Knights of the Chase Organization in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Knights of the Chase

Trithereon, the Oeridian god of Individuality, Liberty, Retribution, and Self-Defense, is a beacon of hope for those who value freedom and justice. His followers, including the revered Knights of the Chase, champion the cause of the oppressed, standing against tyranny in all its forms. Their unique military organization allows them to operate effectively across various regions, embodying the principles of their patron deity, Trithereon, in every action they undertake.

Origins of the Knights of the Chase

Initially formed to oppose the expansionist policies of Keoland, the Knights of the Chase, also known as Chasers, quickly evolved into protectors of the vulnerable. Their focus shifted to combating the threats posed by entities such as Iuz and the Scarlet Brotherhood, especially during the tumultuous period following the wars of the 580s CY.

Relationships and Motivation

The Knights of the Chase prioritize the protection of individual freedoms over allegiance to any particular state or ruler. Their main adversaries are Iuz and the Scarlet Brotherhood, though they remain vigilant against any force that threatens liberty and justice.

Military Organization of The Knights of the Chase

The Knights of the Chase, devout followers of Trithereon, maintain a unique military structure that reflects their core beliefs in individuality, liberty, and justice. Unlike traditional military orders, their organization emphasizes a more fluid hierarchy and places value on experience, wisdom, and personal dedication to the cause.

Structure and Hierarchy

  • Loose Organization: The order doesn't adhere to a strict hierarchy. Leadership roles are often assumed rather than formally assigned, based on the respect and recognition earned through actions and dedication.
  • Recognition of Experience: Seniority within the Knights is not determined by age but by the level of experience and the contributions made to the cause. More experienced Knights, known as Chasers, are respected and their counsel valued highly.
  • Clerical Guidance: Senior clerics of Trithereon play a significant role in guiding the knights. Their insights and directions are crucial, especially in matters relating to the faith and its principles.


  • Invitation Only: Joining the Knights of the Chase is a matter of honor and recognition. Invitations are extended by senior clerics of Trithereon to those who have shown unwavering dedication to liberty and retribution.
  • Dedication to Principles: The core tenets of Trithereon—individuality, liberty, retribution, and self-defense—are the guiding principles for every member. Knights live by these tenets, making them the foundation of their actions and decisions.

Operations and Focus Areas

  • Geographical Presence: The Knights operate across a wide range of territories, including the old Great Kingdom, Sunndi, Ratik, Old Almor, the Bandit Kingdoms, the Shield Lands, Keoland, and the Yeomanry. Their presence is particularly noted in regions where the ideals of freedom and individuality are under threat.
  • Base of Operations: Many Knights are drawn to free lands like Furyondy, which serves as a strategic base for launching operations against oppressors such as Iuz.
  • Primary Adversaries: The malevolent entities Iuz and the Scarlet Brotherhood are the principal targets of the Knights' efforts. These foes represent significant threats to freedom and justice, making them the focus of the order's wrath.
  • Vigilance Against Despotism: Beyond their main adversaries, the Knights remain ever vigilant, ready to oppose smaller threats and petty tyrants. Their commitment to justice sees them standing against any force that seeks to oppress or enslave.

Relations with Other Religions and Beliefs

  • Skepticism of Law and Order: There is a notable distrust among the Knights towards religions and organizations that prioritize law, order, and conformity. Such tenets are often seen as antithetical to the ideals of freedom and individuality that the Knights champion.
  • Defense of Individual Thought and Justice: The Knights of the Chase advocate for the expression of individual thought and the pursuit of personal justice. They oppose any doctrine or law that seeks to suppress these fundamental rights.


The Knights of the Chase embody these principles through their deeds, serving as a force for good in a world where freedom and justice are often threatened. Their dedication to Trithereon's cause inspires others to stand up against tyranny, making them a beacon of hope in the darkest of times.

"Retribution Is Our Path, Liberty Our Destiny."

Trithereon by 3orcs
Religious, Inquisitorial
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Trithereon holy symbol by 3orcs
Tenets and The Code of the Chase
  • Individuality: Emphasizes the importance of personal freedom and the pursuit of one's own path, advocating for the expression of individual thought and action.
  • Liberty: Champions the protection of personal freedoms, denouncing and opposing unjust laws and oppressors.
  • Retribution: Encourages the pursuit of personal justice against wrongdoers, emphasizing the inadequacy of legal systems in delivering true justice.
  • Self-Defense: Upholds the right to defend oneself and others, advocating for the protection of those unable to defend themselves.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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