Sirya Deleveu Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Sirya Deleveu


Sirya Deleveu, the spirited daughter of Lord Corbin and Lady Mariya Deleveu, is a young half-elf with a penchant for adventure and a fascination with the life of a rogue. Raised in the grand Deleveu manor, she frequently escapes the confines of her noble upbringing to explore the world beyond, much to her father's chagrin.  

Historical Background

Sirya Deleveu's upbringing has been marked by a blend of elven elegance and human curiosity, shaping her into a unique and adventurous individual.
  • Noble Heritage: As the daughter of a distinguished half-elf lord and a noble grey elf, Sirya inherits a rich blend of human and elven traditions.
  • Adventurous Spirit: From a young age, Sirya displayed a keen interest in the adventurous tales of rogues and wanderers, often sneaking out to experience life beyond the manor.
A young slender girl in muted hued blues and grey blouse and trousers and braided hair the color of Ipp tree root. The cowled cloak she wears has slipped from her head, revealing pointed ears somewhat shorter than a full-blooded elf. She displays the ageless quality of elvish features. Unhurried, the girl steps forward, her head inclined slightly. The lavish silver lined apple grey silk cloak which drape her body sway with her, and the longest of these kisses the supple leather of her high boots as it floats about her ankles. Her delicate features with friendly bright eyes shine with excitement.

Role in House Deleveu

Despite her noble heritage, Sirya often challenges the traditional expectations placed upon her.  
  • Patrols and Excursions: Sirya enjoys going on patrols with the men of House Deleveu, often sneaking out without permission to join them.
  • Village Visits: She is frequently found in the village, mingling with visitors and exploring the taverns until she is discovered and escorted home.
  • Rebellious Streak: Her rebellious nature and fascination with the rogue lifestyle often put her at odds with her father, Lord Corbin, who is less-than-enthusiastic about her recent obsession.
"Each step I take outside the manor is a step towards freedom and discovery."


Sirya's relationships within House Deleveu and beyond are shaped by her adventurous spirit and rebellious nature.  
  • Lord Corbin Deleveu: Her father, who is concerned about her fascination with the rogue lifestyle and her frequent escapades. 
  • Lady Mariya Deleveu: Her mother, who shares Sirya's gracious demeanor but is also concerned about her daughter's rebellious streak.
  • Village Folk: Sirya enjoys mingling with the villagers and visitors, often seeking excitement and new experiences in the local taverns.

Current Affairs

Sirya's current activities reflect her adventurous nature and her ongoing search for excitement.  
  • Patrols and Adventures: Continuously sneaking out to join patrols and explore the countryside, seeking the thrill of adventure.
  • Village Exploration: Regularly visiting the village and its taverns, mingling with travelers and adventurers to hear their tales and share in their experiences.
  • Parental Concerns: Dealing with the constant concern and disapproval of her father, who fears for her safety and the potential repercussions of her rebellious actions.
"Life should be lived to the fullest, with each day bringing new adventures and experiences."


Sirya Deleveu of House Deleveu is a young, spirited half-elf with an unquenchable thirst for adventure. Her rebellious nature and fascination with the life of a rogue often put her at odds with her noble upbringing, creating a dynamic and exciting life filled with exploration and new experiences. Despite her father's concerns, Sirya continues to pursue her adventurous dreams, bringing a sense of vitality and excitement to House Deleveu.
Lady Sirya (Rogue 1st level)
  • HD1, AC12, HP 3
  • Str 9, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 15
  • Dagger+1 (slender fine dagger with blue sapphire in pommel a gift from her father)
  • Potion of Cure light wounds
Sirya is known for her lively spirit, curiosity, and rebellious nature.
  • Physical Description: A young slender girl dressed in muted hues of blue and grey, with braided hair the color of Ipp tree root. Her pointed ears and ageless elvish features give her an ethereal presence.
  • Personality Traits: Sirya is adventurous, curious, and spirited. Her friendly bright eyes shine with excitement, reflecting her unyielding enthusiasm for new experiences.
Sirya's appearance combines elvish elegance with the practical attire of a rogue.
  • Attire: She wears a cowled cloak that has slipped from her head, revealing her pointed ears. Her clothing includes a blouse and trousers in muted blues and greys, complemented by a lavish silver-lined apple grey silk cloak that drapes elegantly over her body.
  • Physical Features: Sirya's delicate features, friendly bright eyes, and high leather boots add to her overall charm and adventurous allure.
Chaotic good
Year of Birth
542 34 Years old
sapphire blue
silver thread
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The world outside the manor holds endless wonders and excitement waiting to be discovered."
Aligned Organization
House Deleveu coat of arms by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Lady Sirya Deleveu by 3orcs


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