Clerics and Inquisitors of Pelor Organization in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Clerics and Inquisitors of Pelor

Guardians of Doctrinal Purity

In the radiant embrace of Pelor's faith, a spectrum of beliefs and practices exists, reflecting the diverse ways in which his followers interpret and live out his teachings. Among these varied expressions of worship, certain clerics are called to serve not only as healers and guides but as Inquisitors, tasked with ensuring that the core tenets of Pelor's doctrine are maintained. These Inquisitors play a crucial role within the faith, especially given the presence of splinter sects and divergent dogmas.

The Role of Inquisitors

Inquisitors within the Pelorian faith undertake the delicate mission of guiding wayward or splinter factions back to doctrinal purity. Unlike the deities St. Cuthbert and Pholtus, who are known for their stringent intolerance of heresy, Pelor adopts a more lenient stance towards doctrinal deviations, so long as his name is honored and his fundamental teachings are observed. This nuanced approach to heresy underscores a broader understanding of faith as a personal journey, one that accommodates a range of interpretations and practices under the broad canopy of Pelor's light.
  • Steering Back to Doctrinal Purity: The primary aim of Pelor's Inquisitors is not to punish but to persuade and realign those who have strayed from the main path of worship. Their work often involves dialogue, education, and sometimes intervention to correct misconceptions and lead the misguided back to a more orthodox understanding of Pelor's teachings.

Archetypes of Inquisitors

Within the ranks of Pelor's Inquisitors, several archetypes emerge, each reflecting a different aspect of Pelor's character and the multifaceted nature of their mission:
  • Infiltrators: An extremely rare and dangerous role, Infiltrators are tasked with uncovering and dismantling threats from within. They blend into enemy ranks, posing as faithful followers or even clerics of Pelor, to expose those who would pervert the faith for nefarious ends. The perilous nature of this work results in a high mortality rate, a testament to the depth of their devotion and sacrifice.
  • Vigilant Defenders: More reflective of Pelor’s essence, Vigilant Defenders embody his protective and nurturing spirit. This common archetype among Inquisitors focuses on safeguarding the faithful and the innocent from both doctrinal and physical threats. They stand as bulwarks against the encroachment of evil, embodying Pelor’s commitment to defense and light.

Pelor's Perspective on Inquisition

Interestingly, Pelor himself seems to adopt a broad view of what constitutes faithful service, showing remarkable tolerance for the diversity within his worship. His primary concern lies not in rigid uniformity but in the spread of his name and the adherence to his basic tenets of kindness, light, and healing. This divine perspective informs the approach of Pelor’s Inquisitors, who, even in their zeal for doctrinal purity, are reminded of the underlying principles of mercy, understanding, and compassion that define Pelor’s creed.  


In their mission to uphold the integrity of Pelor's teachings, the Inquisitors navigate the delicate balance between conviction and compassion, zeal and wisdom. Their role is a testament to the dynamic and inclusive nature of Pelor's faith, which, even in its diversity, seeks to embody the radiant light and boundless love of the Sun God.

"In Truth's Light, We Forge Unity from Disparity."

Religious, Inquisitorial
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
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Holy Symbol of Pelor by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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