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Nestled in the central Kron Hills, south of Verbobonc, the village of Tulvar stands as the political and cultural heart of the Free Alliance of the Kron Hills. Governed by the wise Urthgan Eldest of Tulvar, this village is the epicenter of gnomish efforts to maintain autonomy from the Viscounty of Verbobonc. Despite its need for trade with humans, Tulvar is a hotbed of political isolationism, where gnomes scheme and strategize to preserve their independence, all while grappling with internal and external pressures that threaten their way of life.  

History and Politics

A Village with a Legacy: Tulvar's significance in the Kron Hills dates back centuries, with Clan House Tulvar playing a central role in the political landscape of the gnomish communities. The village is the capital of the Free Alliance of the Kron Hills, a confederation of gnome clans united under the leadership of Urthgan Eldest of Tulvar. This alliance is a testament to the gnomes' desire to maintain their cultural identity and political autonomy in the face of pressures from the Viscounty of Verbobonc.
  • Urthgan Tulvar Eldest of Tulvar: The current leader of Clan Tulvar and the de facto ruler of the Free Alliance, Urthgan is revered for his wisdom and strategic acumen. His leadership has been crucial in navigating the complex political dynamics between the gnomes and the humans of Verbobonc.
  • Prince Jimm Pithriggen: While Urthgan oversees Tulvar, Prince Jimm serves as the diplomatic bridge between the gnomes and the human territories. His efforts to mend ties with Verbobonc are essential, although he faces significant challenges in reconciling the gnomes' desire for autonomy with the political realities of the region.

Geography and Architecture

  • A Village Hidden Among the Hills: Tulvar's geography is as strategic as it is beautiful. The village is nestled in the central Kron Hills, a region known for its mineral wealth. The landscape around Tulvar is a blend of rocky outcrops, lush greenery, and hidden valleys, making it both a natural fortress and a picturesque home for the gnomes. The village’s strategic position allows for both defense and control over the surrounding region. The Gnarley Forest to the west provides additional cover and a buffer against potential invasions.
  • Architectural Ingenuity: The village's architecture reflects a fusion of gnomish creativity and practicality. Dwellings are cleverly concealed within the landscape, including stone cottages with sod roofs and with intricate carvings, tree houses that double as watchtowers, and burrows under the hills. This design not only showcases gnome craftsmanship but also serves as a defense mechanism against potential invaders.

Society and Culture

A Community Steeped in Tradition: The gnomes of Tulvar are deeply connected to their traditions and their land. The village is a close-knit community where every family plays a role in maintaining the village's prosperity and security. The gnomes are known for their industrious nature, particularly in mining and crafting, which are the lifeblood of the village's economy.
  • Chief Families: The Tulvar, Jillink, Keeleene, and Tillien families are the most prominent in the village, each controlling significant mining operations. These families guard their mine locations zealously, with only close relatives and trusted workers knowing their whereabouts.
  • Isolationist Policies: Despite their reliance on trade with the humans of Verbobonc, the gnomes of Tulvar are fiercely protective of their independence. Many within the village dismiss the Viscount's overtures, preferring to focus on internal solidarity and self-reliance.

Governance and Law

  • A Delicate Balance of Power: Governance in Tulvar is a communal affair, with the Eldest of Tulvar presiding over the village's political and legal matters. The village's laws are deeply rooted in gnomish customs, with a focus on communal well-being and the protection of their way of life.
  • The Free Assembly: The village serves as the seat of the Free Alliance of the Kron Hills, where representatives from various gnome clans gather to discuss matters of trade, security, and diplomacy. This assembly is crucial in maintaining the cohesion of the Free Alliance and ensuring that the gnomes speak with one voice in their dealings with external powers.

Politics and Diplomacy

  • Autonomy vs. Alliance: The primary political goal of Tulvar is to maintain its autonomy from Verbobonc. While trade with the Viscounty is essential for Tulvar's economy, particularly for exporting mined goods, the village leadership remains wary of Verbobonc's influence. Prince Jimm Pithriggen works tirelessly to balance this delicate relationship, advocating for peaceful coexistence while resisting any attempts by Verbobonc to annex the gnome lands.
  • Internal Politics: Within Tulvar, political power is shared among the leading families, each vying for influence over local and regional matters. These internal dynamics are complex, with alliances shifting as families seek to protect their mining interests and expand their influence within the Free Alliance. The village is a hotbed of political scheming, with leaders like Jeet Jimbleclap  playing crucial roles in shaping Tulvar's stance on external relations.

