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The Sun Father, The Shining One

Pelor is the god of the Sun, Light, Strength, and Healing   Pelor, the benevolent and radiant deity of the Flan pantheon, embodies the quintessential force of good within the Greyhawk setting. Known as The Sun Father and The Shining One, Pelor's influence spans the entire Flanaess, guiding the faithful towards mercy, hope, and benevolence. This article seeks to illuminate the vast spectrum of Pelor's domain, from his historical origins and religious teachings to the structure of his church, the diverse locations of his worship, and the political implications of his doctrine.

Pelor History

Pelor has been a beacon of light and goodness since the earliest days of the Flanaess, initially embodying peace and gentle guidance. Over time, his aspect has grown more martial, reflecting the need to actively combat darkness and evil with the light of justice and healing.
  • Transition from Peace to Martial Vigor: Once a figure of pacifism, Pelor has adapted to the times, now also symbolizing the fight against malevolence.
  • Evolution of Worship: Pelor's followers have transitioned from peaceful healers to include warriors of light, spreading his influence across battlefields.

Pelor Religion

Church of Pelor creed champions the powers of the sun and light to heal, strengthen, and protect against the forces of darkness.
  • Doctrine: Advocates for mercy, hope, and benevolence, emphasizing the sun's power as a metaphor for divine energy and life.
  • Dual Nature of Clergy: Pelor's clerics embody both the nurturing aspect of his power and, when necessary, its martial prowess to defend the innocent and fight evil.

Culture and Lore

The depiction of Pelor as an elderly man robed in white, with wild golden hair, symbolizes his connection to the sun and his role as a paternal figure guiding his followers towards the light.
  • Iconography: Pelor is depicted as an aged man robed in white, with wild golden hair and beard, riding the kirin Star Thought.
  • Influence: His followers carry his justice and mercy into battle, marked by the painted sun on their banners and shields.

Church Organization

  • Structure: The Church of Pelor is structured around a network of temples, each led by high priests in close communication with the deity's overarching religious leadership.
  • Clergy Roles: Divided between the gentle nurturers and the militant inquisitors, Pelor's clergy embodies his complex nature.

Belief Doctrine

  • Core Philosophy: Pelorians believe in the sun as the source of all life and energy, advocating for acts of charity, modesty, and self-sacrifice to counterbalance the presence of evil.
  • Opposition to Evil: Pelor's wrath against evil, particularly the undead, is tempered by his call for compassion and goodness as the true path to strength.

Relationships of Pelor

The pantheon of the Flanaess is a complex tapestry of alliances, rivalries, and neutral standings among various deities, with Pelor, The Sun Father, positioned as a central figure of benevolence and opposition to darkness and evil. His relationships with other deities, both within and outside the Flan pantheon, define much of the dynamics within the divine realms and influence the mortal world extensively.

Elevated Followers

  • Mayaheine: The demigoddess of Protection, Justice, and Valor, who has risen to near-deity status under Pelor's guidance, exemplifies the virtues Pelor champions.
  • Saint Bane the Scourger: Esteemed as the patron saint of those who combat the undead, embodying Pelor's wrath against such abominations.
  • Saint Jalnir the Gentle: A notable figure, being a half-orc priest who spread Pelor's teachings of mercy and compassion across racial divides.
  • Saint Benedor of the Ashen Hand: Celebrated among the Knight Protectors of the Great Kingdom, Benedor's legacy as a Pelorian paladin endures as a beacon of righteousness.
  • Saint Pentival: Known for his opposition to Acererak, demonstrating Pelor's unyielding stand against necromancy and dark magic.

Divine Allies

  • Core Alliances: Pelor maintains close alliances with deities who share his ideals, notably Mayaheine and Rao, the latter representing peace and reason.
  • Broader Circle of Allies: His circle includes Heironeous, St. Cuthbert, Pholtus, Tamara, Trithereon, and Zodal, with whom he shares various degrees of mutual support and alignment in goals.
  • Good-aligned Nonhuman Deities: Pelor is also allied with nonhuman deities like Corellon Larethian, Moradin, and Garl Glittergold, particularly valuing those with an affinity for agriculture or the sun, such as Yondalla.


  • Direct Adversaries: Pelor stands against all manifestations of evil, with particular enmity towards Tharizdun, whom he played a role in imprisoning, and Nerull, the god of death and the underworld.
  • Neutral Deities: While not directly opposed, Pelor and his followers maintain a cautious distance from neutral deities whose teachings might conflict with Pelor's ethos.
Interfaith Relations
  • Mediation and Diplomacy: Pelor's clergy are known for their role in mediating disputes among followers of other deities, notably between St. Cuthbert and Pholtus, showcasing Pelor's commitment to unity and peace.

