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Gimble Jillink

Gimble Jillink stands as a contentious and flamboyant figure within the gnome community of Tulvar, located in the verdant Greenway Valley. Known for his vibrant attire and a charismatic yet duplicitous demeanor, Gimble's journey from humble beginnings to a figure of significant influence is a story marked by ambition, manipulation, and a deep-seated quest for validation and power.

Physical Description 

Gimble Jillink's stature is typical for a gnome, and is easily recognizable by his bright pastel suits and matching hats, adding a splash of color to his surroundings. His right hand bears the scars of a severe burn, a stark contrast to his otherwise meticulous appearance. His hair is golden and unkempt, framing a face with sharp, cunning features. Behind his spectacles, his hazel eyes hide a calculating mind.
  • Appearance: Notable for bright pastel suits and hats, severely burned right hand, golden scraggly beard, and sharp facial features.
  • Eyes: Deep hazel eyes hidden behind spectacles, reflecting a calculating mind.


Gimble is infamously known for his slick, manipulative nature. He possesses a charm that he frequently uses to influence others, leveraging his powers of suggestion without moral hesitation. Despite his outward confidence, he struggles with remembering names, which often leads to awkward social interactions that undermine his slick façade.
  • Traits: Slick and manipulative, uses charm effectively but struggles with social awkwardness due to poor memory for names.
  • Social Behavior: Uses his charisma to influence others, often hiding his insecurity behind a confident exterior.


Born into a modest family in Tulvar, Gimble's early life was defined by financial struggle and social invisibility. Dreaming of grandeur, he aspired to rise above his station by mastering the arcane arts, aiming to one day serve a powerful lord as a wizard. His journey through various towns, never quite settling down, was driven by this ambition, though it often left him feeling isolated and unfulfilled.
  • Early Life: Born into a poor family in Tulvar, Gimble faced social invisibility and financial struggle.
  • Aspirations: Dreamt of becoming a wizard to gain respect and power, frequently moved towns pursuing this goal.

History of Discontent 

Gimble’s discontent stems from a childhood shadowed by belittlement from his peers and family, notably from Slikkina Jillink, whose disdain further fueled his insecurities. These early experiences shaped his relentless pursuit of power and recognition, driving him to adopt less savory methods to achieve his goals.
  • Family Relations: Endured belittlement from family and peers, notably from Slikkina Jillink, driving his pursuit of recognition.
  • Impact of Early Life: These experiences fostered a relentless pursuit of power through any means necessary, including unethical practices.


At the core of Gimble’s actions is a desire to reunite with a childhood friend who represents a tie to happier times, and perhaps a chance at redemption. His drive is also heavily influenced by his religion, which he adheres to with fervor, often using it to justify his less ethical actions. Ultimately, Gimble seeks to establish himself in a position of undeniable power and respect within and beyond Tulvar.
  • Primary Drive: Reunion with a childhood friend and adherence to his religion, which justifies his actions.
  • Ultimate Goal: To achieve power and respect, establishing a legacy far removed from his humble beginnings.

Political Relationships

Gimble's political maneuverings are as complex as they are secretive. His interactions with Clan JillinkClan Jillink, particularly with Slikkina, are fraught with underlying tension. While publicly supportive, he harbors a deep resentment and plans to usurp her position, leveraging his connections and charisma to slowly build a base of support. His dealings extend to other gnome clans and the broader political landscape of the Greenway Valley, where he seeks allies and pawns in his chess game of power.
  • Tensions with Slikkina: Publicly supportive but privately resentful, plans to usurp her leadership.
  • Broader Politics: Engages in secretive political maneuvers within Tulvar and the Greenway Valley, aiming to expand his influence.


Gimble Jillink remains a figure of intrigue within Tulvar, a gnome whose ambitions could lead to significant shifts in the local power dynamics. His story is a cautionary tale of what happens when the pursuit of power overcomes ethical boundaries, yet it is also a testament to the resilience and complexity of the gnome spirit.
Gimble's Secret Plans
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Aligning with the Temple of Elemental Evil

Undercover Operations
  • Role in Raids: Under the directive of Jillink, Gimble was dispatched to an Earth Temple raider training camp located east of their homeland. Here, he partakes in organized raids targeting human caravans traversing the southern regions of Verbobonc.
  • Activities: His involvement includes ambushing caravans, capturing prisoners for ransom or indoctrination, and looting essential supplies.
Influence and Corruption
  • Mentorship Under Maris and Caidax: Within the camp, Gimble operates under the dual leadership of Maris, a cunning human strategist, and Caidax Nightshade, a malevolent gnome cleric deeply rooted in the dark doctrines of the Earth Temple.
  • Indoctrination into Elemental Evil: Caidax Nightshade, exploiting Gimble’s desire for power and recognition, has been slowly indoctrinating him into the worship of the Elder Elemental God, steering him further into the depths of the Earth Temple’s nefarious creed.
Motivation and Conflict
  • Attraction to Power: Gimble’s alignment with the Earth Temple is driven by his unyielding thirst for power and a profound need to establish his dominion, seeing the chaos and influence wielded by the temple as tools to elevate his status.
  • Internal Conflict: While engrossed in his clandestine activities, Gimble wrestles with the escalating severity of his actions and the darkening path he treads, highlighting a complex internal conflict between his ambitious drives and the emerging sinister influences shaping his destiny.
This precarious balance of ambition and manipulation encapsulates Gimble’s perilous engagement with the Temple of Elemental Evil, setting a course that could redefine his legacy—or lead to his undoing.
Gimble Jillink
  • Wizard 3 / Rogue 3
  • Armor Class 12
  • Hit Points 16 (3d4)
  • Speed 20 ft.
  • 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) 13 (+1) 9 (-1) 13 (+1)
  • Languages: Common, Gnome
leather armor, dagger, light crossbow, case with 12 bolts, pouch containing 12 gp and 30 sp, pouch containing flint and steel.
Notable Characteristics
  • Bright Attire: His clothing is not just a personal style choice but a strategic tool to ensure he remains unforgettable.
  • Burned Hand: A constant reminder of past failures and the lengths he has gone in his quest for power.
  • Charm and Manipulation: Gimble wields his charm as a weapon, using it to open doors that were previously closed to him due to his background.
Chaotic evil
Current Location
Year of Birth
478 98 Years old
Deep hazel eyes
scraggl hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
right hand bears the scars of a severe burn
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Cover image: Gnome Rents by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Gimble Jillink by 3orcs


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