Economy and Trade

  • Mining and Craftsmanship: Tulvar’s economy is heavily reliant on its rich deposits of gems and metals. The gnome miners work tirelessly to extract these resources, which are then refined and crafted into high-quality goods. The secrecy surrounding the exact locations of the mines is paramount, with only trusted family members and workers privy to this information. The village's crafts are highly sought after, particularly in Verbobonc, City, where they fetch high prices.
  • Trade Relations: Despite the political tensions, trade with Verbobonc remains a lifeline for Tulvar. The gnomes depend on these markets to sell their goods and acquire necessities that are scarce in their hilly terrain. However, the relationship is strained by disputes over trade regulations and ownership rights, with gnome merchants often reporting instances of unfair practices by their human counterparts.

Religion and Beliefs

  • Religious Practices: The gnomes of Tulvar predominantly worship The Lords of the Golden Hills, a pantheon of gnomish deities who embody various aspects of gnome life, from mining and craftsmanship to protection and trickery. Religious observances are deeply integrated into daily life, with small shrines found throughout the village. These shrines are often carved into the hillsides or hidden within the tree houses, blending seamlessly with the natural environment.
  • Spiritual Leaders: Religious leadership in Tulvar is informal, with respected elders often leading rituals and offering guidance. These spiritual leaders play a vital role in maintaining the village’s morale and unity, especially during times of external threat or internal discord. The gnomes’ spirituality is closely tied to their natural surroundings, and many believe that the spirits of their ancestors protect the village from harm.

Military and Defense

  • Defensive Strategies: Tulvar's strategic location and unique architecture make it a naturally defensible position. The gnomes have augmented this with a network of hidden fortifications, including camouflaged towers and underground tunnels. The village militia is well-trained, with every adult gnome capable of defending their home. The village's defenses are further bolstered by alliances with neighboring gnome settlements and occasional support from the Mounted Borderers of Verbobonc.
  • Militia and Alliances: The local militia, though small, is highly effective due to its intimate knowledge of the terrain and guerrilla tactics. In times of need, Tulvar can call upon additional forces from other townships within the Free Alliance, as well as enlist the aid of the Gnarley Forest’s inhabitants, who share a common interest in protecting their lands from human encroachment.


Tulvar stands as a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of the gnomish people, embodying their unyielding desire for independence amidst a world dominated by larger powers. Through careful diplomacy, strategic fortifications, and a rich cultural heritage, the village continues to thrive, even as it navigates the challenges posed by its powerful neighbors.

Tulvar Town Locations

1: Prickly Pixie
Kaleb Greenbottle runs Tulvar’s one inn and tavern. The quaint faux inviting attire.
As industrious in their hospitality as they are in their labor, the gnomes of this settlement have created an inn sized perfectly for people of their diminutive sensibilities, though it is quite cramped for larger humanoids. The benches, tables, desks, and even the bar have all been shaped out of the rock of the natural cavern, though horsehair cushions fastened to the seats make it more comfortable for sitting than you might expect. The light within emanates from several dozen small glass globes hanging from chains, and close examination reveals that the light comes from numerous fireflies somehow coaxed within, as there are holes from which they could escape if they had a mind to do so. Several dour gnomes sit here and there, drinking unknown concoctions from steaming mugs, looking balefully at this intrusion from uncommon travelers.
2: Moot Hall
Towns regional meeting hall and war room. Village Council Chambers
Near the center of a village stands this building that resembles nothing so much as an oversized grange. The large stock doors stand wide open, revealing a clean, dry expanse with plain but carefully sanded wooden floors and framing that an educated eye would recognize as hand-raised in the old style. Despite the care with which this area has been swept, a faint scent of hay is still quite detectable. Short, individual seats have been placed throughout, simply cut sections of logs topped with simple but comfortable cushions. About one-quarter of the seats have been cut shorter for, presumably, halfling, gnome, goblin, or other diminutive villagers. There is no raised stage, but a lectern stands at the back of the barn, a plain wooden gavel resting on top. To the left and right of the lectern, several more seats for the selectmen are placed in a semicircle, allowing meetings to be easily held by the village council in either closed or open sessions with a minimum of rearranging. Two hatch-style skylights are cut into the roof of the grange, easily opened or shut with the aid of long poles resting into the two rear corners.
3: Tulvar Wares
This general store carries common items, farming and fishing equipment, as well as some adventuring gear, but not armour or weapons. The owner and operator is Etune Goodbarrel, a mean, violent gnome woman.
4: Tulvar Jail
This mostly empty jail serves as the towns constabulary.
5: Needlebriar Island
The island rests in a small pond at the village’s heart. Surrounded by thorny hedgerows stands a decrepit stone statue of the original Tulvar founder Snandi Tulvar.
6: House Jilink
The Jilink family is the forth in importance in Tulvar. As there are only three important families, have been successful and wealthy. They do the best they can in trade and venture prospects.
7: Tillien Clan House
This family is the third in importance in Tulvar. As there are only three important families, and we are not very wealthy. They do the best they can in trade and venture prospects.
8: Mayoral Residence
Tulvar’s mayor and elder, Urthgan Tulvar, operates from this modest home. He acts as the face of Tulvar and the Kron Hills, ensuring the politics outside the do not effect the good gnomes in the village. Urthgan knows his survival depends on doing his job well.
9: Maara’s Apothecary
Tulvar’s renowned apothecary sits at the edge of the village. Maara Thornhill, an expert herbalist but impatient wizard, runs the place. She keeps out of the Clans and the village’s machinations, instead focusing on her work.
10: Keeleene House
One of the original chief families next to the Tulvar house. Clan Keeleene are always ready to run as village leader at every Moot.
Tulver of Greenway Valley by 3orcs
Earth and stone, man and gnome

