B20 Church of Pelor Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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B20 Church of Pelor

This graceful tall, airy, building proudly stands over the village as beacon of good and Righteousness. The very stones of white alabaster glow with a soft light that can be seen from anywhere in the city. Each side of the building boasts large high arched windows that are placed so the sun shines into most of the rooms throughout the day. Stepping inside you smell fresh pine and see bright polished floors and walls. The rooms feature open, sunny visages of the buildings and walls of Verbobonc. The halls and rooms are kept scrupulously clean. Many pilgrims of Pelor who stop here to rest before continuing on their journey across the realm. Many devout travelers can be found in the central gardens where they relax and plan for their future journeys and exploits. The entrance foyer opens into a large open domed sun drenched worship hall with focused channels of pure sunlight setting the altar of Pelor aglow. Across the dome an encompassing myriad of scenes painted across the entire dome of the old faith's The Summer Tree with Pelor as the central figure.

A Beacon of Light and Goodness

The Church of Pelor in Verbobonc stands as a monumental beacon of righteousness, its alabaster structure radiating soft light that serves as a guide for the good-hearted. This extensive article explores the church's architecture, historical significance, political ties, notable individuals, and the range of services it offers to the community.


The Church of Pelor is architecturally majestic, designed to harness and celebrate the essence of sunlight:
  • Structure: Built from gleaming white alabaster with high, arched windows designed to allow sunlight to permeate through most of the building throughout the day.
  • Interior: Features bright polished floors and walls, with the scent of fresh pine filling the air, creating an environment of purity and tranquility.

History and Background

The Church of Pelor has been a spiritual cornerstone in Verbobonc for centuries, deeply intertwined with the city's development and the well-being of its people.
  • Foundational Role: Established to serve as a spiritual guide and refuge, the church has long been a place where pilgrims and travelers find solace and strength.
  • Evolution: Over the years, the church has adapted to the needs of Verbobonc's citizens, continuously expanding its services and outreach programs.

Politics with Lords of Verbobonc and the Viscount

The Church of Pelor maintains a complex relationship with the secular leaders of Verbobonc, balancing spiritual authority with political diplomacy:
  • Liaison Functions: Acts as a moral and ethical advisor to the Viscount and local lords, influencing governance with the teachings of Pelor.
  • Support and Influence: The church's support is often sought in civic matters, from social welfare programs to legislative counsel.

Notable People

Several key figures play vital roles in the functioning and outreach of the Church of Pelor:
  • Charles Evertide: The head priest, known for his extensive charitable works and personal dedication to the community's well-being.

Goods and Services

The Church of Pelor offers a wide array of services, both spiritual and practical, to its congregation and the wider community:
  • Accommodations: Provides free lodging for the faithful and nominal charge lodging for the needy.
  • Healing Services: Offers sunlit healing services, including free treatments for minor wounds and discounted services for more severe conditions.
  • Nutritional Support: Operates a dining hall that serves basic sustenance at minimal cost to ensure no one goes hungry.
  • Spiritual and Navigational Guidance: Maintains a collection of maps and offers information to aid travelers in their journeys.
Church Office
The clergy’s office within the church is a hub of administrative and spiritual activity:
A fire blazes merrily within the compact hearth of the clergy’s office within the staid, well-kept church. At its center lies a desk with a blotter, upon which a half-finished sermon lies next to an inkwell and quill. Next to the blotter, a copy of the order’s holy book rests by a ledger tracking donations and expenses flowing through the church’s coffers. Though not outwardly extravagant, the furniture is of sturdy construction, its dark wood polished carefully with oil to maintain its finish. Tomes line the shelves built into the wall behind the desk, several of which are books of other orders and faiths.
  • Setup: Equipped with a desk, holy books, a ledger for donations, and a fireplace, the office is the administrative heart of the church.
  • Library: Houses religious texts and writings from various faiths, reflecting the church’s commitment to comprehensive spiritual knowledge.
Temple Gardens
The gardens of the Church of Pelor are a serene escape for meditation and relaxation:
Cobbled paths lined with fountains and statuary wind their way through lush garden beds brimming with blooming flowers and verdant shrubbery. Painstakingly maintained, the gardens present an idllyic image with not a blade of grass out of place. Birds gather in the trees, whistling pleasantly and diving into stone water basins strewn throughout the area. A pond, meticulously lined with flat stones, contains several large, golden-scaled fish, which eye passersby with an almost human-like cunning.
  • Design: Features cobbled paths, fountains, statues, and meticulously arranged flora that create a tranquil environment for contemplation.
  • Wildlife and Water Features: Includes bird-friendly trees and a fish pond, enhancing the garden’s natural beauty and appeal.
Altar of Pelor
The central worship hall of the Church of Pelor is designed to focus and amplify the divine light of Pelor:
The room smells heavily of incense and oil, and smoke hangs in a curtain about the room. The altar itself is a stout, spartan structure of white marble, adorned with the fiery holy symbol of Pelor, a cluster of crystal globes shine with brilliant light, a stick of incense, and little else. But each item is placed with care and thoughtfulness, and the room itself is meticulously clean and sparse. This is a place of worship, of reverence. The wall and ceiling high above is pure crystal glass which focuses the suns light onto the altar bathing it in Pelor's divine glory.
  • Construction: The altar, made of stout white marble, is minimally adorned, focusing all attention on the sacred symbols of Pelor.
  • Divine Light: The crystal glass dome and walls concentrate sunlight onto the altar, symbolizing Pelor’s blessing and presence.


The Church of Pelor in Verbobonc is not merely a building of worship but a vital institution that enriches, guides, and protects the community. Through its architectural beauty, historical significance, influential relationships, and comprehensive services, the church continues to uphold its mission of spreading Pelor's light and warmth to all corners of the realm.  

The Summer Tree with Pelor as the central figure

Each spring, Obad-Hai is born and grows into an eager and daring boy. At the threshold of summer, Ehlonna comes to him and guides him to manhood. In the summer, Obad-Hai becomes the Stag King and leads the Wild Hunt. His strength withers in the autumn until he is the Shalm. At the last breath of the year, Nerull comes and slays him with a single stroke and hangs the corpse from the Summer Tree for seven days, at the end of which Pelor cuts him down and buries him so that he is in the embrace of his mother, Beory . Ehlonna comes to the grave and waters it with her tears. From that grave sprouts a sapling that gives forth a single fruit. The fruit ripens, falls to the ground, and splits open to reveal the boy – Obad-Hai – beginning the circle anew.
Cathedral / Great temple
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Holy Symbol of Pelor by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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