D5 Hindsight Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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D5 Hindsight

Nestled on the pebbled roads dividing the D1 - D7 Elven Dawn Quarter and Gnome Quarters near the South-way Gate, "Hindsight," colloquially known as "Shady's," is an enigmatic store known for its divination services and mystical allure. This peculiar shop is shrouded in secrecy and darkness, beckoning those driven by fate and curiosity.

Historical Backdrop

Echoes of the Past
  • Origins: "Hindsight" was established under mysterious circumstances by its equally mysterious owner, known only as "Shady."
  • Evolution: Over the years, the shop has become a cornerstone for those seeking guidance from the divine or the future, embedded deeply in the local lore of Verbobonc.
  • Reputation: Amidst whispers of its owner's dark lineage, the shop has flourished under the cover of night, drawing in those who walk the line between light and shadow.

Physical Description

A Den of Mysteries
  • Secrets Beneath the Tree: The architectural wonder of the ipt tree that houses Hindsight.
  • Location: Positioned at an ancient ipt tree’s base, the entrance leads down into a network of caves within the tree's roots.
  • Ambiance: The shop is lined with bone wind chimes, mystical symbols, and dimly lit by candles, creating an atmosphere of ancient wisdom and eerie foreboding.

Notable Individuals

Custodians of Fate
  • Shady: A figure of enigma, believed by some to have drow-elf heritage. Known for her divination prowess and affinity with creatures of the night.
  • Animal Companions: Various creatures, including bats, rats, and snakes, serve as her eyes and ears, enhancing her mystique and capabilities.
Services Offered
Glimpses into Tomorrow
  • Divination: Regular services are offered at standard rates, with predictions veiled in mystery and suspense.
  • High Stakes Scrying: For significant inquiries, Shady demands a heavy price—sacrificing what one loves most for unparalleled insights into future events
  • Customer Base: Attracts a diverse clientele, from desperate nobles to scheming guild leaders, all seeking knowledge that could alter their destinies.

Political Influence and Relationships

Strings of Destiny
  • Isolation: Despite her crucial services, Shady maintains a distance from political entanglements, focusing solely on her craft.
  • Clientele Impact: Her predictions and services have been known to influence key decisions within Verbobonc, from guild maneuvers to noble alliances.
  • A Spectrum of Clients: The diverse and influential clientele drawn by the shop’s reputation.

Motivation and Philosophy

Guided by the Moons
  • Privacy and Power: Shady values her solitude and the power it brings, using her skills to maintain a buffer between herself and the outside world.
  • Beliefs: Dedicated to Istus, she channels the goddess’s tenets of fate and honesty, albeit through her cryptic and sometimes ominous lens.
  • Lunar Allegiance: Her deep spiritual connection to Istus and how it shapes her practice and beliefs.

Cultural and Religious Significance

The Altar of Istus
  • Shrine to Istus: A dedicated space within the shop allows worshippers to commune with the goddess of fate, providing a sanctuary for those seeking divine guidance.
  • Influence on Local Lore: Shady’s practices and the mysterious aura of Hindsight contribute richly to the mystical tapestry of Verbobonc’s cultural heritage.
Hindsight stands as a beacon for those entangled in the webs of destiny, offering a glimpse into the future, for a price, amidst the backdrop of political intrigues and personal quests. It’s a place where the lines between fate and choice blur, where every visit could change one’s path forever.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type
Elven Woodelf Ipp Tree Home by 3orcs
Shady High Preistess of Istus by 3orcs
Shady Priest of Istus - Maya Manglyeong
  • Cleric 9 of Istus, Druid 4 of Istus 
Parent Location
High Preistess of Istus by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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