Church of Trithereon Organization in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Church of Trithereon

The Beacon of Freedom and Retribution Trithereon, known as "The Summoner," is a prominent Oeridian god revered for his advocacy of individuality, liberty, retribution, and self-defense. His followers, characterized by their unwavering stand against oppression and tyranny, embody the essence of rugged individualism and the courage to question authority. This article explores the intricate facets of Trithereon, including his history, clergy, worshipers, and the distinctive orders linked to his church.


The worship of Trithereon gained momentum during the chaotic aftermath of the wars that swept across the Flanaess in the 580s CY. In this era marked by suffering and displacement, Trithereon's message of liberty and vengeance resonated deeply, inspiring groups of warriors to rise against the remnants of evil. The Knights of the Chase, closely associated with Trithereon's church, emerged as defenders of those persecuted by expansionist regimes and tyrannical forces.

Church of Trithereon

Clergy and Vestments
  • Priestly Vestments: The clergy dons purple or dark blue robes trimmed in silver or gold, with the rune of pursuit—a symbol of Trithereon's dedication to freedom—featured prominently.
  • Adventuring Garb: When venturing beyond their temples, priests wear chain mail marked with the pursuit rune and carry weapons to distribute to those in need of protection.
  • Hierarchy: The church's hierarchy is straightforward, emphasizing merit in divine favor over rigid structure. It ranges from Hopeful Initiates to Master Priests and Priestesses who oversee the faith's presence across regions.

Worshipers and Temples

  • Worshipers: Trithereon attracts those who have suffered under oppression, as well as rangers, rogues, and conjurers who value individuality and freedom.
  • Temples: Constructed with defense in mind, these sanctuaries serve as hubs for training the faithful in martial skills and for rallying the community against threats to their freedom.


Rituals within Trithereon's church include bell ringing to call the faithful to worship, martial displays, and the veneration of the ceremonial flame. These practices underscore the importance of readiness for battle and the value of liberty.

Daily Rites and Responsibilities

The Pillars of Trithereon's Worship
The Church of Trithereon pulsates with the vibrant essence of its deity, fostering a community deeply rooted in the tenets of individuality, liberty, retribution, and self-defense. This vibrancy is reflected in the day-to-day activities within each temple, where the rhythm of worship and community service intertwines with the martial readiness to defend freedom at all costs.
Worship and Services
  • Bell Ringing Ceremony: The sound of the bell, resonating at sunset and every hour on Godsdays, serves as a clarion call to the faithful. It symbolizes the never-ending vigilance against oppression, echoing Trithereon's call to arms and worship.
  • Hopeful Initiates Parade: A significant tradition, this parade not only welcomes new converts but also symbolizes their journey from hopeful initiates to valiant defenders of Trithereon's ideals. It's a public affirmation of their commitment to the faith.
  • Weaponry Display and Ceremonial Flames: Depending on regional traditions, temples might emphasize martial displays or the veneration of ceremonial flames. Both practices underscore the church's commitment to self-defense and the purifying power of faith.
Training and Preparation
  • Self-Defense and Weaponry Training: Priests and senior members dedicate substantial time to training the faithful in self-defense and the strategic use of weapons, particularly the spear, Trithereon's favored armament. This training ensures that each follower is prepared to stand against tyranny.
  • Freedom's Harangue: Regular addresses by the temple leader reinforce the sacred value of freedom, igniting the congregants' resolve to fight for Trithereon's cause and protect the liberties of all.
Financial Contributions and Tithes
  • Tithing for Freedom: While tithes are steep, there's an understanding within the community that contributions fuel the church's mission to combat oppression. This financial support aids displaced worshipers and finances missions to reclaim lost homelands.
  • Adventuring for Wealth Recovery: The church actively sponsors adventuring parties for expeditions into enemy territories, aiming to recover resources that can be used to strengthen the church's militant and humanitarian efforts.
"Street Justice" and Covert Operations
  • Organizing "Street Justice": In urban environments, the clergy sometimes orchestrates direct actions against tyrants and oppressors, embodying Trithereon's call for retribution and protection of the innocent.
  • Spies and Border Patrollers: In rural areas, priests, alongside rangers and woodsmen, form a vigilant network against incursions by malevolent forces, ensuring the safety of the borders and the freedom of the hinterlands.
  • Recruitment and Training in Covert Warfare: By integrating rangers and thieves into their ranks, the church enhances its repertoire of covert operations, teaching followers the art of stealth and subterfuge to further the cause of liberty.

