Mariya Deleveu Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Mariya Deleveu


Lady Mariya Deleveu, wife of Lord Corbin Deleveu, is renowned for her kindness and dedication to the protection of the Gnarley Forest and its inhabitants. As a member of the Elves of the Gnarley Forest the Enlanefel clan and a Grey Elves  descended from the noble courts of Celene, she has a deep connection to both her elven heritage and the natural world.  

Historical Background

Lady Mariya Deleveu's background is rich with history and dedication to both her family and the Gnarley Forest.
  • Noble Lineage: Mariya descends from the noble courts of Celene, bringing a legacy of wisdom and grace to House Deleveu.
  • Post-War Settlement: After the Hateful Wars, she settled in Verbobonc, where she became a crucial figure in the protection and care of the Gnarley Forest.
  • Education and Knowledge: Mariya is well-educated and long-lived, bringing a wealth of knowledge to her role as protector and healer.

Role in House Deleveu

Mariya plays a vital role in the management and protection of House Deleveu’s holdings.
  • Protector of the Gnarley: Known for her willingness to care for any wounded creature seeking aid at Deleveu Woods.
  • Advisor and Leader: As a well-educated member of the Enlanefel clan, she advises her husband on both political and environmental matters.
  • Mother and Mentor: Mariya is a devoted mother to her children, particularly concerned with guiding them in the ways of their heritage and responsibilities.

Concerns and Motivations

Lady Mariya Deleveu is deeply concerned about the future of the Gnarley Forest and the impact of urbanization.
  • Environmental Stewardship: She believes that many of the larger towns do not respect the forest and warns that nature will take her revenge if this path is not changed.
  • Urbanization Impact: Mariya is particularly worried about the exploding urbanization of the Gnarley Forest and its detrimental effects on the natural balance.
  • Advocacy for Nature: She is an active advocate for the preservation of the forest, often engaging in diplomatic efforts to promote environmental consciousness.

Environmental Advocacy

Mariya’s commitment to the environment shapes much of her public and private activities.
  • Healing and Care: Known for her willingness to heal any wounded creature, reflecting her deep compassion.
  • Educational Efforts: She educates the inhabitants of Deleveu Woods and beyond about the importance of respecting and protecting the natural world.
  • Diplomatic Engagements: Actively participates in diplomatic efforts to mitigate the impact of urbanization and promote sustainable practices.
"Living in harmony with nature brings peace and balance to our lives."

Current Affairs

Lady Mariya Deleveu is actively involved in various ongoing projects and initiatives to protect the Gnarley Forest.
  • Environmental Protection: Leading initiatives to reduce the impact of urbanization on the Gnarley Forest.
  • Community Outreach: Engaging with local communities to foster a culture of environmental respect and stewardship.
  • Support for Adventurers: While wary of her daughter’s fascination with adventurers, Mariya recognizes the potential for them to aid in protecting the forest and often seeks their assistance for specific tasks.
"Compassion and care are the true measures of strength."


Lady Mariya Deleveu of House Deleveu stands as a compassionate and formidable protector of the Gnarley Forest. Her dedication to healing, environmental advocacy, and strategic advice makes her an indispensable leader within House Deleveu. Through her efforts, she strives to ensure that the natural beauty and balance of the Gnarley Forest are preserved for future generations.
Lady Mariya Deleveu
Lady Mariya Deleveu is known for her compassionate and nurturing nature, which extends to all creatures of the Gnarley Forest.
  • Physical Description: Mariya is a graceful grey elf with elegant features, long silver hair, and serene, wise eyes.
  • Personality Traits: Compassionate, nurturing, and fiercely protective of nature. She is also wise and strategic, often advising her husband on matters of the forest and their lands.
Relationships with House Deleveu
Mariya’s relationships with key figures within House Deleveu and beyond are central to her influence and activities.
  • Lord Corbin Deleveu: Her husband, whom she supports and advises. Together, they form a balanced leadership team for House Deleveu.
  • Sirya Deleveu: Her daughter, who shares her gracious demeanor but has a fascination with rogue adventurers, which concerns Mariya.
  • Arlen Deleveu: Another family member who shares Mariya's concerns about Sirya's recent obsession with adventurers.
Neutral good
Year of Birth
477 99 Years old
emerald green
silver lusture
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale moon
Quotes & Catchphrases
"We must listen to the forest, for its wisdom far surpasses our own."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
House Deleveu coat of arms by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Lady Mariya Deleveu by 3orcs


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