Free Alliance of the Kron Hills Organization in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Free Alliance of the Kron Hills

Government Organization of the Gnome Free Alliance of the Kron Hills
The Gnome Free Alliance of the Kron Hills is a unique political entity nestled within the fertile upper reaches of the Kron Hills, a region known for its mineral wealth and agricultural potential. Governed by a confederation of gnome clans, this alliance represents a collective effort to maintain autonomy and cultural identity in the face of external pressures and political dynamics, particularly those emanating from the Verbobonc, Viscounty. Below is an overview of this government organization, its history, motivations, political relationships, and the challenges it faces.

History and Structure

The Free Alliance of the Kron Hills has evolved over centuries, rooted in the rich traditions and communal spirit of the gnome people. It is led by the most prominent of the gnome clans, Clan Tulvar, under the wise leadership of Urthgan Eldest of Tulvar. The village of Tulvar serves not only as the political heart but also as a center for gnomish culture and ingenuity. "Prince" Jimm Pithriggen, serving as the representative voice in Verbobonc, exemplifies the diplomatic bridge between the gnomish communities and the human-dominated Viscounty.

Motivations and Political Relationships

The primary motivation of the Free Alliance is to safeguard the independence and prosperity of the gnomish communities within the Kron Hills. This includes preserving their rights to mine and manage the resources of their lands without undue interference from external powers. The alliance's relationship with the Viscounty of Verbobonc is complex, marked by a history of both cooperation and contention. While trade and diplomatic engagements occur, there remains an underlying tension, particularly regarding the autonomy of the gnome communities and their control over local resources.
  • Trade with Verbobonc: The gnome settlements rely on Verbobonc for access to broader markets, making trade a critical component of their economy. However, disputes over trade regulations and the rights to mine products have strained relations.
  • Political Isolationism: The gnomes' pursuit of political isolationism reflects their desire for self-determination, yet this stance often puts them at odds with the Viscount's overtures for unity and cooperation.
The Free Alliance faces several challenges that threaten its stability and prosperity:
  • Ownership Disputes over Gem Mines: There have been ongoing disputes with the lords of Verbobonc regarding the ownership and control of the lucrative gem mines within the Kron Hills. These disputes underscore the broader struggle for resource control and economic autonomy.
  • Cheating in Trade Deals: Gnome merchants have reported instances of unfair trade practices and cheating by human merchants, further exacerbating tensions between the communities.
  • Ambushes and Robberies: Merchant caravans traveling to and from Verbobonc have been increasingly targeted by bandits, disrupting trade and posing a significant security concern.


The Gnome Free Alliance of the Kron Hills represents a resilient and tightly-knit community striving to maintain its cultural identity and independence in a changing world. Despite the challenges, the alliance continues to seek diplomatic solutions and leverage its economic contributions to negotiate a more equitable relationship with the Viscounty of Verbobonc. The leadership of individuals like "Prince" Jimm and the wise Urthgan Eldest of Tulvar is crucial in navigating the complex political landscape and securing a prosperous future for the gnomish people.
Geopolitical, Clan
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Neighboring Nations
Related Species

Cover image: by 3orcs


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