, he remains cautious and avoids dangerous situations.
Key Elements
  • Spy for King Belvor: Gathers local intelligence.
  • Fear of Danger: Information is often limited to safe environments.
  • Social Aspirations: Tries to mix with higher nobility to expand his espionage efforts.

Plot Hooks

Potential Adventures
Furrownose’s secret life and meticulous nature provide numerous opportunities for adventure and intrigue.
Adventure Ideas
  • Secretive Gatherings: Furrownose hosts a gathering for local nobles where adventurers must gather intel.
  • Espionage Mission: Furrownose needs discreet help to obtain sensitive information.
  • Defensive Measures: Adventurers assist in reinforcing the manor’s defenses against a perceived threat.
"The key to power lies in discretion and information."
Furrownose Dieg
Rogue / Assassin / Aristocrat Description and Traits
  • Background: Minor noble with a meticulous nature.
  • Motivation: Elevating social status and serving as a spy.
Lawful neutral
Current Status
Current Location
Year of Birth
478 98 Years old
Quotes & Catchphrases
"A noble must maintain both appearance and allegiance."
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Dieg Manor by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Furrownose Dieg by 3orcs


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