Greenway Valley Settlement in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Greenway Valley

A Keystone of Trade and Culture in the Kron Hills

The Greenway Valley, nestled within the Viscounty of Verbobonc and the Kron Hills, stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of the gnomish people and their intricate relationship with the surrounding human territories. This picturesque valley, known for its pastoral beauty and as a hub of gnome settlements in the Flanaess, serves as a crucial conduit for trade and cultural exchange between the gnome communities and the merchants of Verbobonc, City. However, recent political tensions and security issues have cast a shadow over this vibrant locale.

A Rich History

Greenway Valley's history is deeply intertwined with the gnomes' knack for survival and prosperity amidst the rolling hills of the Viscounty. Home to approximately 10,000 gnomes, the valley has evolved from a scattering of small gnome villages into a flourishing settlement, divided into twelve townships. Each township is governed by a gnome family, part of the Free Alliance of the Kron Hills, demonstrating a structured political system that has enabled the valley to thrive.

The Reign of Clanlord Urthgan

The central township boasts the leadership of Clanlord Urthgan the Eldest of Tulvar, whose family has presided over the gnomes of the Kron Hills for over five centuries. Their respected rule is acknowledged by both the nobility and commoners, ensuring a stable governance.

Architectural Marvels and Lifestyles

The architectural landscape of Greenway Valley reflects a blend of gnome ingenuity and the Gothic influences of Verbobonc, thanks to the legendary gnome architect Snirthiglin. The valley's dwellings range from surface houses mirroring the styles of Verbobonc to traditional gnome "rents" or cellars, offering a unique living experience connected to the earth.

Community Hubs

  • Trading Houses: Each township features a large trading house along the Greenway, centralizing the trade of goods from the mines. These houses are overseen by Satveegrs, agents of the Assembly responsible for tax collection and dispute mediation.
  • Dusty Traveler Inn: Among the valley's popular spots is the Dusty Traveler, a testament to the gnomes' hospitality and their readiness to welcome traders and travelers.

Governance and Security

The Greenway Valley employs a system of Marshals, appointed by the Clanlord, to maintain peace and order. These Marshals, revered for their integrity and wisdom, handle intertownship disputes and crimes, underscoring the community's commitment to justice and stability.

Militia Readiness

The valley's militia, capable of mustering 2,500 gnome soldiers, highlights the residents' readiness to defend their home and support their allies, including participating in historical conflicts like The Hateful Wars and aiding the Viscount against external threats.

Recent Challenges

Despite its prosperity, Greenway Valley faces pressing issues that threaten its stability and economic vitality.

Political Tensions

Relations between the gnome clans and Verbobonc's nobility have been strained, particularly over trade regulations and the governance of the valley. The Assembly's control over trade has led to disagreements, especially regarding the exclusive rights to sell mine products.

Security Concerns

  • Interrupted Trade: Trade caravans to Verbobonc City have been increasingly targeted by raids, disrupting the valley's economy.
  • Withdrawal of the Mounted Borderers: Viscount Wilfrick's decision to pull back these patrols from the edges of the Kron Hills has left the region more vulnerable to threats.


The Greenway Valley stands as a beacon of gnomish culture and ingenuity in the Viscounty of Verbobonc. Despite the current adversities, the spirit of the valley's inhabitants—marked by their rich history, architectural beauty, and robust community governance—continues to shine. The challenges of interrupted trade and security threats call for renewed cooperation between the gnomes and the Viscount, ensuring the valley remains a symbol of prosperity and unity in the face of adversity.
Tulver - Greenway Valley by 3orcs
Alternative Name(s)
The Free Assembly of the Kron Hills
National Territory
10,000 gnomes
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization
by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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