Paladins of Pelor Organization in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Paladins of Pelor

Pelorian paladins, known as Crusaders (not to be confused with the much rarer Crusader clerics), embody the radiant and nurturing aspects of Pelor, the Sun God. Their presence across the Flanaess is a testament to Pelor's widespread veneration, despite their relative rarity in times of peace. These holy warriors stand as beacons of hope, channeling Pelor's light to banish darkness and bring solace to the innocent.

Crusaders Across the Flanaess

  • Geographical Presence: While Crusaders can be found in nearly every nation within the Flanaess, they are most prevalent in Nyrond, the Urnst States, and the Sheldomar Valley. Their attire and appearance adapt to local customs, reflecting the universal appeal of Pelor's teachings.
  • Philosophy and Slogan: Crusaders uphold the principle that laws, while beneficial, are secondary to the virtues of mercy and equity. Their guiding maxim, “Equity for the Meek with Perseverance and Strength,” encapsulates their mission to defend the powerless and uphold justice through compassion and resilience.

Attire and Appearance

  • Casual Dress: In their day-to-day roles, especially when healing or undercover, Crusaders prefer light-colored tunics in sky blues, pale greens, or grays, distinguishing themselves from the clergy's yellows and golds.
  • Formal Wear: For official ceremonies, Crusaders don a black cloak adorned with the sun symbol, a powerful emblem of their faith and purpose.
  • Incognito: On the rare occasions they must conceal their identity, Crusaders take an unassuming stance not drawing attention with others, with only their shining sun symbols visible to enemies.

The Lords of Sol

An ancient Oeridian order of paladins, the Lords of Sol, now believed to be extinct, have a history deeply intertwined with the Aerdi tribes and the inception of the Great Kingdom. Over time, as Hextor and Heironeous rose in prominence, the once pivotal role of the Lords of Sol within the pantheon and society was overshadowed.

Paladin Archetypes

Within the ranks of Pelor's faithful, the Crusaders stand out not only for their fierce commitment to the Sun God's ideals but also for the varied paths they may choose to embody his radiant will. Emerging prominently in the aftermath of the Greyhawk Wars, these paladins have since been a beacon of hope across the Flanaess, embodying the light that scours away darkness and brings strength and comfort to the innocent.   Sunwardens: Common in war-torn regions like Almor, embodying the protective aspect of Pelor. Sunwardens are the steadfast protectors in regions scarred by war and desolation. They view themselves as the final bulwark against the encroaching darkness, shielding the innocent from evils unseen. With divine grace, they fortify their allies and the lands they hold dear, employing their sacred powers to form an impenetrable barrier of light around those in peril.
  • Specializes in protection and defense.
  • Employs divine powers to shield the innocent and combat evil.
  • Common in regions plagued by conflict
Blazekeepers: Often associated with Pelorian cults rather than the mainstream faith, these paladins are nonetheless respected for their devotion. Blazekeepers are the embodiment of Pelor's fiery might, members of esoteric orders within the broader church. Their devotion to righteousness ignites a divine flame within their soul, a flame they wield alongside their martial prowess. In combat, a Blazekeeper is a fearsome sight, brandishing weapons alight with holy fire to cleanse the world of darkness.
  • Devotes themselves to righteousness and divine fire.
  • Wields holy fire in combat, symbolizing Pelor's purifying light.
  • Often associated with Pelorian cults.
Dawnbringers: Exceedingly rare, mirroring the Cleric Crusaders, with many choosing the path of the cleric over that of a paladin. Dawnbringers are the heralds of a new day, embodying the promise of light's return after the darkest of nights. They focus on the dawn aspect of Pelor's domain, utilizing their divine connection to inspire and rejuvenate weary allies. In their presence, the faithful find renewed strength to face their challenges, as if basked in the first light of dawn.
  • Serves a specific deity with unwavering devotion.
  • Granted additional spells and divine allies for their dedication.
  • Rare, as most choose the path of the cleric.
Luminars: Fairly common, epitomizing Pelor’s ethos and requiring significant dedication to attain. Luminars are paladins who delve deep into the mysteries of Pelor's light, seeking to embody its purifying and redemptive aspects. This journey of faith and discipline allows them to channel the holy light from within, illuminating the path for those lost in shadows. Their dedication to Pelor’s teachings on purity and redemption makes them beacons of hope in a troubled world.
  • Harnesses the power of purity and redemption.
  • Helps others find the path of righteousness through patience and guidance.
  • Can unleash the holy light within to combat darkness.


Pelorian Crusaders serve as a radiant example of Pelor’s grace, embodying the strength, perseverance, and compassion that are the hallmarks of their deity. Through their varied archetypes and deep commitment to their divine calling, they navigate the complexities of the world, always guided by the light of the sun.

“Equity for the Meek with Perseverance and Strength.”

Pelorian Crusader by 3orcs
"Purity in Purpose, Radiance in Righteousness."
Pelor Crusader
Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
Champions of the Sun
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
Related Species
Related Ethnicities
Holy Symbol of Pelor by 3orcs
Incognito and Undercover
Understanding the importance of discretion in their holy mission, Crusaders employ tactics of subterfuge and common sense when the situation demands:
  • Rare Circumstances: Only in rare circumstances, the need for secrecy outweighs the benefit of open presence, do Crusaders choose to go incognito.
  • Blending in with others: In these instances, their presence as Pelorian Crusaders and Paladins of Pelor obscured from all but the most vigilant eyes. Their holy symbols, however, remain visible, serving as a silent threat to their foes and a beacon of hope to those in need, symbolizing that even in darkness, Pelor's light cannot be extinguished.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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