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Slikkina Jillink

Slikkina Jillink stands as a pivotal figure in the socio-political landscape of Tulvar, a significant region within the Greenway Valley, nestled south of the Lortmil Mountains and bordering the southern expanse of the Viscounty of Verbobonc. As the head of Clan Jillink, Slikkina's leadership style and personal ambitions significantly impact the dynamics within this gnome community and its interactions with surrounding territories.

Physical Description

  • Stature and Features: Slikkina is a gnome of average height for her race, standing just over 3 feet tall. She possesses a robust and sturdy frame, indicative of her resilience.
  • Appearance: Her attire is meticulously chosen to convey simplicity and practicality, yet her accessories hint at a depth of wealth and subtlety. Her hair is usually tied back in a functional braid, emphasizing her no-nonsense approach to leadership.


  • Early Life: Raised under the critical eyes of her parents, Slikkina's upbringing was marred by high expectations and little praise. This environment fostered a deep-seated insecurity, which she masks with a veneer of confidence.
  • Rise to Power: Her ascension within Clan Jillink was marked by strategic alliances and a keen sense of opportunity, particularly in leveraging the family's mineral wealth for political gain.


  • Personal Ambition: Driven by a desire to overcome her insecurities, Slikkina seeks absolute control over Clan Jillink’s assets and aims to cement her position by any means necessary.
  • Strategic Expansion: She is determined to monopolize the gem and silver mines of Tulver, viewing them as the key to both financial prosperity and political leverage.


  • Public Persona: Outwardly charming and hospitable, Slikkina is adept at playing the gracious host and skilled diplomat, especially in dealings that may benefit her or the clan.
  • Private Demeanor: Behind closed doors, she is known to be manipulative and quick-tempered, often using her sharp intellect to belittle opponents or subordinates who threaten her plans.

Political Relationships

As the matriarch of Clan Jillink, her influence extends far beyond her immediate family, affecting the intricate web of gnome politics and their interaction with the broader world. Alliances and Rivalries
  • House Tulvar: While maintaining a necessary alliance due to their mutual interests in the Free Alliance of the Kron Hills, Slikkina remains wary of House Tulvar’s broader influence.
  • Clan Keeleene: Her primary rivals, the Keeleene family, represent a significant obstacle to her ambitions. Slikkina employs both overt and covert strategies to undermine their economic and social standing within Tulver.
  • Verbobonc, Viscounty: She navigates the complex political waters with the Viscounty with a blend of caution and opportunism, particularly in light of the Viscount’s recent military decisions which have indirectly affected clan security.
  • Intra-Clan Dynamics: Within Clan Jillink, Slikkina is both revered and feared. Her leadership style has fostered loyalty among many, but her ruthlessness has also bred quiet resentment among those who see through her veneer of benevolence.
  • Inter-Clan Maneuvering: Her interactions with other gnome families, particularly the Keeleenes, are fraught with hostility masked by diplomacy. Slikkina uses her political acumen to undermine competing clans subtly, aiming to position Jillink as preeminent in Tulver.
Brillis Jillink: The Loyal Aide
Background and Relationship with Slikkina
Jillink Brillis Jillink serves as the right hand and chief confidant to Slikkina Jillink, the head of Clan Jillink. His loyalty to Slikkina is unyielding. Brillis's role is not that of a leader but rather a facilitator of Slikkina’s more covert operations and political maneuvers.

Clan Mound and Borough

  • Home and Hearth: The Jillink family homes, unassuming from the outside, conceal a labyrinth of well-appointed living spaces and a central meeting room where vital clan decisions are made and guests are entertained.
  • Security Measures: Given the strategic importance of their location and resources, the clan mound is equipped with sophisticated defenses, including hidden passages and traps to deter unwanted intrusions.

The Gemstone Groves

  • Secrets Below: The hidden gem mines known as the Gemstone Groves are among the most closely guarded secrets of Clan Jillink. Access is restricted to a select few within the clan, and its true extent is known only to Slikkina and her closest advisers.
Slikkina Jillink’s story is one of complexity and contradiction, embodying the dualities of vulnerability and strength, public warmth and private coldness, which define her leadership and set the course for Clan Jillink’s future in the volatile political landscape of Greenway Valley.
Slikkina Secrets
Show spoiler
Slikkina has always felt insecure. Her parents belittled her, and her friends never respected her. When she became more important in the family, and more powerful, they changed their tones, but the damage was done. Slikkina now works for her own betterment, and does not care that much about the family. She fell in with Lakash’s plans because she saw a chance to eventually take complete control of the mines, and of Tulvar . But she does not see exactly how, only that there is an opportunity here.   She can be friendly, and her leadership skills inspire great devotion in her family. They don’t know that she plans to be rid of them all. For now, she uses them to destroy the Keeleene family’s business. Privately, she is short-tempered and bullying.   If provoked to fight, she can lash out with devastating effect, but she prefers to run and lick her wounds and succeed through some sneaky stratagem later. In this encounter, she will therefore try to do damage and cause confusion, and then run for her carpet of flying so she can escape to the mines.   Her Snake familiar "Twinklecoil" is appropriate for her, and she has it stay out of sight most of the time, or live in a terrarium like a pet. Most gnomes don’t realize she has a familiar, and she likes having the ace up her sleeve.
Slikkina Jillink Leader of Clan Jillink
  • Sorcerer level 12: hp 41
  • AC 15 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +2 ring of protection)
  • Str 9, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 18


  • +2 ring of protection
  • ring of major fire resistance (fire resistance/30)
  • necklace of missiles (10-HD, 9-HD, 7-HD, 5-HD, 3-HD)
  • +4 cloak of resistance
  • carpet of flying (in her home, so probably not accessible during this encounter)


Spells (1/day each): dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation.
Sorcerer spells known (cast 6/7/7/7/7/5/3 per day):
  • 0 lvl: mage hand, detect poison, flare, daze, disrupt undead, open/close, ray of frost, detect magic, read magic
  • 1st lvl: animate rope, burning hands, expeditious retreat, magic missile, shield, mage armor
  • 2nd lvl: alter self, blindness/deafness, knock, levitate, darkvision, arcane lock
  • 3rd lvl: fly, haste, lightning bolt, flame arrow, tongues
  • 4th lvl: polymorph other, polymorph self, dimension door, minor globe of invulnerability
  • 5th lvl: passwall, dominate person
  • 6th lvl: eyebite.
Slikkina’s Familiar "Twinklecoil"
  • Tiny Snake: Tiny Animal (12 in. long)
  • HD 12d4; hp 20
  • AC 23 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +8 natural)
  • Str 6, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 2
Familiar abilities
  • Slikkina gains Alertness feat when snake is within arm’s reach
  • improved evasion (half or no dmg from spells allowing Ref save for half dmg)
  • Slikkina can have spells she casts on herself affect the snake too when snake stays within 5 ft.
  • empathic link with Slikkina, speak with Slikkina, speak with snakes
  • can deliver touch spells for Slikkina
  • spell resistance 17
Lawful evil
Current Location
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Cover image: Gnome Rents by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Slikkina Jillink by 3orcs


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