Jeet Jimbleclap Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Jeet Jimbleclap

Guardian of the Gnomes

Jeet Jimbleclap stands as a pivotal figure among the gnomes of the Kron Hills, renowned for her leadership and unwavering dedication to her people's safety and sovereignty. Amidst the political tumult and external threats facing the gnomish communities, Jeet's actions and decisions have profound implications for the Free Alliance of the Kron Hills and their relations with the Viscounty of Verbobonc.

Early Life and Ascension

  • Background: Jeet, even by gnome standards, is considered elderly, yet her vigor for protecting her kin remains undiminished.
  • Military Leadership: Answering a call to arms, she led a gnome contingent to aid against threats, underlining her commitment to defense and strategic collaboration.

Personality Traits

  • Pragmatic and Humorous: Jeet finds levity in all situations without undermining the gravity of her responsibilities.
  • Direct and Respectful: Known for her blunt communication, Jeet is respected for her ability to cut through formalities, prioritizing efficiency and honesty in discussions.

Political Stance and Relations

  • Alliance with Prince Jimm: Works closely with Prince Jimm Pithriggen, emphasizing the importance of gnome-human relations while advocating for gnomish autonomy.
  • Tensions with Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart: Strained relations due to territorial and governance disputes, Jeet represents a steadfast opposition to any form of annexation or control over the gnome territories by Verbobonc.

Gnome Politics and the Free Assembly

Free Alliance of Clans: Represents a unified front of gnome clans in the Kron Hills, advocating for their collective interests and rights.
Trade and Security Concerns:
  • Trade Disputes: Issues over trade regulations and rights, particularly concerning gem mines and merchant practices.
  • Security Threats: Addressing the increased raids on caravans and the withdrawal of Verbobonc's patrols, Jeet focuses on bolstering local defenses and seeking external support.

Challenges and Vision

  • Economic Independence: Fighting for fair trade practices and the protection of gnome crafts and resources.
  • Political Autonomy: Striving for recognition and respect of the gnomish way of governance, resisting external pressures for integration or annexation.
  • Security and Peace: Ensuring the safety of gnome settlements from external threats and fostering a peaceful coexistence with neighboring human territories.


Jeet Jimbleclap's leadership not only symbolizes the resilience and ingenuity of the gnomes but also highlights the complex dynamics of power, politics, and cultural preservation in the face of changing times. As she continues to navigate these challenges, her actions will undoubtedly shape the future of gnome-human relations in the region, aiming for a harmonious balance between independence and cooperation.
Lawful Good
Year of Birth
474 102 Years old
thinning white hair
35 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Jeet Jimbleclap, an elderly gnome warrior, embodies resilience and tenacity, which are as evident in her physical appearance as in her character. Despite her advanced age, Jeet shows no signs of physical impairment, maintaining a strong and active presence. Her thinning white hair speaks of her long life and experiences, yet her stature and demeanor radiate vitality and determination.
Physical Appearance
  • Stature: Compact and sturdy, typical of gnome physiology, Jeet carries herself with an air of confidence and readiness that belies her age.
  • Facial Features: Her face, marked by the passage of time, carries a wealth of wisdom and resolve. A sharp gaze emanates from her eyes, reflecting a life dedicated to the protection and leadership of her people.
  • Attire: Jeet is often seen in practical warrior's attire, suited for both council meetings and the heat of battle. Her clothing, though functional, carries the marks of gnome craftsmanship, with intricate details and durable materials.
  • Companion: Rarely far from her side is her white raven companion, Smoke, a constant and vigilant ally, embodying her connection to both the natural world and the deeper, mystical elements of gnome culture.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Jeet Jimbleclap by 3orcs


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