Scriptures of Pelor

The scriptures and texts associated with Pelor, The Sun Father, serve as foundational elements guiding the beliefs, practices, and rituals within his church. Among these, two significant works stand out for their influence and the controversies they inspire: "In the Sun Father's Hand" and "The Light of Pelor."
In the Sun Father's Hand
  • Authorship and Controversy: Written by Tephos in 476 CY, this scripture remains a subject of debate within Pelor's church. Tephos, a non-cleric who claimed divine selection by Pelor, advocated for radical societal and religious reforms.
  • Teachings of Tephos: The text promotes communal ownership of property, a return to pre-civilizational natural living, and posits that clerics are unnecessary for divine intervention.
  • Miracles and Mysticism: Tephos's life was marked by miraculous deeds, including curing plagues, which lent her words a powerful, albeit controversial, credibility.
  • Skepticism within the Church: The mainstream Pelorian faith views Tephos's insights with skepticism, regarding her as a blessed but ultimately misguided figure.
The Light of Pelor
  • Core Pelorian Scripture: This holy book narrates the creation of the sun by Pelor and his teachings to the first mortals, outlining the origin of evil from the betrayal of these teachings.
  • Variations in Interpretation: While some versions depict Pelor as the embodiment of the sun itself, others present him as its divine creator, showcasing the struggle to reclaim those lost to darkness.
  • Canonical Status: Despite minor discrepancies across its versions, "The Light of Pelor" is universally recognized as canonical within the church, embodying the core tenets of Pelorian doctrine.
  • Enchanted Tomes: Many copies of the scripture are enchanted to emit a soft, solar glow, symbolizing Pelor's everlasting light. The most revered editions feature gilded pages and covers.
The Role of Scriptures in Pelorian Worship
  • Guidance and Enlightenment: These texts serve not only as religious guides but also as sources of spiritual enlightenment for Pelor's followers, illustrating the path towards compassion, mercy, and righteousness.
  • Ritual and Practice: The scriptures inform the rituals and ceremonies conducted within Pelor's church, from the simplest acts of kindness to the grandest festivals celebrating the sun's light.
  • Educational Tools: Clergy members use these texts to educate the laity about Pelor's teachings, fostering a community united in the pursuit of goodness and the fight against evil.

Myths and legends

  • Parable of the Hungry Man. This myth tells of a man who was driven to crime out of a combination of desperate poverty and foolish pride. His community forgave him and fed and clothed him when his perfidy was discovered.
  • Punishment of the Undead. This myth tells of the origin of vampires, said to have been cursed by Pelor after turning from his light to the pursuit of evil magic. The myth suggests that Pelor would forgive them, if only they would ask.
  • Gift of Eternal Light. This is an epic saga of an ancient kingdom threatened upon by mortal, demonic, and undead evil. Though sorely tested by their foes, the people of the kingdom had their morale restored each morning at the sight of the rising sun. In a climactic battle, the sun's rays helped defeat the demons and undead, and the Pelorians were victorious. An interesting detail is that this myth claims the sun's rays are the spirits of the righteous, a claim that no other Pelorian texts makes.
  • Flan Pantheon
    Realm: Blessed Fields of Elysium
    Domain: Sun, Light, Strength, Healing
    Symbol: Stylized sun-face
    Pelor Cleric Bonus Spells
    • All Clerics of Pelor: Turn Undead at +2 bonus
    • 1st order Clerics: minimun healing
    • min 5 hp cure light wounds
    • min 9 hp cure serious wounds
    • min 16 hp cure critical wounds
    • heal cures all but 1-2 hp
    • 5th order Clerics: automatic saves vs. spells that deprive priest of sight (darkness, blindness, etc.)
    • 9th order Clerics: Fly (W3)
    Divine Classification
    Greater God
    Neutral Good
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    "I am merciful, just as the Sun of Mercy shines on me."
    Aligned Organization
    Other Affiliations

    Pelor Prayer

    Shine forth thy light
    Drive back the darkness   Bring life where there was death
    Bring growth where all was barren
    Bring peace where there was strife
    Bring warmth where clawed the fingers of ice
    Bring mercy where there was none
    Bring knowledge where there was ignorance
    Bring comfort where there was fear
      Let the sun rise!
    Let the shadows flee!   Both in the world...
    and in the minds of men  


    Pelor then spoke, “Good People, long have I slept from the remaking of the world and still am I weary. I bring you the dawn, but I also must bring you dusk. My Light will hold the Dark at bay but it cannot always hang in the sky. My Light will sail the sky but as all things it must set, and in those times the Dark will return. I promise you this one thing, Always The Dawn Will Come.”   Pelor then spoke,“No more will the Darkness touch your life, always will you feel the Warmth of the Sun.”
      Pelor then spoke, “This I give to you, and in you I place the Law. Go unto the world and be Radiant.”    
    • I Do not do wrong to the good things of the world.
    • II Do not abide undead and those that stir them for they are unnatural things
    • III Do not act without kindness; treat all with mercy
    • IV Do not fight in anger, and be slow to battle unless the need urgent
    • V Do not fight unfairly
    • VI Do no injusticeVII Do all things in Pelors name

    Cover image: by 3orcs
    Character Portrait image: Pelor by 3orcs


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