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(a.k.a. Homefellow Bard)

Gurdy, a well-traveled halfling bard, visits the village of Sheernobb, bringing with her the latest songs, stories, and political news from Verbobonc and beyond. Known for her captivating performances at the Honey Haven Inn, Gurdy's presence adds a layer of charm and excitement to the village, especially in times of bandit raids and growing unrest. Her reverence for the halfling god Cyrrollalee reflects her deep values of friendship, trust, and community.

Physical Description

Gurdy is a small halfling with a fluid grace that belies her size. Her brown hair is cut short and held back by a silver hair clip, and her attire is simple yet practical: a blue tunic, burgundy pants, a black cloak fastened by a brooch shaped like a harp, and a plain leather purse. Her piercing eyes and honest face mark her as an entertainer, ready to captivate any audience.


Gurdy is cheerful, perceptive, and fiercely independent. She has a knack for reading people and anticipating their needs and desires, which makes her an exceptional performer and storyteller. Her humor and wit are infectious, and she has a deep love for music and the arts.


Early Life
Gurdy was born in Gallows Corner, a small halfling village known for its vibrant community and love for music. From a young age, she was drawn to storytelling and music, learning to play various instruments and crafting tales that captivated her audience.
As she grew older, Gurdy's wanderlust led her to travel through Furyondy and the Viscounty of Verbobonc. Her journeys brought her to many towns and villages, where she performed and gathered stories, news, and songs.
Connection to Sheernobb
Gurdy's travels eventually led her to Sheernobb, where she found a welcoming community and a new home for her performances. She quickly became a beloved figure in the village, known for her captivating shows at the Honey Haven Inn and her deep connection to the people of Sheernobb.

Reverence for Cyrrollalee

Beliefs and Practices
Gurdy holds a deep reverence for Cyrrollalee, the halfling goddess of friendship, trust, the hearth, hospitality, and crafts. She sees Cyrrollalee as the embodiment of community and the protector of the home. Gurdy often offers prayers and songs in Cyrrollalee's name, seeking her guidance and blessings for safe travels and harmonious gatherings.
Worship Practices
  • Community Leadership: Gurdy sees herself as a "Homefellow Bard," using her music to promote Cyrrollalee's teachings of community, trust, and friendship.
  • Cultural Advocates: She encourages the cultivation of relationships within the halfling community and with other benevolent races, promoting harmony and mutual respect.
Titles and Roles
Gurdy considers herself a "Homefellow Bard," combining her musical talents with her dedication to Cyrrollalee's teachings. She emphasizes the importance of friendship and trust in her performances and encourages others to cherish their homes and communities.   Gurdy, the traveling bard, is a vital and vibrant presence in the village of Sheernobb. Her music, stories, and performances bring joy and unity to the community, while her connections and influence help protect and support the village in times of trouble. Her reverence for Cyrrollalee and dedication to her teachings further cement her role as a beloved figure and cultural ambassador in Sheernobb.

The Bard Sings and Plays

After a gentle clearing of her throat, the room fades into silence. Emboldened, the performer’s fingertips dance with a rippling motion along the strings of her delicately tooled instrument, sending a thrill of dramatic notes soaring over the rapt listeners. She draws a deep breath, and at precisely the right pitch and time, her lips part as she accompanies the music in a perfect contralto. Beads of perspiration form at her brow in concentration and she smiles to herself, knowing that she is playing the crowd just as skillfully as the instrument in her hands.   The merry bard hums as if on her own, her fingertips beating out a staccato rhythm on the edge of the Hurdy. Fingers knit in patterns almost dizzying to behold and then—then—her entire hand plunges into the device, her arm disappearing inside, well past her elbow. The audience gasps with the suddenness of the motion, but the murmurs turn to silence as her hand withdraws just as swiftly, tossing a handful of golden flecks of glitter over the audience—glitter which suddenly springs forth into dozens of ethereal butterflies, each with wings of argent. All at once, she claps his hands, and the silvery fluttering things disappear one by one in a series of soft notes as if played on a handheld harp, a soaring melody that coaxes the listeners’ faces from awe to joy.

Gathering of Druids in the Etters

Dangerous Territory
"The Etters are home to the worst monsters. Only the bravest hunters and druids dare venture there."
Druidic Influence
"The gathering of druids at the old haunted keep could be a sign of something significant. We should keep a close eye on their activities."
Cautious Curiosity
"I'm curious about what the druids are up to, but we must approach them with caution. The Etters are not to be taken lightly."
Historical Significance
"The haunted keep in the Etters has a long and storied history. I wonder if the druids are seeking to uncover its secrets."
Mystical Powers
"The druids wield great power. If they are gathering in the Etters, we must be prepared for whatever may come."
Possible Threats
"We must remain vigilant. The gathering of druids could attract unwanted attention from other dangerous creatures in the Etters."
"Cyrrollalee teaches us that true friendship is the foundation of a strong community. We must cherish and nurture our bonds with one another."
Gurdy Gnome Bard level 5
  • AC 15
  • HP 40
  • Str 9, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 17
  • chain shirt +1
  • Sm Steel Buckler +1
  • Rapier +1
  • Studded Leather +1
Chaotic good
Current Status
Traveling bard
Current Location
Year of Birth
547 29 Years old
Quotes & Catchphrases
"While the home is our sanctuary, Cyrrollalee also encourages us to explore and discover. Through travel, we bring new stories and experiences back to enrich our community."
Performances at the Honey Haven Inn
Hurdy-Gurdy Performance
The hurdy-gurdy, with its brightly polished cherry wood soundbox and intricate bar of keys and strings, produces a sound reminiscent of a tiny orchestra of gnomes playing wild harmonies under a twangy, reeling melody. Gurdy's fingers dance along the strings, creating a mesmerizing blend of music and magic.   Magical Effects
During her performances, Gurdy often incorporates magical effects. She conjures golden flecks of glitter that transform into ethereal butterflies, captivating her audience with their argent wings. These butterflies disappear one by one in a series of soft notes, leaving the audience in awe and joy.
Hurdy Gurdy
The soundbox is brightly polished cherry wood, shaped like a teardrop, about the size of a guitar. The rest of the instrument is a complicated bar of keys and strings, ending at a small crank with a knobby wooden handle. The player turns the crank and pushes keys, and what emerges sounds like a tiny orchestra of gnomes playing wild imperfect harmonies under a twangy, reeling melody.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Gurdi the traveling bard by 3orcs


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