Gerard Royston Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Gerard Royston

Bishop (a.k.a. Vicar Inquisitor)

Militant and non-compromising. Long black hair combed back from tightly trimmed hair and beard. Penetrating brown eyes makes his stern face commanding. When not wearing his Bishops white robes he is in gleaming white platemail of Pelor.

Vicar of Archbishop Charles Evertide

Bishop Gerard Royston is a prominent figure within the Church of Pelor, serving as the Vicar to Archbishop Charles Evertide. His role as the Inquisitor General is pivotal in shaping the militant and doctrinal aspects of the church. Known for his strict adherence to justice and righteousness, Royston’s influence extends across the training and ethical conduct of the church’s militant arm.
  • Position and Influence: As Vicar, Royston acts as a key advisor and an enforcer of church doctrine under Archbishop Evertide.
  • Personality Traits: Known for his sanctimonious and self-righteous demeanor, he commands attention and respect through his stern approach to governance and spirituality.

Background and Role

Gerard Royston's background in theological study and military strategy has uniquely positioned him to lead the militant sectors of the Church of Pelor.
  • Theological and Military Training: Educated at the foremost theological seminaries with additional training in martial disciplines.
  • Responsibilities: Oversees the recruitment, training, and doctrinal education of Pelor’s paladins and militant clerics.
  • Office of the Inquisitors: Vicor General of the Clerics and Inquisitors of Pelor.

Leadership and Training Programs

Bishop Royston's strict and rigorous training programs are designed to prepare clerics and paladins not only in martial prowess but also in moral and ethical rectitude.
  • Militant Cleric Training: Focuses on combining spiritual doctrine with combat training, ensuring that clerics can protect the faith against physical and spiritual adversaries.
  • Paladin Development: Paladins under his tutelage are taught to embody the virtues of Pelor—justice, mercy, and righteousness—even though his definition of mercy is often quite stringent.
  • Inquisitorial Missions: Trains inquisitors to identify and eliminate threats to the faith, coordinating closely with paladins for enforcement and justice.

Approach to Justice and Discipline

Royston’s commitment to justice is uncompromising, influencing his leadership style and the church's approach to internal and external conflicts.
  • Strict Adherence to Doctrine: Enforces the church's teachings and policies with a rigid interpretation of Pelor’s will, often leading to stringent disciplinary actions.
  • Sanctimonious Leadership: His self-righteous nature informs his decision-making process, sometimes leading to conflicts with more moderate voices within the church.
  • Expectation of Respect: Demands high standards of respect and obedience from his subordinates and church members, which can sometimes border on authoritarian.

Interpersonal Relationships and Public Perception

While effective in his role, Bishop Royston's demeanor and methods sometimes challenge his relationships within and outside the church.
  • With Peers and Superiors: Generally maintains a formal and respectful relationship with Archbishop Charles Evertide, though his style occasionally causes friction.
  • Public Persona: Known to seize every opportunity to lecture on moral issues, which garners both respect and resentment from the laity and his peers.


Bishop Gerard Royston is a complex leader whose zealous commitment to the tenets of Pelor drives the strategic and ethical direction of the church’s militant arms. His unyielding stance on justice and morality, coupled with his commanding presence, ensures that the Church of Pelor remains a formidable force against evil, albeit sometimes at the cost of softer, more diplomatic approaches. Through his rigorous training programs and strict governance, Royston shapes the defenders of the faith, preparing them to confront and vanquish darkness wherever it may lurk.
Cleric of Pelor level 12
  • HD12, HP 70, AC 10
  • Str 16, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 15
Lawful good
Current Location
Year of Birth
535 41 Years old
dark hazel
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Vigilance in the Light, Courage against the Dark."
"Mercy for the Penitent, Justice for the Wicked."
"The Sun Reveals, the Flame Purifies."
Symbolizes Pelor's light as a tool for revelation and the cleansing power of his holy fire to eradicate impurity.
Aligned Organization
Holy Symbol of Pelor by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Bishop Gerard Royston by 3orcs


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