Trithereon Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Summoner

Trithereon, god of Individuality, Liberty, Retribution, and Self-Defense
  Trithereon, revered as "The Summoner," stands as a formidable figure advocating for individuality, liberty, retribution, and self-defense. His ethos emphasizes the inherent right to choose one's destiny, fiercely opposing any form of tyranny or oppression. This comprehensive exploration delves into Trithereon's lore, including his characteristics, relationships, dogma, and the unique dynamics of his worship.

Lore and Description

  • Appearance: Trithereon is envisioned as a youthful, robust man adorned in golden chainmail, with red-gold hair, and clothed in hues of blue or violet, symbolizing his domain over freedom and retribution.
  • Weapons: He wields three enchanted weapons: Freedom's Tongue (a sword), Krelestro (the spear known as the Harbinger of Doom), and the Baton of Retribution (a scepter), each embodying aspects of his divine influence.

Relationships and Politics

  • Divine Allies and Enemies: Trithereon's passion for freedom often puts him at odds with other deities, including those aligned with good, such as Pholtus and Heironeous. His antagonism towards Bralm highlights his disdain for conformity. Allies include Krovis, Kurell, and Pelor, showcasing a coalition against oppression.
  • The Summoned Animals: Nemoud the Hound, Harrus the Falcon, and Carolk the Sea Lizard are constant companions, symbolizing Trithereon's mastery over nature and the hunt.

Dogma and Motivation

  • Core Teachings: Trithereon's dogma centers around the sanctity of individual choice, the moral obligation to resist enslavement, and the right to seek vengeance against injustice.
  • Philosophy of Action: Advocating for proactive defense and retribution, Trithereon's creed supports taking decisive action to preserve freedom, even if it means challenging established authorities.

Hierarchy and Clergy

  • Rugged Individualists: His clerics are characterized by their independence, frequently challenging the status quo to uphold the principles of liberty and self-defense.
  • Roles and Responsibilities: Urban clerics focus on teaching self-defense and mobilizing against oppressive forces, while rural clerics act as scouts and liberators against tyranny.

Worshipers and Churches

  • Diverse Following: Trithereon's appeal spans various demographics, from city dwellers to rural inhabitants, all united by the common cause of freedom and justice.
  • Church Organization: Reflecting the god's emphasis on individuality, Church of Trithereon each church varies in focus but remains united under the broader mission of promoting liberty and opposing tyranny.
  • Militant order: The Knights of the Chase is the militant arm of retribution against Iuz and the Scarlet Brotherhood.

Temples and Rituals

  • Sacred Spaces: Temples to Trithereon are as varied as his followers, often serving as sanctuaries for those seeking refuge from oppression or learning the arts of self-defense.
  • Ceremonies: Rituals and practices within these temples underscore the values of personal empowerment and retribution against injustices, tailored to the needs and circumstances of the local congregations.

Enemies and Adversaries

  • Opposition to Lawful Sects: While open conflict with lawful good sects is rare, Trithereon's followers do not hesitate to act against those they perceive as tyrants or threats to freedom.
  • "Street Justice": This practice, wherein followers are incited to challenge oppressors directly, often places the faith in a contentious position with established authorities.


In the complex tapestry of divine politics and mortal affairs, Trithereon stands as a pillar of resistance against oppression, advocating for the inherent right to freedom and self-determination. His followers, guided by a doctrine that prioritizes individual will over rigid dogma, continue to spread his teachings across the Flanaess, challenging tyranny wherever it arises. Through their actions, the essence of Trithereon's ethos—liberty, retribution, and the right to self-defense—is woven into the fabric of countless lives, inspiring generations to stand against the forces of despotism and conformity.
Holy Symbol: The Rune of Pursuit, a triskelion (a symbol resembling a three-armed swastika)
Realm: Olympian Glades of Arborea
Domains: Chaos, Good, Protection, Strength, War
Speciality Clerics spells
  • Clerics of the 2nd order: Track as Ranger (-1 level)
  • Clerics of the 3rd order: backstab edged weapon x2 damage
  • Clerics of the 4th order: Trained in Spear
  • Clerics of the 5th order: may use Conjuration/Summoning spells from wizard spells as priest same level
  • Clerics of the 8th order: animal summoning I, trained in the broadsword
  • Trithereon holy symbol by 3orcs
    Divine Classification
    Intermediate god
    Chaotic good
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    "Freedom's Flame Guides Our Path"
    "In Retribution, Justice; In Defense, Valor"

    Cover image: by 3orcs
    Character Portrait image: Trithereon by 3orcs


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