F14 Wrinkle Academy of Magic Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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F14 Wrinkle Academy of Magic

The Wrinkle Academy of Magic is a new and ambitious institution for magical learning located in the Verbobonc, City. Founded in 592 CY by the energetic gnome wizard, Obble Quillkeeper Humbleburrow Har, this academy aims to provide premier instruction in wizardry for students of all ages and skill levels.

Historical Background

Magister Obble Quillkeeper Humbleburrow Har, previously a professor at the Silver Consortium, founded the Wrinkle Academy in response to a need for an institution catering to different clientele. The academy is housed in a renovated manor and features eight lecture halls, two laboratories, a library, and an administrative suite. Despite being met with suspicion, it has gained a reputation for its rigorous curriculum and emphasis on responsible magic use.

Founding and Establishment

Political Influence

The Wrinkle Academy has faced suspicion from the common folk of Verbobonc but has garnered support from professional organizations. Magister Har emphasizes control and discretion in the use of magic to maintain the academy's reputation.
Relationships with Verbobonc Politics
  • Common Folk: Generally suspicious and fearful of the academy
  • Professional Organizations: View the academy as a potential boon and support its establishment
  • Magister Har's Strategy: Foster cooperation among prestigious groups to enhance the academy's reputation

Politics and Relationships

  • Public Perception: Met with suspicion by some, but seen as a potential asset by professional organizations.
  • Silver Consortium: Magister Har was previously affiliated with the Mages Guild of the Silver Consortium, teaching there until he founded the Wrinkle Academy. The Silver Consortium, established in 562 CY, has grown into a prestigious institution with a complex political landscape. Magister Har's departure to start his own academy highlights a shift in the dynamics of magical education within Verbobonc.
  • Strategic Alliances: Magister Har promotes cooperation with other prestigious groups to enhance the academy’s reputation.
  • Professional Organizations: Viewed favorably by those who see the benefit of a well-run magic academy.

Facilities and Resources

The Wrinkle Academy is located within a sprawling, newly-renovated manor house in Verbobonc City. Many areas still sport fresh paint and construction is ongoing in parts of the building.
Lecture Halls and Laboratories
  • Number of Lecture Halls: Eight well-equipped rooms designed for theoretical and practical instruction.
  • Number of Laboratories: Two labs, one fully operational and another under construction, serve as the centers for magical experimentation.
  • Library: A mostly-empty library that is still being stocked with tomes and scrolls.
  • Administrative Suite: Offices for the administrative staff, including Magister Har and Artemis Kurl, who oversees construction and administrative duties.

Educational Approach

  • Courses: Time-intensive classes designed to produce skilled wizards
  • Instruction: Open to anyone with magical knowledge, offering irregular classes for skill improvement
  • Magister Har's Emphasis: Control and discretion in magic use

Academy Operations

The academy operates with a strong emphasis on control and discretion in magic use. Students are encouraged to study diligently, and the academy has strict policies regarding the use of magic, especially in ways that could harm its reputation. Refer to The Student's Wrinkle Academy Handbook 
Student Body
  • Initial Class: Over 80 students of varying skill levels, mostly Commoners who will take one level in Wizard upon graduation, alongside some adventurers.
  • Curriculum: Time-intensive classes designed to produce skilled wizards.
  • Extracurricular Learning: Irregular classes available for those with prior magical knowledge, for a fee.

Benefits and Requirements

The Wrinkle Academy offers various benefits to students and instructors, including educational resources and influence within the Viscounty of Verbobonc. Requirements for Admission
  • Session Class Fee: 500 gp
  • Library Fee for Students: 150 gp
  • Library Fee for Instructors: 300 gp
Student Benefits
  • Education's Bounty: +1 bonus to Knowledge
  • Arcane Lore: Ability to research and scribe 2 additional spells at half cost
Instructor Benefits
  • Education's Bounty: +2 bonus to Alchemy, Knowledge, and Spellcraft
  • Arcane Research: Access to the research center and labs

Current Affairs

The Wrinkle Academy continues to grow and develop, with new students enrolling and additional facilities being constructed. Magister Har is dedicated to maintaining the academy's reputation and fostering a cooperative relationship with the city's professional organizations.


The Wrinkle Academy of Magic stands as a burgeoning institution in Verbobonc City, fostering a new generation of wizards under the guidance of Magister Har. Its focus on control, discretion, and rigorous education aims to integrate magic responsibly into society, overcoming public suspicion and establishing itself as a reputable center for magical learning.



Permanent Influence: One permanent influence with/from the Wrinkle Academy of Magic, which can be used in any way a normal influence can be used in the Viscounty of Verbobonc. This benefit exists as long they maintain membership in good standing with the Academy.
Education’s Bounty – A Student of the Wrinkle Academy of Magic is provided with excellence in instruction granting a +1 bonus to Knowledge (Arcana) and Spellcraft.
Instructor (Magister)
Arcane Lore – The Magister may upon gaining a level of wizard research and scribe 2 additional spells into their spellbook for half cost.   Education’s Bounty – A Magister of the Wrinkle Academy of Magic has access to numerous resources to research and seek knowledge. These resources grant the Magister a +2 bonus to Alchemy, Knowledge (Arcana) and Spellcraft. This bonus is granted as long as the student is within the boundaries of the Verbobonc allowing the Magister to be close to the Academy’s resources.   Arcane Research – A Magister is granted access to the research center and labs.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type
Obble Quillkeeper Humbleburrow Har by 3orcs
Magister of the Wrinkle Academy (a.k.a. Obble Har)  
The Wrinkle Academy Administrative suite
The Wrinkle Academy is led by Magister Har, a gnome of Tulvar descent known for his whimsical personality and mastery in illusion magic. Other key figures include Artemis Kurl, an older human overseeing construction and administrative duties.  Obble's welcoming letter is found in The Student's Wrinkle Academy Handbook    Obble Quillkeeper Humbleburrow Har Founder and head of the Wrinkle Academy, Magister Har is known for his energetic teaching style and dedication to wizardly education.
  • Role: Founder and Magister of the Wrinkle Academy
  • Background: Master of the School of Illusion at the C5 Silver Consortium, School of Magic, Mages Guild
  • Appearance: Small in stature, with sparkling blue eyes and silver hair
  • Personality: Whimsical, energetic, and intelligent
  • Goals: Innovate magical education and expand the academy's influence
Artemis Kurl
The gaunt and creepy administrator who oversees the construction and other administrative duties.
  • Role: Oversees construction and administrative duties
  • Appearance: Gaunt and creepy older human
  • Personality: Dedicated and meticulous
Lexandri the Librarian  
Amarien Professor of Wizardry - Conjuration and Evocation  
Findiser Professor of Thaumaturgy - Transmutation  
Karnakia Professor of Necromancy and Divination
Founding Date
592 cy
College / Academy
Parent Location

Articles under F14 Wrinkle Academy of Magic

Cover image: by 3orcs


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