Myhriss Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Myhriss lesser goddess of Love, Romance, and Beauty
The Thrice-Kissed, Maid of Light and Dark

The Divine Aura of Myhriss in Verbobonc

In the heart of Verbobonc, amidst the cobblestone streets of the Business Quarter, the worship of Myhriss, the Thrice-Kissed Maid of Light and Dark, flourishes. This lesser goddess of Love, Romance, and Beauty, depicted as a Flan woman adorned with a garland of flowers or as a figure of provocative beauty, commands a significant presence in the city. Her temples, not confined to traditional religious edifices, extend their reach into places like Jerkin Bonefinger’s House of Pleasure, where the divine and the worldly intertwine.

Worship of Myhriss: An Overview

  • Divine Portrayal: Myhriss manifests in three forms, each symbolizing different aspects of her divine portfolio. Her versatility in appearance—from dark-haired beauty wielding a whip to a sun-blonde figure with a shortbow—embodies the multifaceted nature of love and beauty.
  • Divine Allies and Rivals: While she harbors affection for all benign deities, Myhriss finds herself at odds with those who disdain beauty or love. Her relationship with Wee Jas, despite the latter's vanity, highlights the complex dynamics within the pantheon.
  • Realm: Myhriss dwells within or on the shores of the River Amiel in Thalasia, the fourth layer of Elysium.

Clerics and Followers

  • Devout Advocates of Love: Clerics of Myhriss are distinguished by their perpetual search for beauty and love, blessing unions, performing artistic creations, and serving as charismatic diplomats.
  • Crusaders Against Hate: Some followers adopt more active roles, combating forces that threaten love's essence or the beauty inherent in the world.

Political Influence in Verbobonc

  • Mediators of Harmony: The clerics' natural charisma and dedication to fostering love make them invaluable as mediators in political disputes, often using romance and beauty as tools to bridge divides.
  • Guardians of Social Norms: Through ceremonies like the match-making service, the worship of Myhriss subtly influences social interactions and norms within Verbobonc, promoting companionship and discouraging solitude.

Divine Domains and Rituals

  • Domains of Influence: Love, Romance, and Beauty not only define Myhriss's divine intervention but also guide the rituals and ceremonies her followers undertake.
  • Sacred Ceremonies: The match-making ceremonies, despite controversy, embody Myhriss's edicts against loneliness, fostering connections among the city's populace.

The Role of Beauty and Love in Verbobonc

  • Aesthetic and Emotional Landscape: The prominence of Myhriss's worship shapes the aesthetic values of Verbobonc, elevating the pursuit of beauty and love to a communal endeavor.
  • Spiritual Sanctuary: Places like B15 Jerkin bonefinger’s House of Pleasure serve as sanctuaries where the divine aspects of Myhriss's teachings are explored in a tangible, worldly context.
Myhriss's influence in Verbobonc transcends the boundaries of traditional worship, embedding itself into the city's cultural and political fabric. Her clerics, serving roles ranging from artists to diplomats, illustrate the power of love and beauty as forces of unity and transformation. In Verbobonc, the worship of Myhriss is not just a spiritual path but a way of life, inviting all to discover the divine in the everyday and the extraordinary in the mundane.

Tenets of Faith

"Love, Myhriss claims, can cure all the ills of the world. She urges that love and beauty be protected and celebrated wherever it is found."
Flan Pantheon
Holy symbol: the love bird
Realm: River Amiel in Thalasia, the fourth layer of Elysium
Domain: Love, Romance, and Beauty
Speciality Cleric Spells
  • Cleric of the 1st Order: brew sleep poison 1/week; charm person 1/week (opposite sex, same race)
  • Cleric of the 10th Order: brew philter of love 1/month
  • Cleric of all Orders: Unable to TurnUndead
Divine Classification
lesser goddess
neutral good
Current Residence
Realm: Elysium
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Through Love's Eyes, Beauty Beholds."

Cover image: by 3orcs


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