E8 Dieg Manor Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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E8 Dieg Manor

Dieg Manor, located in the heart of the cobblestone paths of the Ryemend Quarter, stands out with its urban look amidst the surrounding farmhouses. This manor is home to Furrownose Dieg, a gnomish minor noble known for his meticulous upkeep of the property.

An Urban Gem in a Rural Setting

The manor features a manicured lawn, fresh paint, and well-crafted woodwork. Servants are often seen tending the private garden and manicuring the hedges, maintaining the house's distinctive appearance.
Key Features
  • Manicured Lawn: Pristine and well-maintained.
  • Fresh Paint: A testament to constant upkeep.
  • Private Garden: Regularly tended by servants.

History: From Rural Roots to Noble Status

Furrownose Dieg, the owner, has worked hard to elevate his status and appearance to match the more urban nobles of Verbobonc. Despite his rural location, he strives to maintain the elegance and refinement expected of his rank.
Historical Highlights
  • Elevation: Dieg's efforts to elevate his status.
  • Reputation: Known for his immaculate manor and hospitality.

Dieg Manor Interior Descriptions

Entry Hall: An Inviting Entrance
The entry hall of Dieg Manor greets visitors with a sense of elegance and meticulous care. The floors are polished hardwood, reflecting the light from brass chandeliers. Rich tapestries depicting gnomish heritage line the walls, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.
Key Features
  • Polished Hardwood Floors: Gleam under the light.
  • Brass Chandeliers: Illuminate the space warmly.
  • Tapestries: Depicting gnomish heritage.
A Space of Quiet Sophistication
The foyer is a space of quiet sophistication, featuring comfortable seating areas and intricately carved wooden furniture. A large fireplace, often lit during cooler months, adds to the cozy ambiance, while potted plants bring a touch of nature indoors.
Key Features
  • Seating Areas: Comfortable and inviting.
  • Fireplace: Adds warmth and ambiance.
  • Carved Wooden Furniture: Showcases craftsmanship.
  • Potted Plants: Bring nature indoors.
Dining Hall
An Elegant Gathering Place
The dining hall of Dieg Manor is designed for both intimate family meals and grand gatherings. A long mahogany table dominates the room, surrounded by high-backed chairs upholstered in fine fabrics. Silver candelabras and a crystal chandelier add a touch of opulence, while large windows provide natural light and views of the manicured garden.
Key Features
  • Mahogany Table: Long and elegant.
  • High-Backed Chairs: Upholstered in fine fabrics.
  • Silver Candelabras: Add a touch of opulence.
  • Crystal Chandelier: Provides grandeur.
  • Large Windows: Offer views of the garden.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type
Dieg Manor by 3orcs
"From the fields to the halls, I keep my ears open."
Furrownose Dieg (Gnomes)
Manor house / Meeting hall
Parent Location
Characters in Location
Furrownose Dieg by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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