Corbin Deleveu Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Corbin Deleveu

Lord (a.k.a. Knight Captain)

Lord Corbin Deleveu is the head of House Deleveu, a noble family with significant holdings far to the south of the Kron Hills, near the border of the fey lands of Celene. A half-elf, Corbin seamlessly integrates human and elven traditions, making his court a unique blend of both cultures. Known for his strategic mind and balanced leadership, Lord Corbin plays a crucial role in the political and military landscape of Verbobonc.

Historical Background

Lord Corbin Deleveu has a rich heritage and has played a pivotal role in shaping House Deleveu’s influence.
  • Heritage: As a Half-Elves, Corbin embodies the union of human and elven lineages, tracing his ancestry to noble elven courts and human defenders of Verbobonc.
  • Rise to Leadership: Corbin assumed leadership after the passing of his father, continuing the legacy of defending the southern borders and fostering relations with the elven kingdom of Celene.
  • Military Role: He serves as the Knight Captain of the Mounted Borderers, a position that amplifies his influence and allows him to command a significant military force.


Lord Corbin Deleveu is known for his strategic acumen, balanced leadership, and deep commitment to his lands and people.
  • Physical Description: Corbin is an imposing figure, standing tall with sharp features that reflect his elven heritage. His presence commands respect and authority.
  • Personality Traits: Corbin is compassionate yet shrewd, able to balance the needs of his human and elven subjects. His leadership is marked by wisdom, fairness, and a deep sense of duty.

Political Influence

Lord Corbin Deleveu wields significant political influence through his strategic alliances and military role.
  • Loyalty to the Viscount: Corbin is a staunch supporter of Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart, aligning closely with his policies and contributing to regional stability.
  • Diplomatic Efforts: Corbin works tirelessly to foster relationships with the elven kingdom of Celene and the Knights of Luna, aiming to open trade routes and strengthen alliances.
  • Military Leadership: As Knight Captain of the Mounted Borderers, Corbin commands respect and has substantial influence over the region’s defense.

Estates and Holdings

Lord Corbin Deleveu oversees extensive and strategically important estates.
  • Deleveu Woods: The primary manor under the protective boughs of the Gnarley Forest, serving as a base for The Gnarley Rangers and a refuge for wounded creatures.
  • Township of Ostverk: A bustling trade town within Deleveu’s lands, vital for economic activity and defense. The nearby elven fort, Caer Ostverk, plays a crucial role in guarding the border of Celene.
"The Gnarley Forest is a sanctuary for both humans and elves. Its preservation is not just a duty but a moral obligation for the benefit of all who call it home."


Lord Corbin Deleveu maintains complex relationships with other noble houses and key figures in Verbobonc.
  • Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart: Corbin is a loyal ally and supporter of the Viscount’s policies. House Haxx: Cooperative in trade matters, benefiting from mutual economic interests.
  • House Milinous: Respectful but wary relationship due to differing military strategies.
  • The Gnarley Rangers: Strong ties with the Rangers, fostering a cooperative relationship in protecting the Gnarley Forest.

Current Affairs

Lord Corbin Deleveu is actively engaged in various political, military, and economic activities.
  • Defense Initiatives: Enhancing security and coordinating with the Mounted Borderers to protect the southern borders.
  • Diplomatic Outreach: Strengthening ties with Celene and the Knights of Luna to open trade routes and enhance regional security.
  • Economic Development: Increasing trade routes and leveraging strategic location for economic growth.
"Fostering stronger ties with Celene is essential. Their wisdom and experience are invaluable assets, and together, we can create a more harmonious future."

Relationship with the Gnarley Rangers

Lord Corbin Deleveu’s relationship with the Gnarley Rangers is essential for the protection and stability of the Gnarley Forest.
  • Collaborative Efforts: Regular coordination with the Rangers to address threats and maintain the safety of the forest.
  • Mutual Respect: Shared commitment to protecting the Gnarley Forest and its inhabitants.
  • Joint Operations: Combined efforts in defense and community building within the forest.
"Defense is not just about might but also about strategy and wisdom. Our Mounted Borderers must be ever vigilant and ready to act with precision."


Lord Corbin Deleveu of House Deleveu stands as a vital and influential figure in the Viscounty of Verbobonc. Through his strategic alliances, military leadership, and diplomatic efforts, he maintains a delicate balance of power and security in the southern regions. His commitment to protecting the Gnarley Forest, fostering relationships with neighboring realms, and supporting Viscount Wilfrick underscores his role as a key leader in Verbobonc’s political and military landscape.
"Wisdom of the Elves, Valor of Men"
Key Figures in His Life
The people close to Lord Corbin Deleveu play significant roles in his personal and political life.
  • Lady Mariya Deleveu: Corbin’s wife, a grey elf and member of the Enlanefel clan, known for her kindness and dedication to protecting the Gnarley Forest. Mariya’s concerns about urbanization and its impact on nature heavily influence Corbin’s policies. 
  • Sirya Deleveu: Corbin’s daughter, who shares her mother’s gracious demeanor but has a fascination with rogue adventurers. Sirya’s adventurous spirit sometimes causes tension within the family.
Neutral good
Year of Birth
402 174 Years old
sapphire blue
long sleek silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The Gnarley Forest is a sanctuary for both humans and elves. Its preservation is not just a duty but a moral obligation for the benefit of all who call it home."
Aligned Organization
House Deleveu coat of arms by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Lord Corbin Deleveu by 3orcs


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