Notable Figures

  • Urthgan Tulvar, Eldest of Tulvar: The wise and venerable leader of Tulvar, Urthgan is the cornerstone of the village’s political and cultural identity. His leadership has guided the gnomes through numerous challenges, and his strategic mind is highly respected by allies and rivals alike.
  • Prince Jimm Pithriggen: A flamboyant yet enigmatic figure, Jimm acts as the diplomatic bridge between Tulvar and Verbobonc. His efforts to maintain peace and autonomy for the gnomes are crucial, though his true motivations often remain a mystery.
  • Jeet Jimbleclap: A stalwart defender of gnome sovereignty, Jeet is known for her no-nonsense approach to leadership and her fierce protection of gnomish interests. Her pragmatic yet humorous demeanor makes her a beloved figure among the gnomes. 

Gnome Houses of Tulvar

House Tulvar 
  • Role: Leading Family and Political Power
  • Overview: House Tulvar is the most prominent and powerful family in the village, with Urthgan Tulvar, the Eldest of Tulvar, serving as the leader of the Free Alliance of the Kron Hills. This house is central to the political and cultural life of the village, guiding the other families and representing Tulvar in broader gnome and human affairs.
Clan Jillink
  • Role: Mining and Craftsmanship
  • Overview: House Jillink is well-known for its expertise in mining and the crafting of fine goods. The family controls several important mines in the Kron Hills and is deeply involved in the production of gems and metalworks, which are vital to Tulvar's economy. Their craftsmanship is highly regarded both within and outside of gnome territories.
Clan Keeleene 
  • Role: Secretive Mining Operations
  • Overview: House Keeleene, like House Jillink, operates several mines in the area. They are particularly secretive about the locations and operations of their mines, ensuring that only trusted family members and workers are involved. This house is known for its tight-knit structure and its focus on protecting the family's wealth and assets from external threats.
Clan Tillien
  • Role: Resource Management and Trade
  • Overview: House Tillien is heavily involved in managing resources and trade within Tulvar. They play a crucial role in overseeing the flow of goods from the mines to the market, ensuring that Tulvar maintains its economic stability. Their influence in trade negotiations with Verbobonc and other regions makes them a key player in Tulvar's political landscape.

Key Allies

The Gnarley Rangers 
  • Role: Forest Guardians and Allies in Defense
  • Overview: The Gnarley Rangers, a group of skilled woodsmen and protectors of the Gnarley Forest, are natural allies to the gnomes of Tulvar. They share a common goal of preserving the forest's sanctity and defending it against external threats. The rangers' deep knowledge of the terrain and their guerrilla warfare tactics are invaluable to Tulvar, especially when defending against raids or protecting trade routes. Their cooperation with the gnomes helps ensure the safety of the region.
The Sylvan Elves of the Gnarley Forest 
  • Role: Mystical Allies and Protectors of Nature
  • Overview: The Sylvan Elves, who inhabit the deeper parts of the Gnarley Forest, are allies to the gnomes due to their shared reverence for nature and mutual interest in maintaining the forest's balance. While the elves are generally aloof, they recognize the gnomes as kindred spirits in their quest to protect their homelands from human encroachment and other dangers. Their support, though often subtle, can manifest in times of great need, whether through magical aid or direct intervention.
Adventures and Points of Interest
  • The Hidden Mines: Adventurers might find themselves tasked with uncovering the location of Tulvar’s secret mines, either to protect them from an impending threat or to resolve a trade dispute with Verbobonc.
  • Diplomatic Missions: Engaging in the delicate diplomacy between Tulvar and Verbobonc can lead to intricate political intrigue, where adventurers must navigate the fine line between aiding their gnome allies and avoiding conflict with powerful human lords.
  • The Gnarley Outposts: The nearby Gnarley Forest is a place of mystery and danger. Tulvar often sends scouts to these outposts, and adventurers could be hired to protect them or investigate unusual occurrences in the depths of the forest.
Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: Greenway Valley by 3orcs


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