House Avgustin Organization in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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House Avgustin

House Avgustin is one of the oldest and most prestigious noble families in Verbobonc, known for their unwavering support of the Viscounty. With their ancestral home in Loren’s Ford, the family has a long history of military and political influence. Baron Rollof Avgustin, the current head of the house, is a venerable warrior who has dedicated much of his life to serving as the master of Verbobonc’s War College and as the Provost Marshall of the Standing Military Army.

Historical Background

House Avgustin’s history is deeply entwined with the military and governance of Verbobonc. For generations, the family has produced renowned warriors, strategists, and leaders who have played crucial roles in defending the Viscounty and shaping its policies.
  • Early History: Established during the early formation of Verbobonc, House Avgustin quickly rose to prominence through their martial prowess and loyalty to the Viscount.
  • Military Tradition: The family's commitment to military excellence has been a defining characteristic, with many members serving in high-ranking positions within the Verbobonc army.
  • Key Events: Notable contributions include pivotal roles in the Battle of Emridy Meadows and the defense against incursions from the Pomarj.

Political Influence

House Avgustin holds significant political sway in Verbobonc, primarily through their military connections and longstanding loyalty to the Viscount.
  • Military Leadership: Their leadership roles within the army and the War College have granted them considerable influence over military affairs and strategic decisions.
  • Support of the Viscount: The family's unwavering support for Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart ensures their involvement in key political decisions and policies.
  • Advisory Roles: Members of House Avgustin often serve as advisors to the Viscount, leveraging their experience and insights into military and governance matters.

Estates and Holdings

House Avgustin's estates are a testament to their heritage and status, with their primary residence located in Loren’s Ford.
  • Loren’s Ford: The ancestral home of the Avgustin family, Loren’s Ford is a fortified manor that serves as both a residence and a training ground for the family's private militia.
  • War College: The family has strong ties to Verbobonc’s War College, where many members have served as instructors and administrators.
  • Additional Holdings: They also own several farms and lands in the surrounding areas, contributing to their wealth and self-sufficiency.


House Avgustin maintains complex relationships with other noble houses and key organizations in Verbobonc.
  • Alliances with Noble Houses: They have strong alliances with military-oriented houses such as House Langmuir, sharing mutual interests in defense and justice.
  • Tensions with House Haxx: While maintaining a professional relationship, there are occasional tensions with House Haxx due to differing views on governance and military tactics.
  • Collaborations with the Mounted Borderers: Their close collaboration with the Mounted Borderers ensures coordinated defense efforts across the Viscounty.
"Loyalty is not a gift but a hard-earned bond forged through trust and respect."

Current Affairs

House Avgustin is actively involved in several ongoing efforts and initiatives within the Viscounty.
  • Military Reforms: Baron Rollof is currently overseeing reforms in the military training programs, aiming to modernize the forces and improve efficiency.
  • Diplomatic Missions: Sir Garrick is engaged in diplomatic missions to strengthen alliances and ensure the security of Verbobonc against external threats.
  • Economic Initiatives: Lady Elenore is spearheading charitable activities and economic initiatives to support the local populace, enhancing the family's reputation and influence.

Lore and Description of Location

House Avgustin’s base of operations, Loren’s Ford, is a strategically located manor with a rich history.
  • Loren’s Ford: Nestled by a river crossing, Loren’s Ford is both a defensive stronghold and a bustling community. The manor is surrounded by well-maintained gardens, training fields, and barracks for the family’s private guard.

Politics of Verbobonc

House Avgustin plays a critical role in the political landscape of Verbobonc, particularly in military and defense matters.
  • Influence in the War College: Their control over the War College positions them at the heart of military strategy and training.
  • Advisory Capacity: They regularly advise the Viscount on defense policies and military deployments, ensuring their strategic insights are heeded.
Relationships with the Lords of Verbobonc
House Avgustin’s relationships with other lords are shaped by mutual respect and occasional rivalry.
  • Alliance with House Langmuir: Shared military interests foster a strong alliance with House Langmuir, leading to joint initiatives in defense and justice.
  • Rivalry with House Haxx: Differing philosophies on governance and military tactics occasionally lead to rivalry with House Haxx, though both houses recognize the need for cooperation in critical matters.
Office of the Harbormaster and Merchant Trade
House Avgustin has a vested interest in the merchant trade along the Velverdyva River, leveraging their military influence to ensure secure and profitable trade routes.
  • Harbormaster Relations: They maintain a strong relationship with the W2 Office of Harbormaster, ensuring their interests are protected in the bustling waterfront trade.
  • Merchant Trade: Their involvement in merchant trade is facilitated by their strategic control of key transport routes, providing security and stability for trade operations along the Velverdyva River.
Trade Throughout the Viscounty of Verbobonc
House Avgustin’s strategic position and military influence extend to trade activities across the Viscounty.
  • Securing Trade Routes: They play a crucial role in securing trade routes, protecting merchants from bandits and other threats.
  • Economic Contributions: Their holdings and influence in key locations contribute significantly to the economic stability of the Viscounty, ensuring a steady flow of goods and resources.
In conclusion, House Avgustin stands as a pillar of strength and stability in Verbobonc, with a rich history of military excellence and political influence. Their ongoing efforts in military reforms, diplomatic missions, and economic initiatives continue to shape the future of the Viscounty.

"Guardians of the Viscounty"

House Avgusti by 3orcs

Key Figures

The members of House Avgustin are characterized by their dedication, honor, and strategic acumen.
  • Baron Rollof Avgustin: A stern and disciplined leader, Rollof commands respect through his extensive military experience and unwavering commitment to the Viscounty.
  • Lady Elenore Avgustin: Wife of Baron Avgust is graceful and intelligent, Elenore navigates the social and political spheres with ease, ensuring the family’s interests are well-represented.
  • Sir Garrick Avgustin: Son of the Baron and Lady Elonore he is charismatic and strategic, Garrick is a rising star within the military, known for his innovative tactics and diplomatic skills.
Geopolitical, Great house
Ruling Organization
Family Leader
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"In times of peace, prepare for war. In times of war, prepare for victory."

Cover image: by 3orcs


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