Istus Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Istus, goddess of Fate, Destiny, Divination, Future, and Honesty
The Lady of Our Fate, the Colorless and All-Colored   Istus, known as the Lady of Fate, presides over the intricate and immutable web of destiny. As the most potent deity within the Baklunish pantheon, her influence extends beyond mere mortals to the very gods themselves. This article delves into the lore, followers, and divine edicts of Istus, offering insight into her eternal and unyielding domain.


Manifestations of Fate: The Many Faces of Istus
Portrayed as a Baklunish woman of variable age and stature, always wielding a mystical gold spindle.
  • Manifests in three forms: the wise crone, the noble dame, and the impassive maiden.
  • Embodies the dual nature of fate: spinning the future into the present with her golden spindle.

Alone Amongst the Divine: Istus' Solitary Path

Stands aloof from other deities, including those within her pantheon.
  • Companioned by a cloudlike being from the Plane of Time.
  • In conflict with Rudd over the concept of predestination.

The Web of Fate

Istus' Dominion Beyond Time
Resides within the Web of Fate, a realm beyond conventional cosmology.
  • Holds dominion over all times and places, contingent on her possession of the spindle.Advocates for the acceptance of one's fate as the truest form of honesty.
  • Teaches that destiny is largely predetermined, with divination permitted to glimpse the web of fate.
  • Emphasizes the interconnectedness of the multiverse as an intricate mesh of threads.


Followers of the Unchangeable Path: Istus' Devotees
Attracts a following of cynics and stoics, resigned to the whims of fate.
  • Predominantly worshiped in urban centers and regions where fortune is a critical factor for survival.
  • Cults strongest in locations like Dyvers, the City of Greyhawk, and Rel Mord.

Clergy of Istus

Lore of the Weaver of Fate
Clerics of Istus embrace a unique perspective on life, molded by their intimate understanding of fate's immutable nature. Their dedication to the Lady of Fate is rooted in a complex interplay of resignation and confidence, shaped by their experiences with the oftentimes harsh realities of destiny.
  • Devotion to Fate: Clerics of Istus are a rare breed, drawn to her service through a combination of personal disposition and destiny's own design. While many are drawn by the cruel twists of fate, a few find their way to her altars because fortune has favored them. This dichotomy creates a clergy that is as diverse as the paths of fate itself.
  • Attire and Symbols: Uniformly clad in robes of gray or black, Istus's clerics are a somber presence, their attire reflecting the gravity of their divine charge. The higher echelons distinguish themselves with vestments adorned with intricate web patterns, symbolizing the interconnectedness of all destinies. A golden spindle, the symbol of their deity, is always worn prominently, serving as a constant reminder of their commitment to weaving the strands of fate.
  • Rituals of the Inevitable: A defining trait of Istus's clergy is their reliance on randomness for making decisions, a practice that stems from their understanding of fate's capricious nature. For matters of little consequence, the toss of a coin or the roll of a die suffices. However, even when faced with significant choices, they often resort to random selection among equally viable options, trusting in Istus to guide the outcome.
  • Interactions with Other Clergy: Relations between clerics of Istus and those of other deities are characterized by a cool formality. This distance is partly a reflection of their unique worldview, which places them apart from clerics whose gods espouse more interventionist doctrines. Nonetheless, they maintain respectful, if detached, connections with their peers, united in their service to the divine, albeit through different lenses.
  • Hair and Personal Grooming: A lesser-known but mandatory practice among the clerics of Istus is the requirement to let their hair grow at least six inches long. This tradition, seemingly trivial, is laden with symbolic significance, representing the unfurling threads of fate that they are sworn to observe but not unduly influence.
  • Acceptance and Confidence: The seemingly resigned demeanor of Istus's clerics belies a deep-seated confidence in the righteousness of their path. They understand that while they cannot control the weave of fate, they can navigate its currents with wisdom and dignity. This acceptance of destiny's flow, coupled with an unshakable faith in Istus's guidance, imbues them with a calm resolve, even in the face of life's tumults.
  • Clerics are seen as mediators of fate, utilizing divination to predict future events.
  • Embrace a stoic and cynical worldview, witnessing the extremities of mortal destinies.
  • Adorned in gray or black robes, with higher ranks wearing vestments patterned with webs.

Ceremonies of Fate

The Sacred Practices of Istus
Ceremonies characterized by gauze hangings, incense clouds, woodwind music, chanting, and meditation.
  • Rituals reinforce the dogma of accepting one's preordained path in life.


The Deck of Many Things: a divine artifact capable of altering fate, attributed to Istus' creation.


Istus' doctrine challenges the very notion of free will, presenting a universe where the threads of destiny are tightly woven and nearly immutable. Her followers find solace in the acceptance of their predestined paths, embracing the journey laid out by the Lady of Fate with honesty and resignation. Through the lens of Istus' teachings, we are reminded of the delicate balance between fate and free will, and the role each plays in the grand tapestry of existence.
  Baklunish Pantheon
Holy symbol: golden spindle with three strands
Realm: Concordant Domain of the Outlands
Domains: Celerity, Chaos, Destiny, Knowledge, Law, Luck, Oracle
Speciality Clerics
  • Cleric of the 1st strand: cast all divination spells as if two levels higher; may use all Divination wizard spells as priest spells of the same level
  • Cleric of the 3rd strand: augury
  • Cleric of the 6th strand: divination
  • Cleric of the 7th strand: strand of binding (1/day, maximum range 40 yards, one creature affected, saving throw versus spells negates; affected creature is rendered immobile for 50 rounds, minus 2 rounds per creature's HD or level; creature can make one attempt to free itself using half the normal bend bars chance to break the strand.
Divine Classification
Greater god
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In the Loom of Fate, All Threads are Woven."
"Destiny Dictates, Wisdom Accepts."
"To Resist Fate is to Tangle the Web."
Ruled Locations
Istus holy symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Istus by 3orcs


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