Trithereon in Verbobonc

The Church of Trithereon, embodying the ideals of individuality, liberty, retribution, and self-defense, has always sought to establish strongholds where the light of freedom can shine brightest. However, the strategic decision to anchor its presence in Rhynehurst instead of the bustling hub of Verbobonc City underscores the delicate balance of power and diplomacy that the church must navigate. The presence of Cuthbertian Billets in the city, institutions known for their strict adherence to law and order, presents a philosophical clash with Trithereon's more chaotic and individualistic teachings, prompting the church to opt for a less contentious base of operations.
The "Summoner's Keep" in Rhynehurst
Dubbed with a touch of humor and reverence as the "Summoner's Keep," this medium-sized warehouse in the merchant quarter of Rhynehurst has become the latest beacon of Trithereon's faith. Far from a traditional temple or sanctuary, this establishment serves multiple purposes, reflecting the versatile and adaptive spirit of Trithereon's followers.
Functions and Activities
Community Outreach: Despite operating "in relative quiet," the Summoner's Keep is a hub of activity aimed at empowering the local population. Through workshops on self-defense, arms training, and discussions on the principles of freedom and justice, the clergy engage with the community, spreading Trithereon's message.
  • Safe Haven: For those fleeing oppression or seeking refuge from injustice, the Keep offers sanctuary. Its location in the merchant quarter, amidst the hustle and bustle of trade and commerce, provides both camouflage and accessibility for those in need.
  • Covert Operations: Understanding the necessity of subtlety in a town not entirely their own, the clergy and their allies use the Keep as a staging ground for missions aimed at undermining tyrannical forces and aiding the oppressed, all while avoiding direct confrontation with the Cuthberians in Verbobonc, City.
Challenges and Opportunities
Logistical Hurdles: Being situated in a warehouse rather than a dedicated temple presents its own set of challenges, from limited space for congregational gatherings to the need for secrecy in operations. The church must constantly innovate to fulfill its spiritual and communal roles effectively within these confines.
  • Potential for Growth: Rhynehurst, being somewhat removed from the theological and political tensions of Verbobonc City, offers fertile ground for the church to expand its influence quietly but effectively. The merchant quarter's vibrant economy and diverse populace provide ample opportunity for outreach and conversion.
  • Navigating Local Politics: The decision to set up in Rhyenhurst requires careful navigation of local politics and power dynamics. Building relationships with merchants, local leaders, and other factions within the town is crucial for the church's long-term success and security.

Hierarchy of the Faith

The organizational structure of the Church of Trithereon is both simple and deeply symbolic, mirroring the god's ethos of personal empowerment and direct action against injustice.
Hopeful Initiates (1st - 3rd Level)
  • Role and Responsibilities: These are the newest members of the faith, dedicating themselves to learning the ways of Trithereon. Their journey begins with understanding the fundamental tenets of individuality, liberty, retribution, and self-defense.
  • Training: Initiates undergo rigorous training, not only in martial and divine arts but also in the principles of freedom and justice that Trithereon embodies.
Sacred Sons and Daughters of Trithereon (4th - 6th Level)
  • Advanced Followers: Having proven their dedication and having received divine favor in the form of spells, these clergy members take on more significant roles within the church. They serve as mentors to initiates, guardians of the faith, and emissaries of Trithereon's will.
  • Community Engagement: This level of the clergy often leads public ceremonies, advocates for the oppressed, and organizes missions to combat tyranny and evil.
High Fathers or Mothers of Trithereon (7th Level and Above)
  • Temple Leadership: These seasoned veterans of the faith lead individual temples, serving as spiritual guides and administrative heads. They are responsible for the spiritual health of their congregations and the defense of their communities against oppressive forces.
  • Divine Connection: At this level, clergy members are believed to have a deeper connection with Trithereon, often receiving visions or direct missions from the god.
Master Priests and Priestesses
  • National Leaders: The highest echelon within the church, these powerful individuals oversee the worship of Trithereon across entire countries. Their leadership guides the church's broad strategies and interactions with other faiths and political entities.
  • Advisors to the Knights: Master Priests and Priestesses also serve as the primary points of contact for the Knights of the Chase, coordinating their actions with the church's goals and providing spiritual support.
The Favored Ones
A unique aspect of the Church of Trithereon is the recognition of "Favored Ones," clergy who have demonstrated exceptional devotion and received divine acknowledgment through a trial by fire.
  • Trial by Fire: The ceremonial flame represents Trithereon's purifying and empowering presence. Those who pass through unscathed are marked as Favored Ones, believed to be under Trithereon's direct protection.
  • Influence and Respect: Favored Ones wield considerable influence within the church, their opinions and insights valued highly by their peers. Many choose to tattoo the pursuit rune surrounded by flames on their forearms as a mark of their status and dedication.
  • Divine Assistance: It is not uncommon for Favored Ones to receive direct assistance from Trithereon, further cementing their role as pivotal figures within the church.


Trithereon's enduring legacy is his unyielding defense of freedom and his call to arms against the forces of oppression. Through the clergy's teachings, the sanctuary of his temples, and the valor of the Knights of the Chase, Trithereon continues to inspire those who cherish liberty and seek to right the wrongs inflicted by tyranny.

"Retribution Is the Right of the Wronged."

Trithereon by 3orcs
Speciality Clerics spells
  • Clerics of the 2nd order: Track as Ranger (-1 level)
  • Clerics of the 3rd order: backstab edged weapon x2 damage
  • Clerics of the 4th order: Trained in Spear
  • Clerics of the 5th order: may use Conjuration/Summoning spells from the wizard as priest spells of same level
  • Clerics of the 8th order: animal summoning I, trained in the broadsword
  • Type
    Religious, Organised Religion
    Training Level
    Veterancy Level
    Parent Organization
    Controlled Territories
    Notable Members
    Trithereon holy symbol by 3orcs

    Cover image: by 3orcs


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