Charles Evertide Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Charles Evertide


The Beacon of Pelor's Light in Verbobonc

Archbishop Charles Evertide stands as a venerable figure within the Church of Pelor, overseeing its spiritual operations and fostering a community of nurturers and protectors. His leadership is marked by a deep commitment to the teachings of Pelor, characterized by compassion, healing, and guardianship. This article delves into his personal attributes, historical background, political engagements, and his relationships with other church organizations and notable figures.


Charles Evertide embodies the serene yet formidable presence of a seasoned leader of faith. His appearance reflects his Flannae (American Indian) heritage, adorned in the distinguished vestments of the Archbishop of the Sun God:
  • Physical Appearance: Features a robust build with weathered yet gentle facial features, indicative of his years of service and wisdom.
  • Vestments: Wears robes of radiant hues, typically in gold and white, symbolizing the light of Pelor, with intricate silver embroidery that denotes his high rank within the church.

Background and History

Archbishop Evertide's journey to his current status is marked by decades of devout service, extensive theological training, and a profound dedication to the welfare of his community.
  • Early Life and Calling: Born into a modest family in the Flanaess, Charles was drawn to the teachings of Pelor at a young age, prompted by a personal encounter with divine healing.
  • Rise through the Ranks: His early years in the priesthood were distinguished by his tireless work in community service, eventually leading to his elevation to Archbishop.

The Political Influence of Archbishop Evertide in Verbobonc

Archbishop Charles Evertide plays a crucial role in the political landscape of Verbobonc, not only as a spiritual leader but also as a significant influencer in the broader political and interfaith dynamics of the region. His efforts to maintain harmony and promote the values of Pelor have cemented his position as a key figure in the governance of the area.
  • Leadership and Oversight: Archbishop Evertide’s guidance extends across multiple regions, including the oversight of Bishop Brardovia Vallan in Dyvers.
  • Saints and Elevated Followers: Works closely with figures like Mayaheine and other saints who embody Pelor’s virtues, drawing on their legacies to inspire the faithful.
  • Community Engagement: Actively involved in promoting health, defense, and welfare, Evertide's policies significantly impact the local populace and their reception of the church.
Interfaith Relations and Diplomatic Roles
The Church of Pelor under Evertide’s stewardship seeks to foster peaceful and cooperative relations among various religious groups within Verbobonc, embodying Pelor’s teachings of peace and harmony.
  • Mediation Between Faiths: Known for his diplomatic skills, Evertide often mediates disputes among different religious factions, enhancing unity and understanding.
  • Alliances with Other Faiths: Maintains strong alliances with other good-aligned deities’ clerics, coordinating on community and defense initiatives that benefit the broader region.
Relationships with Local and Regional Leaders
Evertide’s interactions with the political leaders of Verbobonc are characterized by mutual respect and shared goals, focusing on the prosperity and safety of the Viscounty.
  • Advisory Role to the Viscount: Serves as a spiritual advisor to @Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart, impacting decisions related to moral and ethical issues faced by the Viscounty.
  • Council of Abbots: As a member of this governing body, he influences broader religious and political policies that affect the region at large.
Influence on Church Organization and Doctrine
Evertide’s leadership extends to the organizational structure and doctrinal purity of the Church of Pelor, ensuring that its teachings reflect the true essence of Pelor’s will.
  • Oversight of Clerical Hierarchy: Manages the hierarchical structure within the church, from bishops to local priests, ensuring they adhere to Pelor’s doctrines.
  • Doctrine Enforcement and Adaptation: Balances traditional teachings with necessary adaptations to meet contemporary challenges, fostering doctrinal purity and relevance.
Elevated Followers and Divine Relationships
Archbishop Evertide supports and promotes the veneration of figures within the Pelorian faith who exemplify its highest virtues, enhancing the church’s spiritual richness.
  • Promotion of Saints and Demigods: Advocates for the teachings and ideals of figures like Mayaheine and Saint Bane, integrating their virtues into church practices.
  • Divine Alliances: Works to maintain and strengthen relationships with other deities that share similar values, enhancing the church’s spiritual alliances.
Archbishop Charles Evertide’s role in Verbobonc extends beyond his ecclesiastical duties, embedding him deeply into the political, social, and interfaith fabrics of the region. His leadership is marked by a strong commitment to the principles of Pelor, promoting a vision of peace, protection, and prosperity throughout the Viscounty.

