Rollof Avgustin Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Rollof Avgustin


Baron Rollof Avgustin is a venerable and highly respected figure in Verbobonc, known for his unwavering dedication and service as Provost Marshal for over two decades. A strict military disciplinarian, Baron Avgustin is renowned for his strategic acumen and leadership. Though little is known about his personal life, his impact on the military and governance of Verbobonc is profound.

Historical Background

Baron Avgustin's history is closely intertwined with the military traditions of Verbobonc. His long tenure as Provost Marshal has solidified his reputation as a stalwart defender of the Viscounty.
  • Early Life: Baron Avgustin graduated from the prestigious War College of Furyondy as a young man. His education there laid the foundation for his future military career.
  • Provost Marshal: For over 20 years, he has served as the Provost Marshal of Verbobonc, a role in which he has excelled, earning the respect and admiration of his peers and subordinates.
  • Recent Developments: The recent closure of the War College of Furyondy affected him deeply, prompting him to establish a new College of War in Verbobonc.
"In every action, uphold your honor, for it is the legacy we leave behind."
Lady Elenore Avgustin
Lady Elenore plays a crucial role in ensuring the continued prominence and influence of House Avgustin through her various activities and responsibilities.
  • Social Representation: Elenore attends and often hosts numerous social events, where she skillfully maneuvers through Verbobonc’s elite circles. Her presence at these events not only enhances the family's reputation but also allows her to forge and maintain important alliances.
  • Political Advocacy: In the political sphere, Elenore acts as a key advocate for House Avgustin’s interests. She engages with other noble houses, politicians, and influential figures to advance the family's goals and protect their position within the Viscounty.
  • Charitable Endeavors: Recognizing the importance of public goodwill, Elenore oversees various charitable activities. She directs efforts to support local communities, providing aid to the poor and funding public projects, which in turn fosters loyalty and respect for House Avgustin among the common folk.
Contributions and Influence
Lady Elenore’s contributions extend beyond her immediate family, impacting the broader community and political landscape of Verbobonc.
  • Cultural Patronage: A patron of the arts, Elenore supports various cultural initiatives, including funding for the arts, literature, and public festivals. This patronage not only enriches the cultural fabric of Verbobonc but also elevates House Avgustin’s status as benefactors of the community.
  • Political Mediation: Elenore often acts as a mediator in disputes among noble houses or between the nobility and the commoners. Her diplomatic skills and fair-minded approach help resolve conflicts and maintain peace within the Viscounty.

Political Influence

Baron Avgustin holds significant political influence due to his longstanding role as Provost Marshal and his contributions to the military.
  • Military Leadership: His role as Provost Marshal has placed him at the center of Verbobonc Military operations, allowing him to shape defense strategies and training programs.
  • Advisory Role: Despite rumors of his retirement, Baron Avgustin remains an influential advisor, particularly in military matters, guiding the new generation of leaders.
"Years of service and experience have taught me that wisdom often comes from the hardest lessons."

Estates and Holdings

Baron Avgustin oversees several key estates and holdings that reflect his status and responsibilities.
  • Loren’s Ford: His primary residence and ancestral home, Loren’s Ford is a fortified manor that serves as both a family residence and a training ground for his private militia.
  • College of War: Recently established in Verbobonc, this new institution aims to continue the legacy of the War College of Furyondy, training future military leaders.


Baron Avgustin maintains complex relationships with other noble houses and key organizations in Verbobonc.
  • House Milinous: Relations with House Milinous are currently tense, due to Lord Milinous declaring himself the new Provost Marshal based on unconfirmed rumors of Baron Avgustin’s retirement.
  • Military Alliances: He has strong alliances with houses like House Langmuir, sharing mutual interests in military training and regional security.

Current Affairs

Baron Avgustin’s current activities reflect his ongoing commitment to military excellence and the governance of Verbobonc.
  • Overseeing Holdings: He spends his days managing his estates and ensuring the smooth operation of his private militia and the new College of War.
  • College of War: Administering the new College of War is a primary focus, with Baron Avgustin working alongside a handful of graduates from the War College in Chendl to establish robust training programs.
  • Unclear Provost Marshal Role: The ambiguity surrounding his status as Provost Marshal remains unresolved, with both he and Lord Milinous claiming the title.


Baron Rollof Avgustin remains a pivotal figure in Verbobonc, despite the uncertainties surrounding his current role. His dedication to military discipline, strategic leadership, and the establishment of the new College of War underscore his enduring commitment to the Viscounty. Through his efforts, Baron Avgustin continues to shape the future of Verbobonc’s military and political landscape.
Lord of House Avgustin
  • Baron Rollof Avgustin: The central figure, known for his shaved head and strict military discipline. His leadership and strategic insights have been crucial to the defense and stability of Verbobonc.
  • Captain Yronl: A trusted member of Baron Avgustin's house guard, Captain Yronl provides valuable advice and friendship, aiding the Baron in his daily responsibilities.
  • Lady Elenore Avgustin: Wife of Baron Rollof, Elenore is his closest confidant and advisor. She provides counsel on political and social matters, ensuring a balanced approach to the family's strategies. Graceful and intelligent, Elenore navigates the social and political spheres with ease, ensuring the family’s interests are well-represented.
  • Sir Garrick Avgustin: Charismatic and strategic, Garrick is a rising star within the military, known for his innovative tactics and diplomatic skills.
Lawful good
Year of Birth
534 42 Years old
squinty green hazel
balding with glorious grey mustache
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Duty and Honor Endure"
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
House Avgusti by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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