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3. Honey Haven Inn

Green awnings and flowering ivy tendrils adorn the outside of the squat little inn, and warm laughter burbles out through an open window. The brightly colored sign above the doorway proudly proclaims it to be The Honey Haven Inn and depicts a hand-painted bee perched on the edge of a flower. The wood panels of the exterior are weather worn but clean—an indication of the love and care with which this place is maintained.   As industrious in their hospitality as they are in their labor, the gnomes of this settlement have created an inn sized perfectly for people of their diminutive sensibilities, though it is quite cramped for larger humanoids. The benches, tables, desks, and even the bar have all been shaped out of the rock of the natural cavern, though horsehair cushions fastened to the seats make it more comfortable for sitting than you might expect. The smell of roasting potatoes and fresh ale wafts toward you when you push through the door. Logs crackle in the oversized fireplace, lighting up the room with several dozen small glass globes hanging from chains, and close examination reveals that the light comes from numerous fireflies somehow coaxed within, as there are holes from which they could escape if they had a mind to do so. Bright woven tapestries hang along the walls and add a touch of color to the wooden interior. The barkeep stands behind a counter to the left of the entrance, the doorway to the kitchen open behind them. A pair of double doors lead to the patio outback. Several dour gnomes sit here and there, drinking unknown concoctions from steaming mugs, looking balefully at this intrusion from uncommon travelers.
This gnome-run tavern and brewery caters to visitors to the village and offers a fine selection of mead. Honey Haven offers no food or accommodation; locals also frequent the tavern and it is frequently busy.
At the low bar is a little figure that has her back turned, humming an unfamiliar tune. She shakes her hips to the beat of her music, each twitch jingling a large ring of keys on her belt. The gnome turns and gives you a surprised smile. She pulls a hedgehog out of the mug she’s holding and sets the critter down, sending it on its way with a little pat. "Oh aye yip! Travelers! Will you be needing cool refreshing drinks?! A warm cozy bed to rest your weary bones for the night?!
The Honey Haven Inn is a renowned establishment located in the heart of Sheernobb, providing a warm and welcoming atmosphere for travelers and locals alike. Known for its superb mead and delectable cuisine, the inn is a key social hub in the village, offering respite to those venturing into the Gnarley Forest and serving as a testament to the gnomish dedication to hospitality and community.


The exterior of the Honey Haven Inn is weather-worn but meticulously maintained, reflecting the love and care invested by its owners. Despite being human-sized, the inn retains the charming, diminutive sensibilities of its gnome creators, making it a snug fit for larger humanoids.
Interior Design
  • Furnishings: Benches, tables, desks, and the bar are carved from the natural rock of the cavern, with horsehair cushions for added comfort.
  • Atmosphere: The smell of roasting potatoes and fresh ale fills the air, with logs crackling in the oversized fireplace. Glass globes containing fireflies hang from chains, illuminating the room.
  • Decor: Bright woven tapestries adorn the walls, adding color and warmth to the wooden interior.
  • Layout: The bar is to the left of the entrance, with a doorway to the kitchen behind it. Double doors lead to the patio out back.
Notable Features
  • Barkeep: Stands behind the counter, welcoming guests with a warm smile.
  • Guests: A mix of locals and travelers, often found enjoying steaming mugs of unknown concoctions.
  • Entertainment: The inn is filled with the sounds of humming and the jingling of keys from the staff.


The Honey Haven Inn was established by Glennon and Mari Clee, inspired by their sister Pasmarie's success with honey. The inn quickly became known for its superb mead and welcoming environment.
Significant Events
  • Opening Day: The grand opening attracted villagers and travelers, marking the start of its popularity.
  • Festivals and Celebrations: Regularly hosts events, becoming a central part of Sheernobb's social life.
Cultural Impact
The inn has become a symbol of Sheernobb's hospitality and craftsmanship, attracting visitors from far and wide and fostering a sense of community among the villagers.

Political Relationships

Local Politics
The Honey Haven Inn plays a crucial role in Sheernobb's social and political landscape. It serves as a meeting place for villagers and a venue for discussions on local governance.
Regional Influence
  • Verbobonc, Viscounty: The inn's reputation has reached Verbobonc, contributing to the village's positive image.
  • Trade and Commerce: Acts as a hub for trade discussions and agreements, benefiting the local economy.
Key Political Figures
  • Village Council: Works closely with the inn's owners to promote Sheernobb as a hospitable destination.
  • Travelers and Merchants: Establishes connections with traders and adventurers, fostering goodwill and economic growth.


Community Bonds
The Honey Haven Inn is a beloved establishment in Sheernobb, known for its warm atmosphere and excellent service. It strengthens the bonds among villagers and serves as a gathering place for social interactions.
Family Relationships
  • Druidess Pasmarie Clee: Glennon and Mari are Pasmarie's siblings, inspired by her success with honey. The inn quickly became known for its superb mead and welcoming environment, thanks in part to Pasmarie's high-quality honey.
External Relationships
  • Travelers and Adventurers: Provides a welcoming stop for those entering or leaving the Gnarley Forest.
  • Trade Partners: Maintains strong relationships with suppliers and traders, ensuring a steady flow of high-quality ingredients and goods.
Staff Dynamics
  • Glennon and Mari Clee: Lead the inn with dedication and a commitment to excellence.
  • Quinna Poul: Manages the kitchen with skill and creativity, earning the respect and admiration of both staff and guests.


The Honey Haven Inn stands as a testament to the gnomish dedication to hospitality and community. With its superb mead, delectable cuisine, and welcoming atmosphere, it has become an integral part of Sheernobb, fostering connections among villagers and providing a warm haven for travelers venturing into the Gnarley Forest.
Honey Haven Inn by 3orcs
Glennon and Mari Clee by 3orcs
Glennon and Mari Clee
Owners and mead crafters. Siblings of Druidess Pasmarie Clee 
  • Personality: Warm, welcoming, and industrious. They take great pride in their mead and the inn's reputation.
  • Background: Grew up in Sheernobb, learning the art of mead-making from their sister Pasmarie.
  • Motivation: To provide the best mead and a welcoming environment for all visitors.
  • Political Relationships: Maintain good relations with the village council and local businesses, advocating for the interests of Sheernobb.
Quinna Poul the Cook at Honey Haven Inn by 3orcs
Quinna Poul
Inn's cook.
  • Personality: Kind-hearted, diligent, and creative. Known for her slight build and exceptional culinary skills.
  • Background: A half-orc with a passion for cooking, Quinna sees her role at Honey Haven as a sacred duty.
  • Motivation: To use the freshest ingredients to create renowned dishes that bring joy to guests.
  • Political Relationships: Acts as a bridge between Sheernobb and travelers, ensuring the village remains a hospitable stop for adventurers.
Pasmarie's Honey Haven Mead
Served exclusively at the Honey Haven Inn, is crafted from the finest, divinely enchanted honey, offering an unparalleled sweetness that soothes the soul. This exquisite mead, renowned for its rich, golden hue and smooth, floral undertones.
Parent Location
Characters in Location
Quinna Poul Honey Havens Cook
Honey Haven Inn Menu by 3orcs
First floor  
2nd floor   • Accommodation:
  • Two-bed chamber 10 sp
  • four-bed chamber 20 sp
  • common room 2 sp

Cover image: Sheernobb Banner by 3orcs


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