Office and Daily Life

The daily operations of Archbishop Evertide are conducted from his office within the church, which is a hub of administrative and spiritual activity.  
  • Sanctity Environment: Contains religious texts, donation ledgers, and strategic documents; the space is functional yet inviting, with a small hearth that adds warmth to the room.

Temple Gardens and Altar

The gardens and altar of the church are central to its function as a place of worship and contemplation.
  • Temple Gardens: Serve as a tranquil retreat for meditation and prayer, featuring meticulously maintained plantings and serene water features.
  • Altar of Pelor: The focal point of worship, this altar is bathed in sunlight, symbolically and literally representing Pelor’s presence and blessing.


Archbishop Charles Evertide’s role as a spiritual leader and community guardian in Verbobonc embodies the highest ideals of Pelor’s teachings. Through his wise leadership, extensive network of relationships, and dedication to service, he ensures that the Church of Pelor remains a pillar of hope and benevolence, guiding the faithful towards a brighter, more compassionate world.
Cleric level 8
  • HD 8 (1d8), HP 30, AC 10
  • Str 9, Con 11, Dex 9, Int 13, Wis 17, Cha 16
Neutral Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
538 38 Years old
peircing brilliant blue
Long wazy white
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In every heart, the light of Pelor can shine, if only we choose to kindle it."
"Every dawn is Pelor's reminder that every soul may start anew."
Symbolizes hope and renewal, reflecting his belief in redemption and new beginnings under the guidance of Pelor, akin to the rebirth brought by each new day.
Ruled Locations
Holy Symbol of Pelor by 3orcs
Archbishop Evertide's Broader Circle of Allies in Verbobonc Archbishop Charles Evertide's political influence in Verbobonc extends into a complex network of alliances with other deities represented within the city. These alliances, based on shared goals and mutual support, play a crucial role in shaping the religious and political landscape of the region.
Detailed Relationships with Allied Deities
The Holy Order of Heironeous 
  • Common Goals: Shared interests in justice and valor, with both churches actively promoting law and order within the Viscounty.
  • Collaborative Initiatives: Joint military and charitable missions, especially in regions threatened by lawlessness or evil entities.
  • Local Representation: The Church of Heironeous in Verbobonc, led by a dedicated bishop, coordinates closely with Evertide on interfaith security measures.
Church of St Cuthbert 
  • Shared Interests: Both churches emphasize strict adherence to law and righteousness.
  • Interfaith Activities: Collaborative community enforcement programs, focusing on maintaining social order and ethical conduct.
  • Local Church Dynamics: St. Cuthbert's local bishop often partners with Evertide in organizing community tribunals and moral education sessions.
One True Way Church of Pholtus 
  • Alignment in Beliefs: Both value light and truth, with a strong emphasis on the purity of faith and practice.
  • Joint Ventures: Engage in doctrinal education and the promotion of monotheistic worship practices.
  • Verbobonc’s Church of Pholtus: Works under a structured hierarchy that often seeks guidance from Evertide to resolve theological disputes.
Church of Trithereon 
  • Mutual Support for Freedom and Retribution: Shared advocacy for personal freedom and justice against oppression.
  • Collaborative Defense Efforts: United front in campaigns against tyranny and oppression, supporting rebels and persecuted minorities.
  • Local Presence: Trithereon’s followers in Verbobonc, though fewer, are fervently active in civil rights causes, often coordinating with Evertide’s initiatives.
  • Common Virtues: Mercy, hope, and benevolence, with a focus on alleviating suffering and providing hope to the downtrodden.
  • Shared Humanitarian Missions: Joint relief efforts in times of disaster or crisis, sharing resources and manpower.
  • Local Clergy Interaction: Zodal’s representatives in Verbobonc are deeply involved in the Church of Pelor’s charitable programs, benefiting from Evertide’s extensive network.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Archbishop Charles Evertide by 3orcs


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