Obble Quillkeeper Humbleburrow Har Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Obble Quillkeeper Humbleburrow Har

Master of the School of Illusion

Master Obble Har, a gnome of Tulvar descent, is distinguished by his heritage and his role as the head of the School of Illusion at the Silver Consortium. Known for his playful disposition and mastery in illusion magic, Obble's lineage includes the respected Quillkeeper and Humbleburrow families, both well-regarded for their contributions to gnomish society and magic.
  • Family Background: Son of a Quillkeeper and a Humbleburrow, both notable families from Tulvar.
  • Cultural Heritage: Imbued with the rich cultural and magical traditions of his gnomish ancestry. 


Obble Har is characterized by his whimsical personality and is visually distinctive with typically gnomish features. He is small in stature but large in presence, often seen wearing vibrant robes that reflect his specialty in illusion magic.
  • Physical Appearance: Compact and energetic, with a face marked by a mischievous smile.
  • Attire: Donned in colorful and intricate robes that mirror his illusionary expertise.


From a young age, Obble was steeped in the magical traditions of his family, leading him to pursue a prominent role at the Silver Consortium, where he now serves as a critical figure in shaping future illusionists.
  • Early Life: Raised in Tulvar, immersed in a community of Greenway Valley that values trickery and illusion.
  • Educational Path: Excelled in magical studies, eventually rising to become a master at the Silver Consortium.


In the year 592cy Obble opens his own school of magic called the F14 Wrinkle Academy of Magic 


While popular among his students for his engaging teaching methods, Obble Har has a complex relationship with the Consortium's leadership, particularly with Grand Headmaster Juelihm, whom he openly criticizes.
  • Colleagues: Frequently at odds with the Consortium's leadership due to differing views on governance and magic education.
  • Students: Beloved by his pupils for his engaging and interactive approach to learning.


Master Obble's political views within the Consortium are influenced by his desire for more autonomy in teaching and less bureaucracy, leading to tensions with other leaders.
  • Ideology: Advocates for a less centralized approach to magic education.
  • Plans for Independence: Expresses the desire to establish his own school of magic, seeking greater control over teaching methods and curriculum.


Driven by a passion for illusion magic and a dedication to his students, Obble Har seeks to innovate and expand the reach of magical education beyond the confines of the Silver Consortium's politics.
  • Educational Reform: Aims to foster a more inclusive and creative environment for learning illusion magic.
  • Personal Ambition: Contemplates founding a new school to implement his vision of magic education.


As the Head of the School of Illusion, Obble Har holds a significant position within the Silver Consortium, albeit his aspirations hint at a desire to redefine his role and influence in the wider magical community.
  • Current Position: Sits at a crucial junction of power and responsibility within the Consortium.
  • Future Aspirations: Eyes a potential departure to establish a new center of learning, challenging the existing educational hierarchy.
Neutral good
Year of Birth
429 147 Years old
Current Residence
F14 Wrinkle Academy
Head of the School of Illusion
sparkling blue
60 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one!"
"With a flick and a trick, watch reality split!"
"Why simply learn magic when you can play with it?"

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Obble Quillkeeper Humbleburrow Har by 3orcs


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