Verbobonc Military Military Formation in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Verbobonc Military

Bastion of Defense and Strategy

  In the wake of the Treaty of Greyhawk, Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart, the visionary ruler of Verbobonc, recognized the necessity of bolstering the city's defense capabilities. Given the city's location, though distant from immediate threats, it was essential to prepare for potential conflicts, particularly considering the ongoing struggles of Furyondy against the formidable forces of Iuz and the Kettite invasion of Bissel. This foresight led to a significant reorganization and expansion of Verbobonc's military forces.
by 3orcs

Militia and the Gentlemen of the Watch

  • The standing militia was augmented to a formidable 300, including heavy cavalry, crossbowmen, and spearmen.
  • Local nobility and their vassals, about 50 knights with their personal retainers, formed the esteemed group known as the Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc, contributing an additional 200 warriors.
  • In times of crisis, up to 1200 additional militia can be mobilized, with around 400 available per week.
  • In dire emergencies, 1000 peasants could be armed for battle.
  • Provisional forces, composed of about 5000 light spearmen, stand ready for call-up.

Training and Leadership Innovations

  • Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhartinstituted a mandatory training regime for all militia forces, including provisional ones, requiring three weeks of training every six months.
  • This policy, aimed at enhancing the quality of the levy, faced resistance except in Penwick.
  • The militia leadership was transferred from the Lord Mayor to Lord Claviger Velysin, a former mayor and seasoned strategist, against then Mayor Alistair Tymak's wishes.

The Mounted Borderers

  • An elite unit, the Mounted Borderers, was established, consisting of about 100 members.
  • This prestigious force, patrolling in groups led by Knight Bannerets, is open to both nobility and commoners, with meritocracy as the basis for entry and advancement.
  • The story of Sir Alfentrask, a commoner who rose to prominence within the Borderers, exemplifies the opportunities for social mobility in this elite unit.

Contribution of Demi-humans

  • Verbobonc's elves have their own militia of 64 veterans, many of whom are adept in both combat and magic.
  • The city can also rely on the Gnomes of the Free Alliance of the Kron Hills from the Kron Hills, numbering around 5000, though their assistance often comes with trade concessions.
  • Approximately 200 gnomes from within Verbobonc itself can be called upon in times of need.

The Guardians and Haxx's Hardheads

  • The Guardians, holy warriors of Church of Trithereon, are a significant force, with over 5000 knights ready to defend the city, though their scattered presence across the Flanaess might delay their assembly.
  • Haxx's Hardheads, numbering nearly 500, form a robust support base for the noble and are a consistent concern for the Viscount.
The military of Verbobonc stands as a testament to strategic foresight and tactical preparedness. It embodies a blend of traditional and innovative approaches, ensuring that the city remains a bastion of security in an ever-changing world. Through a combination of well-trained militia, elite forces, demi-human allies, and dedicated holy warriors, Verbobonc is well-equipped to face any threat, safeguarding its people and preserving its prosperity.

Viscounty Military Strength

  • Standing Militia: 300 members including heavy cavalry, crossbowmen, and spearmen.
  • Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc: 50 knights and their retainers, adding 200 fighting men.
  • Mobilization Capacity: Additional 1200 militia and 1000 peasants for emergencies.
  • Provisional Forces: 5000 light spearmen as reserve strength.
  • Training Regime: Mandatory training for all militia every six months.
  • Mounted Borderers: Elite unit of 100, comprising nobles and commoners.
  • Elven Enclave Militia: 64 veteran elves, skilled in combat and magic.
  • Gnomes of the Kron Hills: 5000 gnomes of the Free Alliance of the Kron Hills available with trade concessions.
  • Gnomes from Verbobonc: 200 gnomes for city defense.
  • The Guardians: Over 5000 knights of Church of Trithereon, widely distributed.
  • Haxx's Hardheads: 500 veterans, forming a strong base for Lord Haxx.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

Cover image: by 3orcs


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