B15 Jerkin bonefinger’s House of Pleasure Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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B15 Jerkin bonefinger’s House of Pleasure

A Sanctuary of Love and Beauty

Nestled within the cobblestone streets of the Business Quarter in Verbobonc, Jerkin Bonefinger’s House of Pleasure emerges as a unique establishment that transcends the ordinary. This chapel-like structure, dedicated to Myhriss, the goddess of beauty, love, and romance, offers a myriad of services aimed at kindling and celebrating love in all its forms.

The Enchanting Exterior

  • Majestic Signage: A large sign with a beautifully painted image of Myhriss, the goddess of beauty, invites patrons into a realm where love is the highest currency.
  • Architectural Charm: The building's design, while not a church, incorporates elements that honor Myhriss, creating an atmosphere of divine romance.

Inside the House of Pleasure

  • A Labyrinth of Love: The interior is a bustling bazaar of beauty aids such as make-up, hair combs, and perfumes, alongside clerks who peddle love potions and divinations related to love and relationships.
  • Sacred Ceremonies: The shop is known for its controversial yet voluntary match-making services, encouraging the congregation of souls in search of companionship under the auspices of Myhriss.

Notable Figures

  • Jerkin Bonefinger: The stunningly handsome human from the wild coast, whose forward ways captivate and intrigue.
  • Devoted Clerics: Beautiful clerks and clerics, followers of Myhriss, who assist patrons in navigating the seas of love, from fortune-telling to the selection of charms and elixirs.

Offerings of the Heart

  • Love and Charisma Enhancements: From non-magical elixirs to enchanted items designed to boost charisma, the shop boasts an array of tools for those looking to court lovers or deepen existing bonds.
  • Matchmaking Services: Celebrated four times a month, these ceremonies offer a unique way for individuals to find companionship, guided by the divine will of Myhriss.

The Infamous Matchmaking Service

  • Voluntary Participation: Individuals are invited to join in complete darkness, fostering anonymous connections that might bloom into love.
  • Divine Approval: Despite controversy, the service thrives under the banner of Myhriss, advocating against loneliness and in favor of companionship.

Costs and Contributions

  • Accessible Love: All items, including potions, charms, and magical artifacts, are offered at affordable prices, making the pursuit of love accessible to all.
  • Charitable Donations: The matchmaking ceremonies operate on donations, further embedding the establishment's activities within the realm of voluntary and sacred offerings to Myhriss.
Jerkin Bonefinger’s House of Pleasure stands as a testament to the power of love, beauty, and divine matchmaking. In the heart of Verbobonc, this establishment offers more than just products and services; it provides a sanctuary for those seeking to explore the depths of their hearts under the benevolent gaze of Myhriss. Whether you seek love, beauty, or simply a touch of the divine in your romantic endeavors, Jerkin Bonefinger’s welcomes all to discover the magic within its walls.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type 
Jerkin bonefinger’s House of Pleasure by 3orcs
Jerkin Bonefinger (human Exp-2)  
Alternative Names
Parent Location

Cover image: by 3orcs


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