Jimm Pithriggen Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Jimm Pithriggen

“Prince” Pithriggen

"Prince" Jimm: A Glimpse into the Gnome Politics of Greenway Valley

Faljimm Nizgafal, commonly referred to by some as the "Gnomeprince," holds a more accurate title of "high gnome spokesperson" within the realms of the Kron Hills and Verbobonc City. Despite the grandeur suggested by his titles, Jimm's authority over the Kron Hills is minimal, though he boasts significant stakes in several gnomish merchant houses in Verbobonc City. His flamboyant appearance, complete with a handlebar mustache and splendid attire, alongside his sociable demeanor, portrays him as a fervent advocate for mending ties between the Kron Hills and the Viscounty of Verbobonc.

History and Political Involvement

Jimm's diplomatic engagements often appear as episodes filled with political intrigue, where he hosts "diplomats" from various factions that either support or contest the actions of Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart. However, his effectiveness is limited by his inability to unilaterally command his "subjects"—if indeed he possesses any such power. This necessitates a consensus among the disputing parties, leading frequently to a stalemate where little to no progress is made.

Personality Traits

  • Diplomatic: Jimm's meetings and interactions are filled with political intrigue, as he adeptly navigates discussions with various factions, showcasing his diplomatic skills.
  • Enigmatic: Despite his openness in communication, Jimm reveals very little about his personal affiliations, preferring to keep others guessing about his true motivations.
  • Intelligent: His ability to understand human society better than many of his peers, combined with his love for illusion magic, indicates a high level of intelligence and creativity.
  • Caring: Beneath the political maneuvering lies a genuine care for his people. His efforts to act properly and his occasional desire to escape the burdens of leadership reveal a leader who is earnestly trying to do his best for the gnomish community.

Motivation and Personal Traits

Jimm's true motivations remain a mystery, as he divulges little about his own allegiances, preferring instead to probe others for information. This has led to a variety of perceptions among the gnomes, ranging from rumors of the Princehood being a rotational office to amused insinuations hinting at a deeper, undisclosed jest not shared with humans.

Politics of the Free Assembly of Gnomes

The politics within the Free Assembly of Gnomes in Greenway Valley, nestled within the scenic Kron Hills, reflects a complex and organized community life. Despite the apparent ceremonial nature of his role, Jimm's endeavors to foster a reconciliatory atmosphere between the gnomes of the Kron Hills and the governing bodies of Verbobonc highlight the tense and intricate relationship between these two entities. Verbobonc's interest in annexing the hills contrasts sharply with the gnomes' staunch desire for autonomy, leading to an uneasy alliance at best.

Aims and Objectives

Jimm's primary aim seems to be the restoration of harmonious relations between the Kron Hills and Verbobonc. This objective, however, is fraught with challenges stemming from historical grievances, current political disputes, and the intrinsic difficulty in achieving a consensus among the gnomes and the Viscounty's political factions.

Current Political Climate

The current political environment within the Greenway Valley and the larger area of Verbobonc is marked by a delicate balance of power, mistrust, and the continuous effort to navigate the political intricacies that define the relationship between the gnomes and the human-led Viscounty. Jimm's role, though seemingly limited in direct power, is crucial in maintaining a dialogue and attempting to bridge the divide between these communities.

Gnome Politics

Anyone seeing Wilfrick Verdanhart and Jeet Jimbleclap together can see the tension between the two, owing to recent and unresolved difficulties between Verbobonc and the Gnomes of the Kron Hills. “Prince” Jimm intervenes and smooths things over when it comes to Gnome relations. Verbobonc would annex the hills and their people, while the gnomes want nothing to do with human rule. Their alliance is uneasy at best, and simple discussions can unravel into bitter arguments. Thus far, Wilfrick has tolerated the gnomes’ rebelliousness and desire for independence, but Jeet tries his patience.


"Prince" Jimm, with his unique blend of charm, political involvement, and enigmatic stance, remains a key figure in the ongoing narrative of gnome-human relations within the Viscounty of Verbobonc. His efforts, albeit complicated by the nature of gnomish politics and the broader geopolitical tensions, underscore the intricate tapestry of alliances, rivalries, and the quest for understanding that characterizes the region.  
Neutral Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
457 119 Years old
Prestigious Noble
brilliant sapphire
brilliant auburn handlebar mustache and long hair
Gnome Pantheon
Aligned Organization
Physical Appearance
  • Stature: As a gnome, Jimm is naturally short in stature, but he carries himself with an air of dignity that commands attention.
  • Facial Features: He is distinguished by a handlebar mustache that adds to his charismatic presence. His facial expressions often hint at amusement or deep contemplation, reflecting his enjoyment of the intricate dance of politics and his fondness for the subtler aspects of governance.
  • Attire: Jimm is known for his splendid attire, favoring vibrant colors and intricate patterns that reflect his status and personality. His clothing not only makes a statement about his wealth and taste but also serves as a visual representation of his role as a bridge between the gnomish and human cultures.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Prince Jimm Gnome Noble by 3orcs


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